Performance boost with x800?


Limp Gawd
Mar 26, 2006
Hey all, I'm just putting together a spare system for over at my mom's house.

It has currently:

p4 1.99Ghz
512mb SDRAM
USB 1.0

I was just wondering if I would see a performance boost in CS:S if I were to replace the fx5200 with a (Free) ATi x800. I know that the computer is probably heavily processor limited, but I still have hope... lol.


This computer appears to only have usb 1.0. If I have alot of USB based peripherals such as: mx518, usb Wireless, 2 Gig memory stick, would I see a performance/speed increase with a usb 2.0 pci card?

Thanks in advance!

Edit: the monitor that I am using on this computer has a max res of 1024x768. I would like to game at that level, but I don't need to.
Yah you definitely would. Those FX5200 cards is pretty slow. An X800 card will give you an enormous boost over that card. Plus, it's free! On the USB situation, You will definitely see a big speed difference from USB 1.1 to USB 2.0. Especially, if you are transferring large files on the USB port. Here's an example, 4 gig file transer on USB 1.1 can take 1hr or more. On USB 2.0, it takes 15 min or even less.

USB 1.1 transfer rate is only 12mb/s
USb 2.0 transfer rate is at 480mb/s
Yeah thats what I thought, since the fx5200 is an essentially bottom of the line card whereas the x800 is more midrange...

I think I will get a usb 2.0 pci card then, Im getting tired of slow transfer rates already, since I have a nice desktop at my other house it is extremely noticeable that this machine has slower ports.

What about this?
Great. Also, does anyone here know of a good freeware dvd rip program that will do some kind of format that VLC will play? I don't have much money to buy any software and I already own these movies and I don't want to buy another copy to watch them at my mom's house.
Hmm.. the only one I can think of that's free is DVD decryptor, DVD Fab or DVD Shrink.