Perhaps a Logo?


Dec 1, 2004
I've been doing a webcomic at my college for a while now, and I've just used my allotted webspace to post it, but as the site hits grow, it's getitng to the point where I would like to make the site look somewhat more professional.

I was wondering if anyone would be willing to help me tweak my logo into something that stands out.

It doesn't have to be the best thing ever, just something more eye catching than the original

If there's anyone who would like to take a shot at it, heres the logo, and I appreciate any effort you guys bring to it.

It IS a comic, so the logo can go in any direction, even silly ones. The main site is blue, if anyone needs a color scheme.


Thanks a Billion!
what font is that?

also give us a link to the comic, I do enjoy a good web comic
Unfortunately EVERYTHING is down at the moment as I do the overhaul.

PM me and I'll Email you the font, and when my domain goes up I will definately be employing whoring tactics on said forum, don't worry
lol good to hear. I will def keep your logo in mind and if anything comes up I will throw it on crystal (I'm using a lCd)

If I sat down and tried to make something for you it would just look like ass.