Personal Experiance with MSI's X58M

I've heard MSI's RMA is average-below average. Their customer support is horrible (but how often do you actually have to call customer support with Hardforum so available?), but it looks like their products are on the up and up.
I have the board you are asking about.

Side by side with an Asus Rampage 2 Gene or the DFI X58 T3H6 they are functionally equivalent. I have all three boards so I know this first hand.

I can't speak about MSI's customer service but if you are buying on price alone the MSI is the way to go.
Price for the most part. Im figuring a "new" i7 920 rig for about $500 is what im going for here.

The board will be going inside a HTPC case when I find one that is actually at a decent pricepoint with the features I want.

How is the spacing on the board for say 2x 4890's?
If you have microcenter near you they have the 3x2GB OCZ Gold kit for $80 after MIR.

Nice i7 combo for under $500 accomplished.

Spacing is adequate for HD4890 crossfire.