Pet safe coolant advice


Feb 24, 2006
I've been reading up on the dangers of different addatives and what not and would really like some advice on non toxic fluids to use in a loop.

So far There are 3 that I know about that claim to be somewhat safe, 2 of which are non conductive.

Cool-Cases-USA UV-Coolant ( This contains Propoleyne Glycol, that is somewhat safe )
Fluid XP+ ( I hear this is the worst thing known for using to watercool )
MCT 5 ( I am thinking about going with this )

The MCT 5 I don't know the ingrediants and would really like it if someone who knew better would advice if this is dangerous for PET consumption? I don't really care about non conductivity. I'm more concerned about fumes and health hazards for myself and especially the little furball. Any advice and/or recommendations would be greatly appreciated.

Thanks in advance.
i know that ethylene glycol attracts cats and they will try to drink it.
iIRC, fluidXP is the safest. Cat's have been known to drink some in the past. But if your pet gets coolant in their system, you might want to make a quick stop to the vet anyway.
Yes, I've heard that the sweet smell/taste attracts cats. Thats what I'm very afraid of as this particular cat is too smart for his own good.

Also I left out PC(primo chill) ICE out of the list, any thoughts?

Basically looking for best performing while being safest for a pet if they actually got into it. I've heard the innovatek stuff that you mix with water is biodegradeable safe to ingest, etc.

If I'm this worried I probably shouldn't be water cooling, True, but I can at least make it as safe as possible even if some of the stuff still has chemicals in it that may be bad, just not as bad as anti-freeze.
Well I don't think you want your system to hurt a pet. But as long as you don't leave coolant openly lying around and have precautions if there were a leak (ie towels for absorbtion, it shouldn't be too big a risk. I'm not sure how some have managed to have pets get into the coolant. You need to store things like these as you would store any harmful chemical.

I'm not sure how safe MCT5 is, but it will probably perform the best. I've heard that people are able to get lower load temps with MCT5 than with distilled+antifreeze solutions.
Well unless your case is watertight, a leak would create a small pool...

But putting it under some towels or a carpet/mat would help. I'm under the assumption that cat's avoid licking carpets (but I could be wrong).
Dillusion said:
Um.....How are your cats going to get into the compter? :confused:

Maybe he is setting up a bong cooler. Anyway if you are concerned about chemicals then just use distilled water and flush your system every few months. Make sure your loop is very clean and you should have no problems. :)
I agree with TN, use only copper in your loop and you can get away with straigh distilled water.
not going to leave chemicals out, and I don't think the cat will get into the computer. I'm just concerned about what I do that may impact on his health since his favorite place to be is where the humans are at, which a large a part of the time is spent in the computer room. Something as silly as an empty bottle that used to contain aspirin can kill a cat in less then 24 hours.

I apreciate the advice, I'm think of going the MCT route. Now, if only I can find a good place to order a storm rev2 online, that won't force me to buy all swiftech components.
Erasmus354 said:
I agree with TN, use only copper in your loop and you can get away with straigh distilled water.
You still will need an algaecide, but from what I've heard Listerine does a good job of that. Probably won't hurt your cat, just make it a wee bit tipsy :D
penguin said:
You still will need an algaecide, but from what I've heard Listerine does a good job of that. Probably won't hurt your cat, just make it a wee bit tipsy :D

As long as you use distilled H20 and really clean the system before filling it you won't need an algacide either. No bacteria = no algae. :D
I guess I wasn't real clear with my comments, a place online to get a storm rev 2 besides the swiftech site so I don't buy their pump and rad. Trying not to mix and match too much online to keep shipping costs down, I could get everything from one place pretty much but the block itself. I've only seen e-tailers with a prior revision storm for sale so far. Or just any good place that has a good selection of components like metal clamps, flow meters, radiator shrouds, etc.

was looking at and earlier and of course swiftech/dangerden.
As mentioned before distilled water is fine. I would add just a touch of dish soap to the loop and nothing else. You really don't have to worry about growths too much. Besides most growths don't like copper anyways...
Think about your pet safety while building your loop... so you are bleeding filling your system the phone rings, you run to the other room to get something if most cats are like mine the min. your gone they are at your stuff which could be an open container, bucket the 2 oz. you spilled on the floor. The min. you run back to the room they run out (guilt) the next morning Muffie is stiff.
Use the cool cases stuff it is safe and comes in cool colors too.
Top Nurse said:
Maybe he is setting up a bong cooler. Anyway if you are concerned about chemicals then just use distilled water and flush your system every few months. Make sure your loop is very clean and you should have no problems. :)
you don't put additives into the loop if you are using a bong. nevermind the pets: it'll poison you and everyone else in the house in the long term.

i just don't see the big reason for concern........yeah, it's poisonous. are not most household cleaning prodcuts also poisonous? deal with your watercooling chemicals the same way you do tilex: store it in a safe place and wipe everything down with a clean, wet cloth after using it. so long as you're not leaving open containers around, there just isn't a problem.
im using the Primochill PC ICE. works well and is non-toxic/biodegadable. plus it comes in a few different colors and looks good under some UV light. cheapest i have seen it though is $17.99 for 32oz. i only used about 3/4 of the bottle for my loop though.
Thanks for all the replies. My question was in regards to making sure if this stuff leaks somewhere the cat won't get sick smelling it or worst case scenario tasting it(the coolermaster Stacker case I'm considering have an open bottom with grill over it). I'll probably go with either the MCT-5 or PC ICE since I don't want to keep changing out fluid every month. Watercooling is great, either your PC components get fried or your cat has to go to the emergency vet, either way it's $2,000.00 down the drain ;)

A little off topic, I was thinking of adding a small T line for draining purposes near the intake of the pump and putting a cap on the end of the tube. Any recommendations on a cap/nozzle/what have you that would fit well without leaking on the end of a piece of 1/2" tubing? I'm not sure if the caps and the rubber washer are adequate and would like to ensure that isn't the weakest link for leaks in the system.
For your situation plain ole distilled water and a little dish soap really is the best bet. Or if you want to go with something premade the Cool-Cases-USA UV-Coolant is the way to go. Don't fall for the hype of the MCT and PC Ice stuff. Do some research and you'll find that folks generally regret buying the stuff later on.