Petition for Valve to Skip Next Half-Life Game, Publish Book Explaining First Four


Mar 8, 2007
I hereby propose that Valve give up on the development of half-life three and instead publish a novel that explains the events that took place in the first four games.

Topics shall include, but are not limited to:

(1) Resonansce Cascade. Was it intended?
(2) Where does G-Man buy his suits?
(3) Does Dr. Kleiner ever get any action other than what he does with Lamar when it gets dark.
(4) Is Barny really on our side?
(5) Who is G-man really working for and who is his tailor?
(6) What is the market proce for King Head Crab Legs
(7) What was in Eli's brain that was so important that it had to be extracted by a straw.

Half Life's storyline is like Lost. It's only interesting because it's mysterious and keeps throwing twists at you. Eventually that gets old and it becomes a boring convoluted mess.
Valve clearly gave up any notion of a coherent plot when GMan met Gordon on the magical space tram at the end of HL. Everything since has been nonsense. Mostly fun and always highly polished nonsense, but nonsense nonetheless. Fans trying to retrofit some sort of narrative logic to the games is a bit sad.
I always felt like valve wrote the stories like Hideo Kojima did with the MGS series: just make it up as you develop the game...
Questions and speculation, not answers, fuel a thriving universe.
...are you insane? We don't need a book. They are making it up as they go along. Just give me the game.
My Theory: They don't explain things in more detail because they don't want to repeat the train wreck that was Lost...

IOW all answers to your question is : It was all a dream! (fairy dust falls from teh sky, happy warm faces as Gordon and G-Man embrace and make eskimo love, etc...)
Half Life has a lot easier plot to follow than that shitty Lost show. Also, it didn't have a stupuid fog monster. G-Man (while never named) was based on the Men in Black urban legend, being described as "a little off, with strange behaviors, etc", and likely supposed to be an alien of some sort with incredible power that has an interest in the state of the Universe/Earth/whatever.
There is a long record of online petitions leading to the desired results, which is why online petitions continue to be made.

wait, there is a plot?
I thought they blew up something and it created this thing and you went in to shoot stuff that was coming out of the thing.

and then uh I forget

but its been said that the reason it has taken so long for a sql is they were going to answer everything in the END
after about a week their heads blew up
I would much rather play the game. Gordon Freeman is too epic to be put out to pasture.

Suppose they do with Gordon what they did with Solid Snake when he became Old Snake?

Old Gordon Freeman? Hey, if Bruce Willis can do it, why not Freeman?

But on another note, lots of game franchises also have books for their franchise, it does surprise me somewhat that Valve didn't consider putting out their own books. I mean, we have Dragon Age, Warcraft, Halo, Doom, etc, etc, a bunch of franchises have them.
This thread makes me want to kill my corgi and hurl him off a cliff, all the while masturbating onto a picture of Kyle Bennett's face.

AKA you should be banned.
No, lol, when are idiots going to realize that none of these clowns have a story. They just made some shit up one day and got lucky and it exploded. Now they can never finish it because they never had a plan from the start. Lost is a good example. They just gotta keep making shit up. There will never be any satisfactory conclusion, there will always be anomalies and holes in any story. It will never make complete sense. The best thing is for them to just keep releasing games that's what we want, not an explanation.
I would much rather play the game. Gordon Freeman is too epic to be put out to pasture.

Suppose they do with Gordon what they did with Solid Snake when he became Old Snake?

Old Gordon Freeman? Hey, if Bruce Willis can do it, why not Freeman?

But on another note, lots of game franchises also have books for their franchise, it does surprise me somewhat that Valve didn't consider putting out their own books. I mean, we have Dragon Age, Warcraft, Halo, Doom, etc, etc, a bunch of franchises have them.

Hell by all rights he IS 45 now!
No, lol, when are idiots going to realize that none of these clowns have a story. They just made some shit up one day and got lucky and it exploded. Now they can never finish it because they never had a plan from the start. Lost is a good example. They just gotta keep making shit up. There will never be any satisfactory conclusion, there will always be anomalies and holes in any story. It will never make complete sense. The best thing is for them to just keep releasing games that's what we want, not an explanation.

Choke youself.
Well they do have a story actually. The Borealis? The ship WE NEVER GOT TO. Vortigaunts voiced by the guy that playex Worf's brother (and Candyman) on star trek working as line cooks, engineers and resurrecting major characters, saving characters from cataclysmic explosions and the Gman. I mean there is a lot going on in this game in terms of setup and back story. There are characters, voice actors, the whole deal. This is not a simple corridor shooter. Doom is the game where the guys come out of that thing and then you shoot them. I'd say Half-Life has a may be a vehicle for the gameplay but it is there.

The point of the thread is...the game doesn't seem to be coming so tie up the loose ends for the fans and be done with it.

Having said that, I hope they make the game so if this thread was wiped from the face of the earth I wouldn't complain.