Phantom Hardware Interview @ Gamespot


Jun 6, 2004

Wow listen to the BS coming out of this retards mouth... He can't even answer the hardware question...

Still no word from him about date or price... god I love infinium! Even in this interview they lie up to the a**!

So wana see Doom 3 running on thi, Thief 3 is running so bad...
I wonder why they're even wasting the time. What's the point? They have a snowball's chance in Hell at doing anything against current gaming systems.
He dodged almost every question he was asked and answered in a very general manner with absolutely ZERO details. I'm amazed some investors are stupid enough to actually dump money into the failure that is Infinium Labs.

Even if the Phantom would be released today, it's very much yesterday's budget hardware. AXP 2500+s not overclocked are not good gaming CPUs, at all. The FX 5700 is also a very poor choice in video cards. Compare this to the information released in the X-Box patent and I don't see how Infinium can hope to compete. Other than the delivery mechanism (which isn't even THAT big of a selling point, it's not that hard to buy games - even old games) the Phantom has absolutely zero selling points.
I always did like that lap keyboard mouse setup they came up with. The box is pretty sleek looking too, atleast better than their original design; which got what it deserved-- Kyle bashing it with a hammer. :D
All his answers were very scripted. He didn't really answer any of them.

I will be surprised if they launch with 500 games. Very surprised.
Do all executives use words like synergy and paradigm?

It sounds so... cliche when they use them. Everytime I hear a suit use those words, it sounds like a buzz word. :\

Anyways, without any proprietary games, why would I get this system? So I can play PC games on my TV? So I can pay a monthly fee + $29.99 to play Temple of Elemental Evil?
Nice interview and of course, Phantom still sucks! These CEOs have no idea what we think about in here. Or do they?
Actually a XP 2500+ and a Geforce FX 5700 are good enough to run this at TV resolutions. You can run Doom 3 well enough on that setup.

If it simply runs PC games then it will launch with 500 games. :D

Tim Roberts is still a fucktard and I won't give that asshead a fricken dime. The only reason to buy a Phantom console is if you need a half ass internet machine for your bathroom so you can read [H]ard|OCP while taking a dump.
HAHA HardOCP while in the BROOM sounds like a good idea. Maybe thats what they should market it as, an internet kiosk for the bathroom.
Sir-Fragalot said:
Actually a XP 2500+ and a Geforce FX 5700 are good enough to run this at TV resolutions. You can run Doom 3 well enough on that setup.

If it simply runs PC games then it will launch with 500 games. :D

Tim Roberts is still a fucktard and I won't give that asshead a fricken dime. The only reason to buy a Phantom console is if you need a half ass internet machine for your bathroom so you can read [H]ard|OCP while taking a dump.
Of course it could run low resolution, but with the next Xbox supporting higher resolutions and having a VGA out (which the Phantom also had, in addition to DVI I believe), it would only make sense to ensure your console can support higher resolutions. Well, it makes sense to everyone except the morons at Infinium at least.
Staples said:
All his answers were very scripted. He didn't really answer any of them.

I will be surprised if they launch with 500 games. Very surprised.

It will launch with more than that, probably. Just think of it like those gaming handhelds you see on TV. They play "thousands of games", which translates into Tetris (If you're lucky) and 1,999 variations of the game "Bee".
I don't see what the big deal is. Every company's PR tries to be as open-ended and generic as possible--assuming they even acknowledge what you're talking about.
Other companies have made a silly habit out of delivering the product they're talking about, though.
WickedAngel said:
Other companies have made a silly habit out of delivering the product they're talking about, though.
LOL.Dumbasses.Let Tim Roberts show the way.
Besides give it year or two and watch IL file for bankruptcy once investors money dries up.
this thing is seriously gonna die. its already dying before its even out. its nice that it has a vga out, but see, if im gonna play pc games on a machine with a vga monitor, im just gonna use what im using to write this reply now! theyre freaking idiots!

Sir-Fragalot said:
The only reason to buy a Phantom console is if you need a half ass internet machine for your bathroom so you can read [H]ard|OCP while taking a dump.

Actually, I wouldn't even bother then. I already do use my xbox to browse [H]ardOCP sometimes :p ... just not in the bathroom.

Ashtaka said:
Do all executives use words like synergy and paradigm?

It sounds so... cliche when they use them. Everytime I hear a suit use those words, it sounds like a buzz word. :\

ummmmm .. yep! lol you should see the episode of Futurama, where one of those suits from the 80's unfreezes, and begins his hot air overtake of businesses in the 3000's. Heh, he even gets Fry to start slinging those phrases around, like "shifting paradigms" and so on. Watch that episode - it just seems to relate so well (ahhhh, hot air investment ploys)

edit: and DR_K13 - that pic definitely rocks and tells it perfect.
Damn Kev, shave your chest or button up the shirt. The man just "looks" dirty. He could tell me he's the CEO of the company "Nasty Porno" and I'd believe him.
WickedAngel said:
Other companies have made a silly habit out of delivering the product they're talking about, though.

True, but that's irrelevant to the question of whether or not the question-ducking present in the video is worthy of being singled out given that every company on the face of the earth has mastered the art of speaking often while saying nothing.
meanmodda[H] said:
LOL.Dumbasses.Let Tim Roberts show the way.
Besides give it year or two and watch IL file for bankruptcy once investors money dries up.
I think you are really generous with that statement !
Staples said:
Is this picture real? And is it from Quakecon?

Yes, thats Kyle bashing the Phantom with a sledge hammer (custom made btw) at the Hardocp Workshop at Quakecon. Theres videos of it floating on the net and if you read the front page I'm not exactly sure how you missed it.
What he has been saying was that that POS is a content delivery device. They don't have their own games or platform games. Like a cable box. You play some stupid outdated PC titles on your TV. That's about it.
inotocracy said:
Yes, thats Kyle bashing the Phantom with a sledge hammer (custom made btw) at the Hardocp Workshop at Quakecon. Theres videos of it floating on the net and if you read the front page I'm not exactly sure how you missed it.
I will have to admit my sin. I rarely read the front page. Probably once a week or so I visit the front page. I used to many times a day just a few years back.