Phase on top of peltier?


Jun 24, 2004
Anybody ever stuck a peltier between the phase change head and their processor?
yep, i´ve done that, the only problem that i had is that the peltier didn´t have enough "Watts" to suck all the heat from the processor, the peltier had around 50 Watt, so...
Why don't you just stick the phasechange on whatever the pelt was supposed to be cooling...
A peltier is supposed to pump heat from one side to the if the hot side is sitting constant at 20C, the cold side might be 0C (random example). So it seems to make logical sense that if the hot side was kept at -20C, the cold side would be something less than -20C.
Seems like having the peltier in the middle would just add unnecessary heat which you could avoid just by taking out the middleman.

I have no freakin idea but my gut tells me something would blow up. Therefore it is a moral imperative you try this idea.

this might help, actually with a little thought and some specs from the phase change equipment (or good guess) and intel data sheet you should be able to do some calculations that will prove or disprove your theory, I am not sure the calculator has a "your pelter just exploded" result but wth.
That's unfortunate. Not terribly surprising, but unfortunate.
Peltiers can only pump so many watts of heat between the sides, so if you CPU puts out 65w of heat and your peltier is only rated at 50w, the cpu temp will slowly climb and the heat builds up because the Peltier cannot transfer the amount of heat quick enough, despite the hot side being plenty cold.

I'v tried using a too small peltier on a high wattage cpu and it worked but the heat slowly built up as the peltier became saturated because it simply couldn't pump the heat quick enough. So you'd be better off just using the phase change, unless you can get a high enough wattage peltier then it may could work, but the peltier would probably actually get too cold to work properly. Their better suited to be cool by a water cooler or LARGE heat sink. Water cooled Peltier would actually work pretty well I suspect, but your gonna need some serious power to handle all the consumption.