Phenom II X2 550BE OC & Unlock

So when are these PHII X2 550BE will show up over here in the USA?
Awesome.. if only my motherboard had a decent BIOS to allow unlocking.
In one of the forums someone say it will be release June 2.
Even at 3-3.1GHz, these new chips are showing to show the age of my 3.2GHz Core 2 Duo. Really nice to see all these nice/new chips AMD is pumping out. I want to say they are in the game but most people still kinda seem "ehh" about them.

Well hopefully I'll stumble across an Intel Quad Core soon enough and OC it to 3.6Ghz or something (don't feel like getting a new mobo, etc).

Still, really happy to see AMD/ATi competing pretty nicely. They're getting my brownie points.