Phenom II X4 905e

soon.. i cant remember what the date was.. but id suspect sometime this month..
I believe it will be out along with the 550BE release, which is suppose to be tomorrow the 2nd of June. I know for fact the 550BE will be released tomorrow at Launch,,

rumors have the other Lower model x4;s also, not 100% shure on the x4's but i am watching close because i want to Oc a 905e and or a 550BE:D
the pricing sounds about right for me.. ya pay a premium for a lower voltage cpu.. id take 65w and 500mhz slower plus 200mhz faster HT speed for the price of the 940.. it will basicly pay for its self in the power savings.. now the question is can you hit 3ghz at the stock voltage.. if you can atleast do that.. then its completely worth the extra cost..
Im curious what is the vcore at 2.5ghz? I hope that the 940 can be manually set to the 905e's vcore/speed and be stable.
I haven't seen anyone try yet, when I come across the specs for the 905e I will certainly give it a try!

I think its something like 1.25v or something. But my 940 does [email protected] which is a lot more mhz for .05v! Some 955's do 3.6-3.8 @ 1.3v (stock 955 vcore iirc) or so I've heard.
Im looking at these 905e,, Question are they Black edition?...I dont think they are
Historically the "e" editions have not shown to O/C better then regular editions. As for the low power numbers, typically a "be" edition can be under volted and multiplier dropped, to match a "e" edition. I see it as pure marketing. If you are corporate big business in stock machines it makes sense, if your [H] its pure BS for more $$. AMD just binned their lowest performing parts and are charging a $ premium.