Philips Brilliance 200W6C(S/B) 20" ws LCD


Limp Gawd
Jul 6, 2005
Apparently, Dell Denmark doesn't want to deal with the 2005FPW backlight issues, so I'm looking for alternatives.

This is pretty much the same as the Dell 2005FPW, except for built-in speakers and no S-video/composite. The price (at least here) is comparable to the Dell @ 25% off. It fell dramatically 6 weeks ago and continues to decline slowly.

Does anyone actually HAVE this? I tried googling for reviews but all that came up were useless price-comparison crap.

Link to the Philips product page: here
wow that looks nice, id say go for it, but wait for someone who actually has it :p
Phillips is the maker of the LCD on my 17 inch notebook, and it is one of the best looking LCD screens I have every seen ask anybody with a Sager or HP 17 inch laptop.

So if their Desk top LCDs are like their laptop LCDS buy it. You will love it.

Its not only the screen its the electronics behind the screen that makes a great LCD.