Philips Sonicare Essence 5300 Power Toothbrush - $50.70 w/FS!


Supreme [H]ardness
Sep 27, 2005
Amazon Link for toothbrush

not sure how long its gonna stay at this price but it seems its about the cheapest u can find on the net, plus free shipping!

these toothbrushes are awesome btw, except for the non-replaceable batteries of course...

my girlfriend bought me one about 18 months ago and its still going strong. i doubt ill ever use any other kind of toothbrush after using my sonicare
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my gf got me one of these last christmas- i'll never go back to a standard brush now. when i go on work trips i pack a standard brush for convenience but it feels like i'm only brushing my teeth halfway (now that i'm used to the sonicare). this is a great price on an awesome toothbrush :D
Second that - when I switched my dentist said "umm what are you doing different?" reversed a lot of receding gum lines - just be careful you can tear up your gums if your not used to the sonicare.
Second that - when I switched my dentist said "umm what are you doing different?" reversed a lot of receding gum lines - just be careful you can tear up your gums if your not used to the sonicare.
Third that! Sonicare FTMFW!!!11!!1

Just replace those heads regularly. I find that they are most effective during the first couple months of usage, maybe three before it's really time to change the head.
Third that! Sonicare FTMFW!!!11!!1

Just replace those heads regularly. I find that they are most effective during the first couple months of usage, maybe three before it's really time to change the head.

I'd recommend getting the heads at Costco/Sam's Club if you have one (and a membership). Can get a five pack usually for pretty cheap.

I'm sure they're on Ebay, but like the Mach3/Fusion razors. A lot of that stuff is cheap knock-off quality from what I've read.
I'd recommend getting the heads at Costco/Sam's Club if you have one (and a membership). Can get a five pack usually for pretty cheap.

I'm sure they're on Ebay, but like the Mach3/Fusion razors. A lot of that stuff is cheap knock-off quality from what I've read.
That's exactly what I do. I omitted that part in my post because I couldn't remember the price I paid to make a comparison but it is much cheaper to get the 4 (was it five?) packs from Costco when you can find them.

Ahh, the Fusion blades are a steal when you get them from Costco. When you can find them there at least. It's always hit or miss with that place.
I owned one of these. Hated it and went back to a standard toothbrush.
I owned one of these. Hated it and went back to a standard toothbrush.

You're the only one here that doesn't sound like they work for Sonicare ....

But maybe you're just trying to TC? ;)

Seems like a good buy. I had a really nice Oral B motorized tooth brush back in the day. It truly was amazing, and it really got the job done. I've heard the Sonicares are just as good or better. The problem is that I left it at a hotel! That's why it's better just to buy cheapos. At least only take a cheap one on trips!
I love my Oral B 9x00. Use it at least three times a day for the past three years and it still works like it did on day one. Buying an electric toothbrush is one of the best decisions I've made in my life. :)
not to thread jack but a tip on those fusion blades - If you keep the head in some mineral or (I use jojoba) oil the blades will stay sharp for an unreal amount of time. The blades get dull from rust - if you keep it in oil they don't rust - swear to god it works!

Only downside it that little rubber strip at the top can get saturated and fall off, but meh..dem blades are expensive!
I love my Oral B 9x00. Use it at least three times a day for the past three years and it still works like it did on day one. Buying an electric toothbrush is one of the best decisions I've made in my life. :)
Sonicare > Oral B > Generic motorized toothbrush > regular toothbrush. :D

I prefer the first two over any other option. I thought Oral B was this shit until I tried the Sonicare. You can't go wrong with either actually.
not to thread jack but a tip on those fusion blades - If you keep the head in some mineral or (I use jojoba) oil the blades will stay sharp for an unreal amount of time. The blades get dull from rust - if you keep it in oil they don't rust - swear to god it works!

Only downside it that little rubber strip at the top can get saturated and fall off, but meh..dem blades are expensive!
Shit, dude that's a useful tip. I need to try that. I'm not sure that strip really does anything for me. I'm going to scrape it off a new razor and try it and see if I notice a difference. I use Art of Shaving cream with a badger hair brush and it feels much better than using the Fusion gel.
I've had my Sonicare Advance for 7+ years and its still working just fine. I got mine free from my sister who got them free from dental school.

I only use standard brushes when going on trips now.
any idea of how much? Target has 3 packs for about $34 currently I believe.

Well, it's hard to say. I have the Oral-B Triumph 9500. For those a 3-pack at Wal-Mart is like $19. A 5-pack at Sam's Club is about $22.

I'd assume it'd be about the same for the Sonicare.

*edit* According to their website. For the "e-series" a 4pk runs $39. Not such a good deal.

I've always wondered about the Sonicare vs. Oral-B. Supposedly the Sonicare is higher rated. But both seem to do their purpose. Might truthfully come down to personal preference. I know after 2minutes with my Oral-B, my teeth feel smooth and super-clean.
The battery life on this is good too. Last summer I charged mine before leaving Japan and spent 2-3 weeks in China and the battery was still good.
I have a 7300 and the only thing I don't like is the charger is only 120v. Last time I was overseas, the charge ran out 2 days short of the 3 weeks and I had to find a regular tooth brush. But I guess almost 3 weeks charge ain't bad.
Damn, wish this came along a few weeks ago. My 3-year old Sonicare bit the dust so I splurged for one of their top brushes, Flexcare RS940. I got it for $95 new on eBay but would've gladly spent half as much for the 5300.
one of the best purchases you'll ever make. my teeth and gums have been in better shape since using SonicCare than ever in my life.

and it doubles as a bedroom toy for the old lady too.
sounds cool but $50 for a brush plus god knows how much for replacement heads is much more than what I'm currently willing to spend on tooth care.
im not seeing any replacement heads on ebay
EDIT: nevermind found some

how long do the heads usually last?
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sounds cool but $50 for a brush plus god knows how much for replacement heads is much more than what I'm currently willing to spend on tooth care.
You can spend far more in dental bills when your teeth rot out! :eek:
i wonder if you can replace the battery with a NiMH battery the manual shows you how to take the battery out but probably uses a different charger
i wonder if you can replace the battery with a NiMH battery the manual shows you how to take the battery out but probably uses a different charger

they basically make it impossible to reuse the unit once the battery is dislodged. everything is glued and/or soldered. way too much hassle to even bother with it.

i guess if u have the right equipment handy it might not be too bad...
sounds cool but $50 for a brush plus god knows how much for replacement heads is much more than what I'm currently willing to spend on tooth care.

you won't say that when you've lost half your teeth by the age of 50. after so many years, and so many fillings and root canals, you lose the tooth. at that point, you'll *really* wish you had used the SonicCare.
I love how people are pretty much saying you're going to lose your teeth at 50 if you use a regular toothbrush. I'm probably going to purchase a sonicare in the near future, but the ignorant comments about teeth rotting at 50 with a standard brush is a bit over the top.
is it supposed to stop blinking when fully charged?

yes. the manual says it takes up to 24 hours to fully charge.

my girlfriends new brush i bought for her took about a day to be fully charged. she used it once while it was charging and it worked fine.
one of the best purchases you'll ever make. my teeth and gums have been in better shape since using SonicCare than ever in my life.

and it doubles as a bedroom toy for the old lady too.

Am I the only one that caught this? :D

Vibrator and toothbrush all-in-one....count me in!
Mine's due in on Tuesday... I ordered it a few days ago to replace my aging Sonicare brush that I've had for 4-5 years. These things really do work and leave your teeth unbelievably clean. At $50 it was a no-brainer to replace my old one now instead of in a few months or so. Thanks for the post, OP!
you won't say that when you've lost half your teeth by the age of 50. after so many years, and so many fillings and root canals, you lose the tooth. at that point, you'll *really* wish you had used the SonicCare.

i brush with a decent manual, medium tensile strength toothbrush. use mouthwash, then fluoride rinse (it washes the residue alcohol from listerine right off too, handy). ive never had a single cavity. hell i chew gum that remineralizes enamel. im going to be crying in a corner, toothless, when i turn 50...arent i? OH GOD

also, on topic, can somebody quantify this whole electric > manual thing? i dont get why theres a difference. not trying to TC im honestly wondering
You can get another sonicare with the amount you need to spend on replacing the heads.
lol :D just like buying new printers for $50 instead of $55 for the ink cartridges heheh.

*PS* i think i clicked about 9 times to actually get to amazon's f*'n checkout page... so many promos
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It was $53 when I ordered it yesterday. I had a $11 gift card so only $42 for me. My Oral-B electric died last year and my family one that I've been using died recently. Hopefully the Sonicare lasts longer than my Oral-B toothbrushes. BTW, should I always keep the Sonicare charged or should I only charge it when the batteries are dead?