Phishing Steam users...


Mar 10, 2008
So, I got a nice friendly chat today and I don't think I've seen this posted here yet. I know none of the [H] readers will fall for this, but you might wanna let friends or family members know that their accounts won't be disconnected in a current of 5 hours if they don't click on the link. :D

Hello you are welcomed by the administration steam. It is necessary for you to connect or update protection SteamGuard to your account to make it be authorised in steam

[ur]lXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX[/url] . If you do not execute it, the account will be disconnected in a current of 5 hours! For disconnected and ban accounts steam responsibility does not bear!
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...their accounts won't be disconnected in a current of 5 hours?!....

lol wut? You could at least write It better so it makes some kind of sense...
You could at least rephrase the parts that are quoted so people knows that its normal that they don't make any sense....
I'm surprised that people fall for this, despite the terrible English and implausible "consequences". I guess PT Barnum was right.

Yes, people still fall for the same old tricks. My friend, who I 'believed' to be a little tech savvy got tricked into a similar situation. All I could do is facepalm, point and laugh.
I got one of those months ago and promptly reported it to Steam. Never heard anything back though, not even a thanks we are looking into it.
It seems like if you're willing to take the time to commit these scams you'd be willing to toss somebody a couple bucks to edit your grammar and spelling. hell I'd do it for $5 just so my head isn't full of fuck every time I get one of these spam messages.
Steam Guard more or less invalidates this shit if you're opted into it. They'd need access to my email to get into my steam account... so I guess if you're that retarded then you deserve it to be honest.