Phone Upgrade Advice


Aug 6, 2004
Here is the situation. I currently have a LG VX8600 and eligible for an upgrade through Verizon Wireless. I basically have $150 credit if I sign a 2 year contract. I do not text much (YET), but looks like I will be forced to here shortly due to everyone starting to text me instead of calling. I do not require getting email / browser through the phone, but at the same time I do now want to sell my self short on features.

Here are the 4 phones I was looking into getting.

Samsung Glyde

LG Voyager

LG Env2

LG Dare

I have read rave reviews about the Dare, but I am a little concerned about the virtual keyboard with me being semi new to texting. I also have big hands etc and was wondering how cumbersome a virtual keyboard would be vs a physical keyboard.

Do not feel you have to limit it to these 4 phones if you know of something better please advise.

I appreciate any advice you can give me.
Definitely stay away from the Samsung Glyde unless you can get one with the re-designed touch screen. That said I would strongly reccommend the LG Dare or LG Versa, if you prefer a keyboard as apposed to the touch screen. Go to a store and try them both to see which works better for you. The Versa is a new phone but the Dare is great and the Versa should be also. Good Luck!