photoshop/c4d rig (canadian)


Nov 27, 2004
Hi. I'm in need of some advice re: a Photoshop / Illustrator / Cinema4D setup for around ~$1500 CDN. I'm comfortable with o/cing but as this is for school / work I'd feel much more comfortable with a completely rock-solid setup. Currently running a P4 2.8B with 1 gig of PC2700 (iirc), Radeon 9800Pro etc., and it's getting a little long in the tooth.

So far I've been eyeing the 4400+ X2, A8N-SLI Premium, and around 2 gigs of OCZ PC3200 RAM. Gaming is a distant second priority and I mostly only play War3 anyways, so I can live with my 9800 for a while longer. New case, PSU, HDD's and the like are required as well (essentially everything but a new set of monitors). I've been out of the enthusiast loop for a while now so feel free to educate me. Noise is an issue but just equipping it with some Panaflos or whatever should be enough, nothing drastic.

I live in Calgary so local shops ( would be greatly preferred.

Thanks in advance!

(Oh, and what's all this buzz about cheap dual-core Opterons?)

edit: Forgot to mention, already have a DVD+-R/W lying around as well as an SBAudigy card.
Your 9800 will need to be replaced completely with a PCI-Express motherboard :p
Doh, foiled again. :(

I'm tempted to just flat out ask, 'hey, what's a decent mid-range card these days?' but that might be a bit too vague. Er, in any case, any recommendations for all the *other* parts at the budget listed?