Photoshop CS3 Ext and Vista Random shutdowns??


Jun 2, 2006
I have experienced this twice, here is what happens.

Working on something in Photoshop CS3 Extended edition (yes it's legal) with Vista Home Premium 32-bit, i get random black screens in which the PC shuts down (well doesn't shut down it's too quick for a proper shutdown) and it reboots, telling me that it dodn't shutdown problem.

I KNOW it's not temps. - Could it be a RAM temp issue? i know it gets quiet warm.

I get NO reports as soon as i log back in about why it shut down.

I also have NO warnings that it will shutdown. No lagging, no slowdown, it all works fine.

I have never (in my 5+ years of Photoshop use) had this issue, im guessing it's Vista as i have CS3 on my XP install with no problems.

At the same time i have no more then Firefox and maybe iTunes open.

Specs in sig.
Not a specific CS3 / Vista compatibility issue I'm aware of. I use the two daily for hours upon end here at my shop with no problems. Could be your ram or maybe even your photoshop settings related to ram. Maybe set it to use less system ram - like under 50%.
Could be a RAM issue.

Do not blame vista...I use CS3 Extended with Vista on my desktop and laptop all the time without any issues.
run memtest on your ram

do you have your swap file and page file on the same disk, if you have more then one? PS doesnt like this for performance reasons.
Yeah I say test your ram. I have no problems with CS3 Ext on my x64 ultimate on my home computer, x86 ultimate on my laptop, or x86 business edition on my work computer.
My memory is stable, it's been tested for 2hrs+ with Memtest

My page file and scratch disk are different drives. It's like this:
C:/ > Windows /Page file 1GB
D:/ (raptor) > Scratch Disk
E:/ > Photoshop Install / Page File 4GB

I've tried different amounts of RAM, it though it dodn't have enough it was at 40%, which was quite low imo, so i upped it it's 90 now i think (around 1500MB, or the 2048 available) , it's happened once on both.

I'll blame Vista all i like, it hates me so i hate it :p
turn off the 2nd page file, or try to use only one and see if it happens.... just a random thought.