Photoshop Resize


Limp Gawd
Feb 12, 2004
In Photoshop, free transforming a non-vector layer will resize/re-rasterize the layer. I'd like to be able to shrink->blow up->shrink->blow up->... without losing quality in the layer.

In the past, I've kept an "original" layer with the visibility turned off, then scaled duplicate layers. This is annoying, though. Is there any way I can get Photoshop to keep an "original size" copy of my layer to default back to?

Thanks in advance!
I'd like to be able to shrink->blow up->shrink->blow up->... without losing quality in the layer.

You can convert a layer into a smart object which allows you to do what you asked without losing quality. (i think)
You can convert a layer into a smart object which allows you to do what you asked without losing quality. (i think)

Correct, if you're using CS2 or higher, if you convert a raster layer to smart art it will retain all of the information from the original size so you can scale things multiple times without quality loss.

Obviously this only applies when going down then back up to your original size, smart art doesn't magically allow you to make a picture bigger than its original size without quality loss.

Be aware though, if you're doing something with alot of big raster layers converted to smart art, your file size will be substantial due to the fact that it is keeping all thnat original data in the file along with the extra data of any transformations you may have done to it.
Thank you to both of you -- this strategy worked. I did not previously know that this "Smart Art" tech existed in Photoshop!