Photoshop - Seeing what layer something is on


[H]F Junkie
Jan 8, 2001
Hey Everyone,

I have a fairly simple question, as long as I can explain it correctly. I have a whole website designed in photoshop and I have opened up teh .PSD. It was years ago last time I looked at this and it literally has around 50-60 layers. There are specific SMALL little graphics placed around that I want to move. However, it is extremely hard finding the correct layer that it is placed on. What I have been doing is just going through and clicking the eye ball (show/hide) and once i find it i click on that layer and move/edit etc. Now there is a small little preview window left of the name of the layers, but some of these graphics are so small that I cannot see them on the small preview pane.

My question is how can I find the specific layers better? Is there anyway that I can get that small preview pane on the layers tab larger? How about pushing a series of keystrokes and like clicking on the graphic I want and it selects the layer.

Any advice would be great :) If you need more information, please dont hesistate to ask.
This might help you a bit...
If you ctrl+left mouse click on the layer it will select the border of the image in that layer. Thus, if you have 5 small circles on one layer and you ctrl+left click on the layer, the 5 small circles will be selected.