PHP mySQL query question from PHP newb...


Limp Gawd
Apr 14, 2002
I'm having trouble accessing the row that I'm updating via the SQL update statement below. I'm parsing the results with mysql_fetch_row($submitQuery) and trying to access the 'master_count' field via $submitQueryRow['master_count'] -- it comes up empty.

How do I access the row data that I just updated AFTER the query?

$submitConfigID = $_POST["rank_config_id"];
$submitRawData = $_POST["rank_data"];
$submitData = explode(",", $submitRawData);
$submitDataLen = count($submitData);

$submitCon = mysql_connect("","xyz","xyz");
if (!$submitCon)
	die('Could not connect: ' . mysql_error());

mysql_select_db("xyz", $submitCon);

$submitQuery = mysql_query("UPDATE cxn_RankConfig SET master_count = master_count + 1 WHERE id = '$submitConfigID'");

First, look up mysql_escape_string() and use it. Don't ever just grab whatever you get from any GET/POST and plop it into a query. Validation is your friend.

Second, once you update the record you then have to ask the db for it. You'll have to execute a select statement using the primay key field (I would guess the id field) and then you have it available to you. You can perform a msyql_affected_rows to find out how many records your update altered.
like deuce868 said, you need a second query to retrieve the row after it. additionally, mysql_fetch_row returns an indexed array (as opposed to an associative one) which you can't do $submitQueryRow['master_count'] with, for that you need to use mysql_fetch_assoc

if your query is just 'SELECT master_count FROM ..... WHERE ...' though you can use mysql_fetch_row and then $submitQueryRow[0] would do the same thing
First, look up mysql_escape_string() and use it. Don't ever just grab whatever you get from any GET/POST and plop it into a query. Validation is your friend.

Second, once you update the record you then have to ask the db for it. You'll have to execute a select statement using the primay key field (I would guess the id field) and then you have it available to you. You can perform a msyql_affected_rows to find out how many records your update altered.

I think you mean: mysql_real_escape_string() as that one is old and depreciated.
Thanks to everyone who chimed in -- I'm a Flash developer -- well -- shit -- I don't really know what I'm "best" at, but right now, I'm integrating a Flash project or three w/ PHP and MySQL, and the security precautions you noted will be acted upon.

For a "newb" -- is there a good site/tutorial to reference when building "safe" apps like this?


Also, if you need a guaranteed accurate value of master_count, you have to use InnoDB tables and put BEGIN/END TRANSACTION calls before your update and after your select, respectively.

And I would change that database password immediately, now that everyone knows it ;).
Also, if you need a guaranteed accurate value of master_count, you have to use InnoDB tables and put BEGIN/END TRANSACTION calls before your update and after your select, respectively.

And I would change that database password immediately, now that everyone knows it ;).

I am a damned I have a lot of work to do...

M'k -- when I add mysql_real_escape_string() calls to the end of my mySQL queries, I get errors.

Is this the proper syntax?

$submitQuery = mysql_query("UPDATE cxn_RankConfig SET master_count = master_count + 1 WHERE id = '$submitConfigID'",

Assuming that $submitConfigID is a variable from a $_POST var?

Try this
$submitQuery = mysql_query("UPDATE cxn_RankConfig SET master_count = master_count + 1 WHERE id = '" . mysql_real_escape_string( $submitConfigID ) . "'";
OK -- this seems to be working now...

$submitConfigID = $_POST["rank_config_id"];
$submitRawData = $_POST["rank_data"];
$submitData = explode(",", $submitRawData);
$submitDataLen = count($submitData);

$submitCon = mysql_connect("","xyz","xyz");
if (!$submitCon)
	die('Could not connect: ' . mysql_error());

mysql_select_db("coxnet_prod", $submitCon);

$submitQuery = mysql_query("UPDATE cxn_RankConfig SET master_count = master_count + 1 WHERE id = '" . mysql_real_escape_string($submitConfigID) . "'");

$submitQuery = mysql_query("SELECT master_count FROM cxn_RankConfig WHERE id ='" . mysql_real_escape_string($submitConfigID) . "'");
$submitQueryRow = mysql_fetch_array($submitQuery);

$submitVars = "";
$submitVars .= "&result=ranked";
$submitVars .= "&results_count=" . $submitQueryRow['master_count'];

foreach ($submitData as $arrayKey => $arrayValue)
	$submitScore = $submitDataLen - $arrayKey;
	$submitQuery = mysql_query("UPDATE cxn_RankData SET score = score + '$submitScore', count = count + 1 WHERE rank_config_id = '$submitConfigID' AND id = '$arrayValue'");

$submitQuery = mysql_query("SELECT title, count, (score/count) AS average_score FROM cxn_RankData WHERE rank_config_id = '$submitConfigID' ORDER BY average_score DESC");

$submitVars .= "&results=";

$submitQueryCount = 1;
while($submitQueryRow = mysql_fetch_array($submitQuery)) {
	if ($submitQueryCount == mysql_num_rows($submitQuery))
		$submitVars .= $submitQueryRow['title'];
		$submitVars .= $submitQueryRow['title'] . ",";

echo $submitVars;

Thanks, Xeth, for your help. Thanks to others who chimed in too.
