php problem


Dec 15, 2002
I'm busy trying to code a dynamic menu based off of the tiger true menu,

Basically you have to edit a js file(which i've renamed to .php so i can call php functions) in this format
['Main menu', 'link',
['Submenu', 'link',
['item1', 'link']]];

that creates a very simple menu with 1 main heading, 1 sub-main heading, and one item in the same heading.

Now i know an easy way to do this is just to put all the menu items i need in the js file, but other people need to edit it. And i need to control it, and the boss won't be happy that he has to sit and edit js files when he wants to add something to the menu :)

Now i've got all my headings, categories, items in a database categorized like this,
B_ID, B_Name, B_Cat, B_Cat_ID, B_Cat_Sub. These are the 5 fields i have, cat is short for category. B_ID is id of each menu item, B_Name is the menu title, B_Cat is the main category id for each menu, B_Cat_ID is the id for a sub menu title, and B_Cat_Sub is the id for each item in the sub menu mentioned before.

Hope i haven't confused you, cause this is where i get confused. Have i set this up correcttly?

The part i don't get is the php code to generate all this. Here is the code i have so far,

echo "var TREE_ITEMS = [\n['Behaviors', 'null',\n";
$Array = array("0" => "None Selected",
		"1" => "Menu1 ",
		"2" => "Menu2",
		"3" => "Menu3",
		"4" => "Menu4",
		"5" => "Menu5",
for ($i=0; $i<=count($Array); $i++)
	$SQL = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM `behaviordatanew` WHERE B_Cat='$i' AND B_Cat_ID='0' AND B_Cat_Sub='0'")
	    or die("Coudlnt' select data: " . mysql_error());
	    $array = array();
	    while ($SQLData = mysql_fetch_array($SQL))
		    echo "['$SQLData[1]', 'null',\n";
		    $CatID = $SQLData[3];
		    $GetSubCats = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM `behaviordatanew` WHERE B_Cat='$Cat' AND B_Cat_ID='$i'")
			    or die("Couldnt' select data:" . mysql_error());
		    $GetSubCatsData = mysql_fetch_array($GetSubCats);
			   echo "['$SQLData[1]', 'null'],\n";
		    echo "],";
echo "]];";

If someone could guide me in the right direction that would be great. It seems like i'm coding somewhat of a comment system like seen on stoofoo or shacknews. Thanks in advance.
well i got the main headings to work after trying to figure out for the past couple of hours. I created a parent field that each main folder belongs to. Now i'm getting to the sub folders that have items of their own. Help please!