Physical Hard Drive Storage Container


Oct 23, 2000
I've got a bunch of drives laying around the shop. I'd like to get a nice organizer/holder/tray thing to keep them all in, similar to this:


but for 3.5" hard drives.

Anyone have a suggestion?
I've got 3 of these. Great boxes, but the edges of the cardboard are razor sharp so I had to tape them up.

The only other ones I've seen are big shipping type boxes with foam or mass offline archiving boxes. Neither of which leave the drives readily accessible.
Yea, I like the 5 pack cardboard one - except that it's cardboard lol. May get some of those if I can't find something sturdier.
with large orders you get these

over the years ive gotten several of them, never tossed out, left them on my shelf just in case i have to dismantle some fileserver
with large orders you get these

over the years ive gotten several of them, never tossed out, left them on my shelf just in case i have to dismantle some fileserver

Nice, that looks like a 3.5" 24-pack (or maybe 25 pack? It is not symmetrical). I've only got the 20-packs myself, never seen a 24-pack (which would be nice for a Norco RPC-4224)
didnt notice the count, seems like 25, pic i found on google cause i was too lazy to take a real picture of box standing next to me :p
all of mine are 20x
got one i specialy like from smg, holders for plastic drive packings, not like wds/sts baredrive only
those are nice but the price sucks.

Very True. I cost me 8 dollar a pieces. But They are pretty awesome, They have groves that allow me to stack them. And the 2.5 HDD holder just made it double better for me. But ya. to each his own.
did a quick google and found this dono if it what you want. Been looking for something as well gona be moving soon and wana keep my HDD safe during the move might get one or two of those cardboard box's linked above though

Yea, that Gorilla Drive Box is what I'm looking for. A cheaper (less well made probably) version would be nice since I'm basically blowing my own money for something that'll be left at work :p
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