PIC Microcontroller Proyect Ideas.


Dec 9, 2003
Any of you guys have any links or ideas for proyects involving this type of microcontrollers. Preferably using 16f84 or 16f877. I just got a position as research assistant in my university and i want to build something good on my first assignment.

www.piclist.com has project resources and a large source code library also google has alot of sites which can help you just search for it. Also what langauge do you plan to be using?

But we are looking at PIC C up close to see if it fits our needs. Do you know any links for a tutorial on pic c. I already have the compiler linker, Hitech C as an MPLAB toolsuite. Just need to learn the language. (already know c, but i dont know how to apply it to PICs.)
Incidentally, why are you using the f84? The 16f628 seems to have taken the f84's place as the most popular hobbyist chip. It supports more things, and is cheaper.

A few interesting uC projects I have seen or can think of include
-A visual display with a grid of LED's
-Something like this disco dance floor (athough probably smaller of smaller scale.
-Something robotic
-Some sort of house automation project with remote controls, sensors, etc.
mattg2k4 said:
Incidentally, why are you using the f84? The 16f628 seems to have taken the f84's place as the most popular hobbyist chip. It supports more things, and is cheaper.
Mainly because of location. I live in Ecuador and the local retailer mostly brings 16f84 (i think these chips dont get enough movement around here, so they must be sitting on top of a lot of them...)

We try to use the 16f877 mostly though. Cause of the A/D Converter in it. I'll look into the 16f628 though.
Another quick one for you fellas:

What software do you simulate in?

Down here we use Proteus VSM. Which is a graphical simulator with lots of features. Kinda old though.
For an excellent C setup check out the Atmel MEGA 32 chips. They have software on the Atmel site that will compile the sourcs and flash the chips for you. They also have a debugger built in. I learned on these and have found them to be great in plenty of applications.