Pic my next game poll: BF2, 2142, COD2

What's it gonna be?

  • BF2

    Votes: 27 34.6%
  • 2142

    Votes: 26 33.3%
  • COD2

    Votes: 17 21.8%
  • Other - Please Comment

    Votes: 8 10.3%

  • Total voters


Supreme [H]ardness
Apr 8, 2005
i can only afford one at the moment



edit: hey i just noticed that this is my 3000th post.. yeah! :)
Yeah I agree, BF2 was a blast. I say "was" because I recently started playing WoW and I'm completely hooked with no desire to play anything else.

Kick ass single player goodness and online multiplayer with game modes that are more fun than the standard BF series mode.
3000th post, eh? Wish I was that [H]ard. :p

CoD2 is great. The single player level design and missions are so-so; CoD 1's a bit more original and offers more variety. That being said, 2's still a great shooter in its own right. Multiplayer mode (in both games) is fantastic.

Honestly, I loved CoD SP aand MP but got really bored with CoD2 SP (can't comment on MP because I never played it). I don't know why exactly, it's definitely not a bad game at all. Maybe I'm just burned out on the whole WWII theme.
BF2142 FTW and fyi BF2 is still a GREAT game but I like the new titan mode in it's sequal
I pick BF2142 because I think it seems more polished then BF2. And Titan mode is new and a blast to play. But BF2 is still fun. So it comes down to whether the OP likes modern warfare or futuristic stuff.
I've already voted for Call of Duty 2. Might it be possible to vote against BF2?

Having just patched said EA game to 1.41, I found myself unable to run the game. Figuring Windows was at fault, I promptly restarted.

The BIOS posted fine, but just as Windows was about to load, the following error message appeared:
"No System on Disk"
"Press Esc to Reboot"

Of course, pressing Esc did absolutely nothing. Needless to say, if Windows Restore proves ineffective and I'm forced to start all over again, EA will be getting a very nasty email in the near future.

You can probably pick up BF2 and COD2 off eBay for the same price as BF2142, even when that is on eBay. I'm always for "more good non-brand-new ones than fewer new ones".

That being said, if you are only getting one no matter what, 2142.
HL2 if you dont have it.
Bf2 if you have HL2.
Fear Combat if you want a free game that is fun.
hum... still undecided

i'm leaning towards 2142 but maybe i'll wait for quake wars...

i have never played css and don't plan on it

i also don't have FEAR yet either ... just play the demo so maybe i'll pick that on up cheap in the fs forum

i also have GRAW which i haven't played yet...

i guess the question was more about which do you think is better of the above because they're so similar that when i buy my next game i'll only buy one of those bec of the similarity...

keep the votes coming though .. no clear winner yet

3000th post, eh? Wish I was that [H]ard. :p

CoD2 is great. The single player level design and missions are so-so; CoD 1's a bit more original and offers more variety. That being said, 2's still a great shooter in its own right. Multiplayer mode (in both games) is fantastic.


I agree with CoD2, And 3000 posts, not bad :p
hum... still undecided

i'm leaning towards 2142 but maybe i'll wait for quake wars...

i have never played css and don't plan on it

i also don't have FEAR yet either ... just play the demo so maybe i'll pick that on up cheap in the fs forum

i also have GRAW which i haven't played yet...

i guess the question was more about which do you think is better of the above because they're so similar that when i buy my next game i'll only buy one of those bec of the similarity...

keep the votes coming though .. no clear winner yet


These are $25-49 games, whats the debate? This isn't some risky investment where you might lose your savings.

Or maybe it is.

Buy them all.
really it's about time investement... if i'm going to put in the effort to learn and become decent at one of the games that are so similar i'd like the public's opionion on which on is the best

+ i just spent some cash on a new rig and don't want to buy a bunch of 25-50 games that i'll never play

If you're looking for stats/awards and stuff like that then I would say get 2142 over BF2 simply because there are so many "established" players in BF2. 2142 is newer so there aren't as many really high ranking ub3r l33t players just yet. ;)

Also, I'm assuming EA will drop BF2 stat tracking/support faster then they will with 2142 so that's a possible factor if you're talking about long term time investment.

There is no release date for QW yet so that's a tough one to call. It looks like it will be good but can you wait that long? (when 'long' isn't even a known number)

Did they take out the "spyware" crap in 2142? That's the reason I haven't gotten it yet.

I read about something they included with the game (that you MUST install or you can't play) that tracks what websites you view or something like that and sends it to their own server for the ingame ads? Something like that. They game comes with a disclaimer and everything regarding this "spyware."

Edit: found something googling, says something about a company named IGA getting your IP address to choose which ads to display in game. They say, this helps display local ads so they don't show ads for England players to players in the US. Yeah... right.

And since they are making money for all these ads, why isn't the game free?

And look at this from the demo README.

Players who have the Windows security update KB917422 installed may suffer from an application
error when running Battlefield 2142. This error can be solved by uninstalling the KB917422 update.

Why would a installed Windows update have to do with a game error? Hmm. Uninstall a security update so you can play our game!

It just sounds too fishy, I'll continue having fun playing BF2.
Going to have to lean towards BF2 here. Why? Mods, and lots of them. You would be surprised how popular they are. I run three mod servers (rotate through on two of them, one pretty much stays Sandbox) and one ranked server (20 slot) and generally have a good time regardless of which server. Not evern close to being "good", but I don't totally suck.. just die a lot since I play engineer mostly.
You can pick up the new "uber" version that has BF2, Special Forces expansion and the two booster packs - European Forces, and Armored Fury. THere is also a "deluxe" version that has BF2 and SF.
Yah, both BF2 and 2142 have stat padders and players that are more concearned about getting awards, medals and all that than actually playing the game, so it's annoying sometime.
