Picking a new 20" or 22" monitor

Dec 22, 2004
I haven't really been in the know with computers lately and never have been when it comes to monitors. That said I would like to get a 20" or 22" monitor now and add a second one in a couple of months. I heard from a friend not to go with a 22" because it stretches the image to make it fit the screen. Is this true? I will be doing some mild gaming consisting of mmorpg's and FPS(10hrs a weeks or so) but the primary use will be browsing, doing homework and watching some movies/tv shows.

For the 22" I have been eying the BenQ E2200HD and the LG L227WTG. Which do you recommend for my needs and does either have this "stretching" issue. For the 20" I figured I would go with dell but haven't done a whole lot of research. I would like to spend no more then $500 for two monitors. That does not include cables and stands.

EDIT How big can I go without losing performance when it comes to gaming?

It depends on what games. The older games that are not 4:3 non widesceen will be stretched on a 22" WS lcd if the LCD cannot scale the image to a 4:3 aspect ratio. But, some of the 22" lcds have a built in scaler to accomodate a 4:3 aspect ratio game and will not stretch it. The LG L227WTG lcd for example, can do this.
I do plan on playing older games like Original Half life series and Max Payne as well as newer games like COD4 stuff based on the source engine and both FarCry's.