Pictures of my Dual 37" Westinghouse LVM-37W3's (How do I flash the firmware?)


Mar 5, 2004
Hello everybody,

I just got back home from my 800 mile roundtrip adventure to Arizona to pick up a second 37" Westinghouse LVM-37W3 to use as a dual monitor. Each monitor has a different firmware version - the first one shows the firmware as "V1. 5" and the second (new) one shows the firmware as "V1. 80".

Because of this, I have a slight problem - the color temps don't match! I played with the settings for a while on both monitors and got them pretty darned close (90%), but the new one (V1. 80) is still warmer than my original one. Two things to note is that the Color Temps are named differently on each one - in my original monitor (V1. 5) the "middle" color setting is named "Normal" and the new monitor (V1. 80) is named "Neutral".

The "Neutral" temp setting is WAY colder than the "Normal" temp setting so I achieved a pretty close match by using "Warm" on the new monitor (V1. 80 firmware).

Anyhow, is there any way I can flash the two monitors to the same firmware? :)

Thank you! :D

P.S. Here's a picture:


Interesting! I didn't know they openly allowed the public to flash their firmware. When I enter in the SN # of the monitor, I keep getting an Apache HTTP Status 500 error. :rolleyes:

Wow, that close up I would be blind!! :)

Yeah, and the doc wanted me to buy a pair of glasses.. HA! I showed him.. just make things bigger! :p

HA got nothing on my dual 50" plasma displays.

Let's see a picture! :D
