Pimped out lighting -- What colors would you choose?


Limp Gawd
Jul 10, 2005
Hello. Im pretty new to the pc building scene. I just recently educated myself on hardware for the last two months or so. Im on the edge of building my first pc and I am really looking forward to throwing some lights in there considering this will also be my first pc with the glorious window display on the side. Now, im really undecided on what colors I will use. I was definitley planning to have a UV setup with another neon light of any color to match the fans. Im thinking, UV light, UV cable sleeving, UV fans, and thats just about all I can think of. I was leaning towards the blue neon light, blue LED fans, and anything else UV green with a UV light to go with it (ofcourse). Would anyone like to place some suggestions?

(BTW: My case will be black if that helps any)
Thats somewhat of a tough question for me to answer because it's all about what you like. Personally, I do like the blue route, as I have (had) a blue theme going on as well but I recently added a hidden purple ccfl equivelent to the brightness of the blues and some red RAM led's and some dark red meteor led's (that I dim a little) around the mobo and I think it looks awesome. Its cool, deep, mellow yet the red adds a little aggressiveness as well as highlights. I think a black light and some careful UV painting would really add some dimension to it.

I would look at some of the cases on this board as well as venture over to a few different sites that show off different combinations of lighting and painting as well.

Good luck !!
Mmm, how about red neon and orange UV? That sounds pretty sexy. Is there any orange UV cable sleeving? I havent really seen any around.
paintb4707 said:
Mmm, how about red neon and orange UV? That sounds pretty sexy. Is there any orange UV cable sleeving? I havent really seen any around.
Agreed, I was going to say blue, but nowadays tons of prople have all blue rigs (me :p). UV orange would look cool, especially with a Lanparty board :p
DaRkF0g said:
Agreed, I was going to say blue, but nowadays tons of prople have all blue rigs (me :p). UV orange would look cool, especially with a Lanparty board :p
Yeah, I was about to say that. Almost everyone has blue lit pcs. Id like to be original but not many ideas come to mind. :p And, I think I would love to do a red and orange UV set but I cant find any damn orange uv cable sleeving. I did however find some orange UV fans. :D
Yeah id say orange, a deep orange. I have seen only a few and those ones were quite impressive. One thing you need with an orange rig, and dont ask me why, is screening. I think It looks so cool when light pours through some type of screening casting a shadow on nearby objects. :D
DaRkF0g said:
Yeah id say orange, a deep orange. I have seen only a few and those ones were quite impressive. One thing you need with an orange rig, and dont ask me why, is screening. I think It looks so cool when light pours through some type of screening casting a shadow on nearby objects. :D
You know, I have the same fetish. :p This is the case I plan to get:
http://www.newegg.com/product/product.asp?item=N82E16811119077 (notice front)

And I think you misread. I was thinking of like 2 red cathodes, uv cathode, then just about everything I can find in orange UV. The cable sleeving is the most important and I need to find it.
Mines UV blue, not very original but I like it. :cool:

It really depends on what you like.
MattWeb said:
Mines UV blue, not very original but I like it. :cool:

It really depends on what you like.
Well I guess what I was asking in this thread was some common color combinations. Like blue neon lights and green UV wiresleeving (with UV cathode) so I can get some ideas.
That CM case should work out VERY nicely. They are well built cases. You can go with red and Orange UV reactive stuff.


Do some searching on the HardForums and you can find out how to mod your CCFL lights so they ARE orange ;)

It really is personal prefrence. With that case just about any color works :)

I was thinking blue and green originally for mine but didnt plan ahead so it just turned out to be blue (although my PSU does have 3 green leds in it :) )
DaRkF0g said:
Do some searching on the HardForums and you can find out how to mod your CCFL lights so they ARE orange ;)

Do most people use CCFL lights to light up the case instead of cathodes?
CCFL's are cathodes. I think the color least used these days is orange/amber. Would be nice to see someone use entirely that on a case.
paintb4707 said:
Yeah, I was about to say that. Almost everyone has blue lit pcs. Id like to be original but not many ideas come to mind. :p And, I think I would love to do a red and orange UV set but I cant find any damn orange uv cable sleeving. I did however find some orange UV fans. :D

Orange UV sleeving isn't too hard to find, if you know where to look.

you mean like this?

That orange/red really lights up well under UV! I actually just got a yellow sleaving kit and really like the yellow color... I am going to re-sleave my pci-e power leads with that I think...

I need to take a night shot of that with the yellow and all the UV CCFLs on...

here are the sleaving kits I used:

http://www.xoxide.com/vawislkituvr.html (says red, but looks pretty orange to me)

I got both of mine at Fry's, tho...
revenant said:
you mean like this?

That orange/red really lights up well under UV! I actually just got a yellow sleaving kit and really like the yellow color... I am going to re-sleave my pci-e power leads with that I think...

I need to take a night shot of that with the yellow and all the UV CCFLs on...

here are the sleaving kits I used:

http://www.xoxide.com/vawislkituvr.html (says red, but looks pretty orange to me)

I got both of mine at Fry's, tho...
Wow thats awesome. Thanks for the pics. I wouldnt mind seeing the yellow sleeving when youre done. The blue with orange UV is looking pretty nice right now.
It might be cool to use frozencpus ultra bright UV blue sleeving, but what CCFL would look good behind it? red? or maybe yellow. But I cant think of any rigs that look good with yellow cathodes. It would have to be kind of dark.

wow - that blue looks nice... very bright... here's a shot with the UV lights on... I have been fussing with my camera trying to make it take a pic which looks like what I see the case as, vs the over-bright and splotchy images I get from the camera... this is good as I could get it... getting the ISO to 100 and "natural" image adjustment (meaning, no brightness added - I think)


Anyways... I am going to rip all this stuff out soon when I get my koolance lili case... w00t.
For "Pimped Out" I say you go lime-green lighting and cover your case with a leopard print skin! That would be slick! On the rizzle my brizzle. Werd.
I guess I'm different. In my old rig, I used white sleeving, with white CCFL's. It looked very clean, which was what i was going for.

I'm of the school that says hide every wire possible. If you can see it, sleeve it. Thats just my school of thought. Since going W/C, I haven't been quite as hard on that, as my new PSU has black sleeved cables. When I migrate to a new case (yet another PC-65, the first one was just a trial run I suppose you could say), I'll sleeve everything and hide it, then add the W/C gear.
If anyone ever said my case was "pimped out",. I would swiftly demolish it into hundreds of small pieces.
revenant said:

I don't know... just too many contrasting colors in one place for my tastes. I prefer to go with 2 colors max, or black & 2 others.
I'm sorry, but that looks like something leftover from the 80s. Too many colors. All you need now is a rainblow flag :p.

Personally, I just use a white ccfl, green cable loom/shrink, and very clean cable management.
I wanted to see what it would look like with lot of different UV colors.. I was going for a "rave meets willy wonka look" - I think I nailed it. lol. j/k but I was thinking a "rave"ish look would be fun for a while... and after trying essentially all the UV colors... I think I like the UV orange(red) with blue the best... I am building a new machine in a lili v1000 koolance pre-mod case and will prolly stick to blue and orange for that build... I change something on this machine every week... so it's never quite the same... but the new build will be less changing... this rig has been my test-bed for experimenting with colors, lighting... etc.
Blue seems to be the mosted use so avoid it if you can - try to be original - it stands out more.