Pinnacle Game Profiler $4.99


Dec 5, 2007
I just saw this today in case anyone is interested.

Pinnacle Game Profiler is on sale for $4.99 direct from the company:

It says one day left, so maybe till tomorrow Sept 8, 2014 but it might end today at midnight I am not sure.

This lets you map mouse and keyboard stuff to a controller like the XB360, PS4 etc... even if the game doesn't natively support controllers.
I bit, simply because it might be easier to use this when Arkham Knight comes out. But their authentication protocols rival that of some country's nuclear codes. Name, password, unlock key, 'magic color,' 'magic word,' and *checkboxes*.

Word to the wise: never lose your authentication email/information.

I also thought I might be able to get it even cheaper, seeing as there's a 50% off code out there (SAVE50), but all it does is give you the $4.99 price.
I was thinking about buying a nvidia shield. I guess this would be a great program to have
Is this anything like xpadder?
Yes, it's like xpadder.

I also fought through MotioninJoy, Xrapper, etc and I wasn't going to bother with this but thinking back to those earlier years I decided the game profiles were at least worth $5 bucks. :D
I've used it. To be honest I remember it sucking ass pretty hard. I forget what game I bought it for I think it was Dead Space and this game called Cold Fear it ended up being kind of a bust. I recall it just not having anything special going for it that free apps had. I ended up going with a combination of x360ce and motionjoy I think depending on the game. The support is shit too. I think you'll find out your money would have been better spent on a mixed drink....unless it was at a hipster bar. I would recommend this over a mixed drink at a hipster bar.
I gave it a try last night, and it looks like a good app. I used Don't Starve as my test game and it works good with the native controller support disabled. So I can definitely see it as useful if you have a game with no native controller support, but as usual if you use the native game support it is a better experience. There seems to also have a lot of functionality you can add if you want to spend the time editing commands and such. One issue I saw with Don't Starve, is that the controls seemed to be resolution dependent. So when I pressed the activate inventory, the mouse snapped to the bottom of the display where the inventory items are, only issue was that it was above my inventory items so no items were selectable (ie it looked like it was trying to press buttons at 1920x1200, but I am at 2560x1600 so it was off). The activate crafting button, was not that far off on the horizontal axis, but was off on the vertical so it was usable though off and required more presses to get to the items. Not surprising since it probably is calculating the mouse position snap from the upper left corner of the screen.

The profiles themselves are a nice feature but it looks as if all of them are made for the XB360 controller and profiles are device dependent. I disabled my DS4Tool program that makes the DS4 emulate a XB360 controller and the program recognized I had a DS4 controller, but none of the profiles worked like when it thought it was a XB360 controller. It required manual editing and copying of the XB360 controller profile data to the the DS4 controller to get similar functionality. Also note that while it recognized my DS4 controller it did allow the use of the touchpad on it, but it did recognize the touchpad button press. As usual though, even with native controller support, a DS4 is a generic controller so you get press button_1 prompts instead of the easier to read XB360 button images that you get if you use a program that emulates a XB360 controller.

Bottom line if you have an older game and want to map KB/M controls to a controller, this works well and looks as if you can do a lot if you want to spend the time configuring it, but it still isn't better than native support. Though there are some nice features you can do if you want to spend the time learning and implementing the controls on a controller like having buttons have multiple functions based on how long you press the button down or using one as a toggle to switch buttons to send different commands. It might also help with those odd games that have native support but don't let you configure the buttons the way you want but I didn't check any of those when I tested this program out. Overall for I don't regret my purchase cause of the low price, it's worth it to me to have just in case I need it one day.
well the "sale" is still going and now it says "2 days left" instead of 1 :D
This would have been great 10 years ago but now many games are console ports and work flawlessly with native support for Xbox pads.