Piracy as a Protected Religion

HardOCP News

[H] News
Dec 31, 1969
Piracy as a religion?? That's so crazy...it might just work!

A group of self-confessed radical pirates are pinning their hopes on gaining official recognition of their own unique belief system. The founders of the Missionary Church of Kopimism – who hold CTRL+C and CTRL+V as sacred symbols – hope that along with this acceptance will come harmony, not just with each other, but also with the police.
This sounds perfectly sane and logical compared to what many religions toss around as absolutes and not even close to being crazy. Sharing of information freely is an idea that will not die out because of greed no matter how much some parties would want it to. This is what people want and believe in. I see this as another natural evolution of this "idea" continuing it's course in history.

Compared to things like religious theme parks in the US that have dinosaurs and people depicted to have exist in the same time period, this doesn't seem absurd not even by a little bit.
Uhhh... if I make a religion where I must go and stab people once daily, that doesn't give me the legal right to do so lol.

The problem with piracy is that it is charged as copyright infringement (ie you download it once but magically due to the way torrents work they want to say you've shared it/downloaded it 500,000 times - and consequently instead of getting an appropriate fine of $500 you get a fine of $250,000,000 often times being higher than the entire gross sales for that particular piece of media...)

What they should be doing is making a religion that believes in fair penalties for breaking the law :p

Kind of like owing 20 million dollars for doing 50 in a 40....
Finally a religion I can behind. I'll make the 10 commands.

1. Thou shalt not leach.
2. Thou shalt not distribute a virus.
3. Thou shalt seed.
4. Thou shalt buy the product, if they like it.
5. Thou shalt not distribute fakes.
6. Thou shalt always include hack.
7. Thou shalt not direct someone to a website for a password.
8. Thou shalt compress everything. Preferably in rar.
9. Thou shalt not make terrible screeners.
10. Thou shalt not see piracy as stealing.
Still able to be prohibited under the constitution, so they are SOL.
Today reading will be read from the first book of Plagiarism, copy number 2.
I presume the path to enlightenment includes learning the righteousness of Ctrl-C over Ctrl-X.
"Founded by 19-year-old philosophy student, Isaac Gerson,"

translation: "I'll never get a job that pays enough to buy my music and movies, might as well apply this useless degree..."
Sounds like communism to me! Information is power. Religion based around the idea that information should be freely sharead and copied? Sounds like power being freely given away and equal power to everyone! Communism!!! :D

Honestly, I do agree somewhat about the concept of information should be free within reason. As a result, who pays $2500.00 in tutition and somehow pays an equal amount in books, I can't help but be frustrated. I often find myself wonder about the information contained in a discreet mathematics textbook that's all of 200 pages and costs $200.00 and how that value was decided upon. Worse yet are those courses were the textbook is entirely useless or never referred to by the professor or required for assignments.
Finally a religion I can behind. I'll make the 10 commands.

1. Thou shalt not leach.
2. Thou shalt not distribute a virus.
3. Thou shalt seed.
4. Thou shalt buy the product, if they like it.
5. Thou shalt not distribute fakes.
6. Thou shalt always include hack.
7. Thou shalt not direct someone to a website for a password.
8. Thou shalt compress everything. Preferably in rar.
9. Thou shalt not make terrible screeners.
10. Thou shalt not see piracy as stealing.

Also NO cams I will not join any religion that releases Cams. If it's a TS mark it as such and not a goddamn R5
Honestly, I do agree somewhat about the concept of information should be free within reason. As a result, who pays $2500.00 in tutition and somehow pays an equal amount in books, I can't help but be frustrated. I often find myself wonder about the information contained in a discreet mathematics textbook that's all of 200 pages and costs $200.00 and how that value was decided upon.
This is why I give money to Khan Academy. Information should not have gatekeepers who hold all the keys and only give it out to certain people for the right price.
all bow down to razor1911 :eek:

Finally a religion I can behind. I'll make the 10 commands.

1. Thou shalt not leach.
2. Thou shalt not distribute a virus.
3. Thou shalt seed.
4. Thou shalt buy the product, if they like it.
5. Thou shalt not distribute fakes.
6. Thou shalt always include hack.
7. Thou shalt not direct someone to a website for a password.
8. Thou shalt compress everything. Preferably in rar.
9. Thou shalt not make terrible screeners.
10. Thou shalt not see piracy as stealing.

Also NO cams I will not join any religion that releases Cams. If it's a TS mark it as such and not a goddamn R5

LOL at these thread winnas!
Why 10? Shouldn't we go with a nice round number like 8, or 16? :)

So if you legally buy something are you excommunicated?
Finally a religion I can behind. I'll make the 10 commands.

1. Thou shalt not leach.
2. Thou shalt not distribute a virus.
3. Thou shalt seed.
4. Thou shalt buy the product, if they like it.
5. Thou shalt not distribute fakes.
6. Thou shalt always include hack.
7. Thou shalt not direct someone to a website for a password.
8. Thou shalt compress everything. Preferably in rar.
9. Thou shalt not make terrible screeners.
10. Thou shalt not see piracy as stealing.

HAHAHAHA damn, now you trying to get me behind this! Nice job with the list!
Honestly, I do agree somewhat about the concept of information should be free within reason. As a result, who pays $2500.00 in tutition and somehow pays an equal amount in books, I can't help but be frustrated. I often find myself wonder about the information contained in a discreet mathematics textbook that's all of 200 pages and costs $200.00 and how that value was decided upon. Worse yet are those courses were the textbook is entirely useless or never referred to by the professor or required for assignments.

You've put you finger on what is one of the biggest problem problems in education: No concern for costs.

Education cost have been rising even faster than health care, yet we never about cutting the cost of education, only that they need more money. It currently cost over $10K a year to atend the UC system (California), and they are trying to blackmail people into voting for more taxes or they will raise it to $20K a year. 30 students @ 20K per year would be $600K, and that's not counting the huge state subsidies. Where is all the money going.

The schools should be trying to LOWER cost and educate as many people as cheaply as possible.
This means more on-line classes (less need to build more classrooms and parking garages), Offering enough classes so people can finish thier degree in 4 years (instead of 5 or 6). and using thier clout to lower book prices and force the publishers to keep the same book for several years so used ones are available. I'd really like to see an effort for the colleges to start publishing thier own electronic books in PDF or e-reader format if the publishers don't lower the prices.
I'd really like to see an effort for the colleges to start publishing thier own electronic books in PDF or e-reader format if the publishers don't lower the prices.
They certainly have the power and ability to do this. The only professors I could see refusing to participate are the ones who write books and want that as a supplementary income.

The professors who care about education (and even the students) could constantly update texts, wikipedia style, and they could have a book repository with oversight in each subject from the respective professors in those areas. Any changes in curriculum could be communicated via e-mail so students would know when to update their books from the repo.

They'd have a cutting-edge education with a minimal amount of costs.
Liberal Victory Plan:

1. Declare piracy a religion.

2. Incorporate the uterus.

Freedom of information? Far too logical to be a religion. You need a god of seeding, a god of leeching etc. The afterlife for people who seed will be full of free porn and games while for people who leech it will be full of stupid internet memes and Rebecca Black's Friday on repeat for eternity ^^

Start writing the mythology now. Like how Nero the god of disc burning is the father to Daemon the god of mounting.
My comment ^^^ sounded very partisan. In reality, I tend to think in a way that society would characterize as liberal, eg giving priority to those in need and enacting legislation that will benefit the greatest number of Americans, most of which are honest, working class people who will work, and then retire in later life. But anyways, I was just kidding :).
Freedom of information? Far too logical to be a religion. You need a god of seeding, a god of leeching etc. The afterlife for people who seed will be full of free porn and games while for people who leech it will be full of stupid internet memes and Rebecca Black's Friday on repeat for eternity ^^

Start writing the mythology now. Like how Nero the god of disc burning is the father to Daemon the god of mounting.

Oh, the different levels of Hell I can see it now, you're walking up to the gates of hell to see the sign of "Abandon all Hope Ye Who Enter" and and the loudspeaker is Rebecca Black and guarding the gates isn't Cerebus it's the three-headed monster of Chris Crocker constantly screaming "Leave Brittney Alone".
Saw the title and thought the followers of the Flying Spaghetti Monster are pirates.
Makes me think of the CTRL-ALT-DELETE Online comic where they introduced a holiday called Wintereenmas.
Very few religions (In the larger scheme of things) aren't business based.

This, is just reaching, it won't happen.