Piracy is NOT pushing Epic & id from PC gaming


Oct 4, 2001
games so bad that even the pirates don't want 'em is more like it - the only thing worse than being pirated is being less pirated than a nearly ten year old game


Fallout most downloaded torrent of 2006!!!
Sunday, 21. January 2007, 12:16:30

Fallout... The BEST post-apocalypse cRPG game was the most downloaded game from torrent networks breaking the (that's one fukin billion!) download barrier!!! That's right... to be excact the torrent, which is a 1,26 Gb file (probably containing Fallout 1 & 2) was downloaded 1,165,564,987 times!!! The bandwidth consumed was 1,468,611,883 GB!! The game beated all movies and music albums just like that...
This tells us for one more time that Fallout franshise is NOT DEAD! More info on that here...
Fallout is great and all but I have a hard time believing it was downloaded a BILLION times.
IBTL. How about you put your opinion in the actual thread instead of in its own?

Also, this game isn't distributed by its original publisher anymore, and is therefore extremely tough to find...I got it off gogamer but it took me months and months to find in stock and it was a repacked collection. You basically stated an opinion (that has been reiterated 1,000 times in that thread) and then used a completely unrelated fact to explain it...
Fallout was excellent and it's sad that so many people can't pay $5 for it in the bargain bin like I did. Hmm... that was like 5 years ago...
Halo is not garbage. Halo 2 is another story. I'm in my mid 30's! leave me alone!!!
I think they just blame piracy because its easy. Their real reason is because all they care about is money. Sure they make great engines and sometimes games but they want more money. They will end up being another EA probably. Epic would be nothing without the success of the original Unreal series which was for PC. Did people pirate that game? It has no cd key, no cd check. Should be pretty easy right? Yet its a best seller.

I think the reason why Fallout is the most downloaded is because it might be hard to get nowadays. The times downloaded probably skyrocketed in the last few years due to it not being published anymore. If they offered it for free, like Rockstar is doing with old GTA, older games would not have to be pirated.
How does this prove piracy isn't driving id and Epic into multi-platform titles?
I think they just blame piracy because its easy. Their real reason is because all they care about is money. Sure they make great engines and sometimes games but they want more money.
This is the same thing that happened to Ion Storm, remember? Let's take a great game called Deus Ex, make another game based on it, and develop it for the console. The end result was a poorly executed game with tiny game levels, a console-ish interface, and a lack of atmosphere that the first game truly delivered. Thankfully, Warren Spector and crew went out of business.
I think they just blame piracy because its easy. Their real reason is because all they care about is money. Sure they make great engines and sometimes games but they want more money. They will end up being another EA probably. Epic would be nothing without the success of the original Unreal series which was for PC. Did people pirate that game? It has no cd key, no cd check. Should be pretty easy right? Yet its a best seller.

Money is what every company cares about. The real reason though is that they care that they receive the money that is deserved. If you download the full game and play it, the company then deserves your money. Simple as that.

It's ridiculous when pirates villianize game companies, saying all they want is money, to try and justify what they are doing. It's also ridiculous when people say 'oh well its a best seller, so hey its ok to pirate it'.

That logic is invalid and the sign of a grade-A moron. By the same token, some guy with a gun hides in the parking lot as you are about to get in your car after completing your day at work. He robs you of your money. His reasoning being that you make enough money at your job, it really doesn't matter if you lose some to him, your next paycheck is so big you'll just forget about it. It's all good right?
Representatives for Id and Epic state that piracy is pushing them away from the pc.....random internet dude states this is not the case.

Guess which one I listen to?;)
I am guessing the number is off. The number 2 download is just over 2 million. I find it hard to believe that 1 BILLION people downloaded anything (although Fallout 2 is one of my all-time favorite games). If number 2 was like 100 million, then I would think maybe. But the jump just seems unbelievable to me.
Halo for the PC was garbage. It looks and plays like shit.
plays great on the 17 computers I have it installed on in my computerlab that I oversee at a school for troubled teens . Guys and girls alike have a blast playing it.... looks depend on whether I have a Radeon 9250se , Ti4400 , or 9800pro installed in the box tho ... :)

..as far as arguement of OP ... I would have to agree that Fallout is the main reason behind the demise of future pc game titles being made in the future ... :rolleyes:

I find it somewhat ironic that Id is complaining that some piracy is pushing them away from the PC, when the viral nature of shareware and the PC made them what they are today. I remember getting hooked on Doom & Doom 2 when I got a copy of the super-cheap or given away shareware and then had to have the rest of the game. I also seem to remember Doom 3 sold very well and made them a lot more money... can't say I see them hurting.

And let me add my voice to those who proudly own a copy of Galactic Civilizations II, which shipped with no copy protection and sold extremely well because it is a good, well-designed, deep and fun game.

It is also sad that a lot of the people bashing the PC probably have never played or heard of many of the best titles we have enjoyed over the years. I think when everyone jumped on the RTS and FPS bandwagons, the resulting death or at least dearth of flight sims, good adventure games, non-RTS strategy games, and good RPGs really hurt the PC's long-term appeal as a gaming platform. After all, do you really need a PC to play Madden or the latest console port?

I also have played consoles from the Atari onwards, and even fire up my old Nintendo every once in awhile for nostalgia's sake, so don't think I don't give consoles their due. They're lots of fun, and I'm not bashing them, but they don't have the same types of games that really hooked me on PC gaming many years ago.
This kinda proves (if it's accurate) that gameplay and game design are far more important than graphics.

Fallout and Fallout 2 are still my favourite RPG's today, better than oblivion, better than any i've played.

Anyone who likes them, i urge you to try STALKER, its very much a FPS fallout with a few twists on the theme.
i've looked everywhere for fallout one and two and cannot find it. i didnt know it was on the torrent networks though.
wiploc said:
I find it somewhat ironic that Id is complaining that some piracy is pushing them away from the PC, when the viral nature of shareware and the PC made them what they are today.

Pirating licensed software is akin to shareware?

wiploc said:
I also seem to remember Doom 3 sold very well and made them a lot more money... can't say I see them hurting.

Ah yes, my favorite. The ambigious, uneducated guess of a random forum member as to the inner workings of a major software developer. Please, tell us, how much money did they seem to make on Doom 3? I mean, given the years of development costs they put into it and all. Do the pirates think id got what was entitled to them - and since so many other people bought it, it was okay that they just downloaded it?

Major PC developers are publically jumping ship, and the pirates still fucking refute this shit. The biggest problem gaming has is that it's target audience are the immorale youth. The same immorale youth that needs a good jumpkick to the throat.

Now, I'm not saying you're a pirate, wiploc, because you didn't give any direct indication. But your arguments are ones I hear time and time again.... and they're completely laughable.
1 Billion is completely laughable. That would be 1 in 6 people on the planet. That would be everyone in the US, everyone in Canada, everyone in Europe, + more people elsewhere playing fallout.

Alternately, almost everyone in China playing it.
Alternately, almost everyone in India playing it.

Use some sense people.
Fallout was excellent and it's sad that so many people can't pay $5 for it in the bargain bin like I did. Hmm... that was like 5 years ago...

Ya that pisses me off.

Actually for like 15 ($5 each) you get Fallout 1,2 and tactics
Thanks for the heads up, I think I'll try to find a place selling that around here in germany (crosses fingers)

also I'd like to note that Doom3 had over 100,000 illegal downloads on the release date, something I think is far from fare for their company, regardless if you think the game is shit or not
I find it somewhat ironic that Id is complaining that some piracy is pushing them away from the PC, when the viral nature of shareware and the PC made them what they are today. I remember getting hooked on Doom & Doom 2 when I got a copy of the super-cheap or given away shareware and then had to have the rest of the game. I also seem to remember Doom 3 sold very well and made them a lot more money... can't say I see them hurting.

And let me add my voice to those who proudly own a copy of Galactic Civilizations II, which shipped with no copy protection and sold extremely well because it is a good, well-designed, deep and fun game.

It is also sad that a lot of the people bashing the PC probably have never played or heard of many of the best titles we have enjoyed over the years. I think when everyone jumped on the RTS and FPS bandwagons, the resulting death or at least dearth of flight sims, good adventure games, non-RTS strategy games, and good RPGs really hurt the PC's long-term appeal as a gaming platform. After all, do you really need a PC to play Madden or the latest console port?

I also have played consoles from the Atari onwards, and even fire up my old Nintendo every once in awhile for nostalgia's sake, so don't think I don't give consoles their due. They're lots of fun, and I'm not bashing them, but they don't have the same types of games that really hooked me on PC gaming many years ago.
You also have to consider that back in the days of Doom and Doom2 the development team and budgets were a fraction of what it is today...but you are correct that the young fledgling internet also helped a young fledgling company become what it is today.
fuck epic and id... i never bought their bullshit claim to begin with.
Fallout's all over the place on Amazon. That's where I got the 1&2 bundle a couple years back. No need to pirate it.


Requires some assistance to run on XP (maybe just XP SP2, I dunno.)

^ Note that these are probably not the originals but taken from the set, or else they're the DVD version (never knew there was one...)

These games are one reason I'll be building a 98SE box in the future. Deus Ex is another.

No way has FO been downloaded a billion times though.
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Fallout's all over the place on Amazon. That's where I got the 1&2 bundle a couple years back. No need to pirate it.


Requires some assistance to run on XP (maybe just XP SP2, I dunno.)

^ Note that these are probably not the originals but taken from the set, or else they're the DVD version (never knew there was one...)

These games are one reason I'll be building a 98SE box in the future. Deus Ex is another.

No way has FO been downloaded a billion times though.

FYI, I know it runs on Win2k
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