Pirated DVDs Sold At School Fundraiser

HardOCP News

[H] News
Dec 31, 1969
Looking to buy some quality pirated DVDs? Well, look no further than the Moreno Valley Unified School District! The added bonus? You could get porn too. What ever happened to car washes and bake sales?

Moreno Valley Unified School District Superintendent Rowena Lagrosa said all items have been removed from the empty Box Springs Elementary School classroom where the booster club held a sale that some parents said featured pirated DVDs and books with pornographic and racist content, the Riverside Press-Enterprise reported Monday.
Well, this is the Booster Club. Last time I checked, boosting a car had a slang meaning which was to steal it :D. They are just practicing a practical skill for making money when they graduate. If they make it thru harvard business school and get a nice job as a CEO for an investment firm on Wall Street just think how much this early practicing in elementary school could help them later on in life? They could be the next Goldman-Sachs executive in training!
pirating is about the worst civil offense you could possibly do, according to RIAA. if they they dont want to look hypocritical, it looks like theyre going to have to sue that school into closing permanently. theres a lot of government money going through those pirated dvd's, the RIAA deserves all of it!
This offense by the school district is sooo much worse than that teen going to jail for that overdue DVD from the library!! The jails around Monero Valley better soon be stuffed full of them DVD pirates who roam the Seven seas around there.. or who are just on Spring Break from Tortuga!!

Luved this from the article.. "Parent Christina O'Donnell said she bought several of the offending items at the Feb. 26 sale".. items that had "pornographic and racist content". Does she often go to garage/yard/school sales looking for those kind of items or buys them when she sees them for sale?? Just wondering!! Perhaps these were just extremely cheaply priced "pornographic and racist" items that no one could say NO to not buying!!

Where are the MPAA lawyers when you really need them to do something productive!! Monero Valley has people just ripe to get kicked into jail, bankrupt and publicly humiliated for life!!

I have long contended that our public schools are staffed by idiots. This being both the administration and the teachers.

I know there are many shining examples of exceptions to this rule, sadly these wonderful people are just not the norm.

I now hove more proof. At least this school had porn that was of legal adults rather then using public money and resources to makes its own kiddy porn.

I want to know how you can buy books like "Aryan Nation" ya know, the kind of book with a huge swastika on the cover and not know till you got home? For that matter how did they buy porn without knowing? Unless it was a big bin of unmarked DVD's.
I live near Moreno Valley lol. In Riverside. Not surprised here. A lot of the lower income people from around LA moved to Moreno Valley. There's a good side and a more lower end side mostly. ;)
I wonder who at the school thought selling donations without inspecting them before setting them out was a great idea. Imagine if it had been a box that some asshat had stuffed with old sex toys, opened (or even used) condoms and possibly needles and then tossed a couple of stuffed toys over the lot..
Haha Mo. Val. I've been there before. Watched some thugs shoot it out in the middle of a busy intersection. That place is basically an arm pit of society. :)
Parent Christina O'Donnell said she bought several of the offending items at the Feb. 26 sale. She said they included pornographic and R-rated films as well as a book titled "Aryan Nation Brotherhood" with a swastika on the cover.

Wait, so she admitted that she bought pornographic DVDs and racist literature? Why not just report it immediately to whoever was running the sale at the time?

I'm guessing she wasn't going to say anything until the story came out, then thought she better band-wagon it to prove that she bought them as "evidence". :D