Planetary Anhilation... Worth it for $40?


Nov 11, 2008
Hey folks, as the title says. Steam has PA for 33% off bringing it to about 40$ even, worth it at this point? Looking for some people that have been playing recently and can chime in about the state of the game
Ok. Doesn't answer any questions but thanks for the alternative link.

Tough to say. As it stands now? Probably not. The game is still a bit buggy, still missing some shit, and doesn't really have a lot of options with regards to solar systems and so on.

As it is supposed to be delivered in the future? For sure.

I kickstarted it and so I've seen it make good progress, but there is a ways to go before it really is a solid game. Now will they make it to that state? Well I dunno. You never do with prerelease stuff. They could decide that it is "completely done" and release it as is and it'd be pretty poor. They could keep working on it until it is what they promised and then release in which case it is likely to be pretty great.

It is still under development now though.
Hmm. For people that have been playing it, do you feel they have been making decent changes as they go? Listening to the players feedback and generally improving the quality instead of taking steps back.

As long as they have been making an apparent effort to make it what they want and haven't given up to where they seem to be just trying to finish and get it out the door I'll pitch in I suppose.
Been playing since beta and the development have been making steady progress with the game. Like anything in development new options brings bugs, fix bugs, then add more options...etc...

Most of the core game seems to be there, what really needs work is polishing the final product and I think Uber recognizes this and pushed final release rather than an unpolished game. Kickstarted games need to be highly polished for fans to feel they got their money's worth I would say.

I've enjoyed playing and seeing the development, at this point I dunno; waiting for the final game would probably be better.

Edit: but at $40 now it ain't bad...
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