Planetary Annihilation new RTS like total annihilation and supreme commander

1.8 million reached...GALACTIC WAAAARRRRRR


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And 38 hours to go to raise another 2 or 3 hundred thousand for the music and documentary.
I want the $100 tier so bad...ugh...just can't bring myself to do it. :(
Same here... I can't get myself to do it... just stare at it once in a while...


Update #10 said:
A game key e-mailed to you & digital download
Exclusive wallpaper download
Exclusive PA Asteroid Pin & PA Asteroid Belt flair items for SMNC
Early download and access to the game during alpha & beta stages
Digital download of the soundtrack
Access to the exclusive backer forums
Limited edition in-game Progenitor commander, only available to backers
Limited edition in-game Alpha commander, only available to backers
Digital art book
Your name in the credits
Commemorative limited edition full size game box
Exclusive backer t-shirt (Choice of size in one of three unique designs)
Three limited edition commander miniatures each over 3” tall
Yeah, alpha access and the miniatures are what I'd really want. Dunno if I can justify another $50 for that, though.

Plus, although I think this will be amazing, it's still a bit of a gamble and $50 is easier to lose than $100.
Yeah, alpha access and the miniatures are what I'd really want. Dunno if I can justify another $50 for that, though.

Plus, although I think this will be amazing, it's still a bit of a gamble and $50 is easier to lose than $100.

I thought of it this way, all the time I pay like $60 for two copies of a game like Diablo a several months back (my wife and mine), this is just something extra special. So I don't really feel bad paying $120 to get all that plus 2 keys and early access on one. So it's still $60 a person and comes with a bunch of extras. Granted I like paying $20-30 for a new game if possible. The extras still make up for it in my mind.

brb... need to continue brainwashing myself. :D
See, I pretty much never pay $60 for a game so it's a little different. :p Plus I'd only be buying one copy. For you, it definitely makes sense.

I think I'm good with my $50 tier. Really glad that Galactic War made it.
Making an impressive push to the end here; already covered more than half the gap to the music stretch goal today. Looks like they may actually get there before tomorrow afternoon's deadline.

They did the stretch goals pretty smart, the first few were necessary to add some variety to the game. (I don't care how awesome ramming a planet with your asteroid base is, if that's all there is you're left wanting more pretty quickly)
And the last half are value added, but you can still have a experience without them.

I would have liked to see what they could do with the documentary, I've really enjoyed some of the behind the scenes stuff Double Fine has done with backers. But it's not going to devalue the game to not have it.
I may up my pledge. Music is way more than half the experience for me in a game and a real orchestral score would be awesome.
It's almost a sure thing for 2 mil, we may even see a rush and have it hit 2.1

But 2 mil is pretty much a go!


Full Orchestral Score here we come!
The Orchenstral Music (lossless please!) will be great actually!
Looks like pretty music is in with 15 hours left to raise 90k for a documentary. Probably not a ton of people excited for that though so who knows if they'll get there.
I'm excited for it, they should try to do it anyway, they should get pretty close. :)
Looks like pretty music is in with 15 hours left to raise 90k for a documentary. Probably not a ton of people excited for that though so who knows if they'll get there.

don't forget what you see on kickstart isn't all the money. the total amount doesn't include those that used paypal since they can't use amazon payment in their country. so for all we know they are well over 3 million. but that won't get added together and announced til after the kickstarter ends.
don't forget what you see on kickstart isn't all the money. the total amount doesn't include those that used paypal since they can't use amazon payment in their country. so for all we know they are well over 3 million. but that won't get added together and announced til after the kickstarter ends.

I don't think those get counted towards the goals though.

From the site
Are PayPal donations applied to the Kickstarter funding goal?

No, PayPal donations do not count toward the Kickstarter funding goal. However, PayPal donations will receive the appropriate rewards based on the amount. Kickstarter should be seen as the primary way to fund this project and PayPal is a backup method for those unable to fund via Kickstarter for whatever reason.

But maybe they will do it anyways if they get close enough.
I would prefer that paypal didn't get added to the KS goals so that they can try to polish the game as much as possible instead of working on more goals.
I just slipped in for $120. Alpha access and the game box and a USB key will be nice to have, plus the figures.

Now give me the game!
Paypal donations count towards the stretch goals, but not towards the primary funding goal.

From the PA Kickstarter FAQ (just below the one quoted above...):

"Will Paypal donations count towards stretch goals?

Yes! At the end of the campaign we will add funds from Paypal to the final amount to determine which goals we have met."

The difference is paypal would not count towards the primary 900K funded goal as that goal needs to be met entirely via KS, but once the primary goal is met, Paypal can then be added to the ending total.
Looks like they might make it just from kickstarter anyways. 6 hours and 16k to go.
and that's that..... time to announce a 3million stretch goal of universal annihilation at the last hour. lol
I have to say, I'm impressed and surprised at how this Kickstarter took off. I never thought it'd make the Gas Giants goal, let alone Galactic War and beyond. It makes me happy there is so much support for games like TA and that StarCraft hasn't totally taken over the RTS scene in peoples' minds. :D
With C&C going the F2P route, the number of quality RTS are getting smaller these days. So its really nice to see someone serious about making what could be another great RTS title. ;)
This game is all in!

A little part of the gaming world makes sense to me today... :D
I have to say, I'm impressed and surprised at how this Kickstarter took off. I never thought it'd make the Gas Giants goal, let alone Galactic War and beyond. It makes me happy there is so much support for games like TA and that StarCraft hasn't totally taken over the RTS scene in peoples' minds. :D

I think it's more that people are really craving something new in the RTS scene--this looks like it will deliver.
It's not really "new"...more like "classic". But yeah, it's coming back around again. :p

How is it not new? Being able to colonize different planets ala Sins of a Solar Empire, but at the same time zoom in like Supreme Commander and fight ground battles resembling Total Annihilation? Sure it's a mashup, but it's one that hasn't been done before.

I have always like RTS but i find i get very tired of it quickly because it's always a fight on a square, flat map.
Yeah I suppose the planetary aspect is new. I guess if anything it'd be kinda like Total Annihilation meets Spore Space phase. :p
I don't think those get counted towards the goals though.

From the site

But maybe they will do it anyways if they get close enough.

yeah they get counted toward the goal, it was in one of their video's or questions they answered. that if they didn't reach a goal based on the kickstarter amount that it could be reached when they go in after the kickstarter ends and count/add up all the paypal donations to the total kickstarter amount.
Wow, so I wonder what the actual total is. Though I guess most people probably would be using Kickstarter, so I can't imagine it would be that much more.