Planetside 2 - OMFG patch


Jun 6, 2003
1.7G of optimized goodness! They really increased framerates - the system in my sig plays quite nicely on "medium" settings now rather than low and occasionally laggy, Any [H]'rs still playing? If not, give it a try.
I'll have to give it a try. Been playing BF4 lately, but I used to jump on Planetside every now and then to change it up a little bit.
1.7G of optimized goodness! They really increased framerates - the system in my sig plays quite nicely on "medium" settings now rather than low and occasionally laggy, Any [H]'rs still playing? If not, give it a try.

I was getting 50-60 FPS maxed out last week so I doubt much has changed for me.
I just uninstalled this game last week because of how bad it ran
Wow I did not expect it to get released this soon. Are you sure this is the hyped up optimization patch?

I've been waiting for this shit. I'll try it when I get home.

Edit: Just checked. It is. Phase 1 patch out of 2. The second will mainly deal with physics.
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Played a little PS2 last night with the patch. The game runs much better. They included a new setting called "smoothing". It's sort of like vsync where it caps your frames but it's not vsync. It's strange and it doesn't work well on my machine. For others it may be a different story but it was really choppy and not nice albeit my frames were pretty muhc locked at 60.

I took that off and and maxed everything else out (except physics. They disabled it until the next patch). At the warpgate my frames were 120+ in open world I was getting 150-200 frames and in a zerg I rarely dipped down into the 60's. Strange thing, I experienced zero tearing and the gameplay was pretty damn smooth for such a high framerate. I decided to try vsync and see how that was. It was what I expected. When the game didn't stutter or get a little choppy if felt very smooth and flush but I could not maintain that smoothness very consistently. No smoothing or vysnc is the way to go for me.

They changed a few other things aside from optimization. Pod dropping was altered (I forgot exactly what they did) and you can no longer see the occupancy in enemy vehicles. Those were the big ones being debated. BUT there are no longer two loading screens :) Overall the client feels much more stable and reliable. I can't wait to put some hours into it.