Planetside 2


Jun 6, 2007
Honestly I just don't have very high expectations for the second of the series. I don't think it brings anything new to the table. At the time, however, this game seemed way ahead of its time simply because of its magnitude.

To this day I would say that planetside provided some of my best gaming moments.

Any thoughts?

Is anyone excited to see this?
planetside was my favorite older PC mmo. We spent hours playing that game. lasher FTW
PS was a great game, I wish it had been more successful. It put the "MASSIVE" into MMO for sure. The planet wide battles were a blast, was well balanced, and I loved that to level up - all you did was kill.

Is PS2 a sure thing???

NVM - I answered my own Q:

Sign me up - I will be looking forward to this for sure!
i loved PS.

so far all the info about the game looks good. i could care less about graphic quality. i just want it to run with very little lag and good netcode. no people with surge running up stairs bouncing off the ceiling and crap.

i really like TF/TF2 but the scope of PS made it feel different. if they had not added BFR's i might still be playing. the outfit i was in, specialized in killing BFR's with a passion and there was still far to many of them and population across all the servers started to drop. core combat was kinda cheesy to me. i didn't care for any of the underground crap. i was insanely good with the maelstrom super ball launcher thing. i practiced to learn how to bounce them around several corners and spots to hammer the spawn rooms with them. still i would prefer it didn't exist.

i had one buddy who was really bad at the game but he still loved to play, he would do ANT runs, that mobile spawn point van thing and galaxy/lodestar. what ever he could to help even though he was useless in combat.
I loved PS and can't wait for PS2!

I actually even liked the idea behind core combat, although the whole "let's make it all crystals and connected it with lines of line that people can ride" made it less then it could have been. The actual caverns weren't so hot but the tunnels were amazing, everytime we get a big fight going in them we had a blast.
Yeah I loved squads, and squad control. I really hope they expand/improve upon that in the next one. I liked how you had higher up guys with command ability etc who could actually direct the battles etc. Friggen great game. I hope the F2P doesn't ruin it though........

Or at least maybe they will do F2P but to go past a certain level you have to pay.....
Wow, nice to see I am not the only one who enjoyed this game. I simply haven't experienced a game with the epic moments that planetside offered.
I'm eagerly awaiting PS2 to come out. Though the original just crashed on me and I can't seem to get back in game. Gotta love SOE.
Wow, nice to see I am not the only one who enjoyed this game. I simply haven't experienced a game with the epic moments that planetside offered.

Amen to the epic moments....nothing like a full wing of Galaxy's with air cover dropping trrops and vehicles in on a hot LZ, or holding a tower with 10 people vs 100+, stealthing in to a fort and setting up traps and taking it over......on and on!

If they can even slightly improve on PS1 it will be a blast for sure.

Lets just hope it doesn't go the way of say....Tribes lol......!
It seems like they're putting in a lot of work for Planetside 2. Now that they know what worked and didn't work for the first one they'll be in a better position to give us something special.
Supposedly Smedley is directly involved with it, so yeah - definately have high hopes.
Ill be ready to drop in and take some towers with ozziking if I see him show up. Best time I had playing planetside was holding towers with that guy and his band of tards.
Yep, Planetside was the first MMO that lived up to the genre: massive amounts of people fighting in the same area. Only EVE surpasses it in that department. Planetside and Star Wars Galaxies were my intro's into the MMO world, so I have high expectations of PS2 and TOR. But, even if they are as good as the originals, I will be happy. Too many god damn fantasy MMO's that hold no interest for me (with the exception of Guild Wars 2 and The Secret World). I am definitely going to playing this game, I don't care if it's F2P or P2P.
Planetside was fantastic, I only stopped playing because the population died. It's the very core of what an MMO should be - massive.

Most MMOs today could easily be instanced and you'd never know the difference, you just run around large landscapes and you very occasionally run into someone, only when you camp in a main city do you actually see more than about 3 people on the screen.

In planetside you reguarly fought besides 100+ players over the same base, when all 3 factions were fighting over 1 base on a continent you ended up with approx 400 people in one massive battle, it was truly epic.

Me and my friends who used to play Planetside have said a few times now that we'd be happy with just a straight remake or improvement in graphics, the actual gameplay and features were dead on, still I have high hopes for Planetside 2.

Me and a friend run an unofficial wiki on PS2 where we've collected all the known info on the game so far -
I wasn't into the BFR's that much, but there was nothing like seeing 50 or so troops vanish at the sight of 1 BFR(pre dev-nerf). It took a dozen people fronted by someone with the command rank EMP to take these things out.
Ill be ready to drop in and take some towers with ozziking if I see him show up. Best time I had playing planetside was holding towers with that guy and his band of tards.

You ran with Ozzi? I enjoyed taking one of his underlings. Forgot which one though. He was the stupid one of the bunch who shared his name. I saw Ozzi on just last night too.
I wasn't into the BFR's that much, but there was nothing like seeing 50 or so troops vanish at the sight of 1 BFR(pre dev-nerf). It took a dozen people fronted by someone with the command rank EMP to take these things out.

BFR's are being left out of PS2 due to their popularity :)

Also there's rumours about player counts on each continent being in the thousands :eek:
I got into Planetside a bit late and only by accident but I did enjoy it.

Early in 2005 I ran across a bunch of "damaged box" 3 Month Gametime codes for I think $5 each. I picked up 4 of them and gave 2 away. So for $10 plus the $20 I spent on the game and expansion enjoyed 7 months of playing. The game was fun I just didn't think it was worth the $15/month after due to decreased popularity. I hope the F2P model helps Planetside 2 stay up in numbers for quite awhile as I'm looking forward to some MMOFPS action again.
The problem is it's to easy to turn a F2P game into pay2win.

I don't have a problem with a monthly subscription but I do have an issue with having to use cash to buy gold ammo or any game effecting items.
The cash shop isn't going to be selling anything like that. No reason to worry about it.
You ran with Ozzi? I enjoyed taking one of his underlings. Forgot which one though. He was the stupid one of the bunch who shared his name. I saw Ozzi on just last night too.

I ran around with him for a little while. I mostly played TR and he was NC, but I would log on my NC toon and tard around with him from time to time. Mainly holding towers where the Vanu and TR were fighting around. I got him into phase change cooling back in 2005 or so, but havent talked to him in years.
the first one was good had tons of fun, played it a ton but i stoped before the first xpac for some reason, never played it after that, but ps2 is gona be f2p from what ive read and well i think firefall will be better but time will tell

will defently give it a shot though, i just hope sony doesnt take the dick root and charge for everything in there f2p model
The problem is it's to easy to turn a F2P game into pay2win.

I don't have a problem with a monthly subscription but I do have an issue with having to use cash to buy gold ammo or any game effecting items.

It's possible, the devs for BF Heroes basically did a presentation on game design and micro transactions and they were struggling to make BF Heroes profitable and they made the decision to start selling pay2win stuff later on in the release and it caused a massive profit increase and a relatively little drop in player numbers.

That is to stay the drop in profit from players leaving was covered by the additional spent by other players.

It's going to happen, it doesn't matter what the developers say, if it leads to more money they will do it.
Can't freaking wait for this ... PS was the only truly massive FPS and this is looking like it's gonna be even better!
I loved this game. Definitely the most fun BY FAR that I have had on any game. The battles were massive, and extremely entertaining. Everything was different. Sometimes a cap would be super easy if the other two factions didn't come, or it would be a stalemate for hours (sometimes days).

Like most people, I would probably have continued subscribing if the population hadn't died.

Markov NC ftw!
I'm done with BF3 when this game finally comes out. The NC and TR weeks have been quite good for info. This week is VS, so expect a lot of stuff incoming. There hasn't been nearly as much for the VS empire as of yet.
Oh man, this is gonna be good. And they aren't fucking around with the graphics, that is some true DX10/11 goodness right there, and here I was thinking they were gonna stick with older, safer graphics. Glad to see they understand that we want something modern.

BTW, PS was my first MMO. And like losing your virginity, you don't forget the first :)
Yeah the graphics are going to be quite good from what I've read, they're using a brand new engine for the game now which is designed specifically for SOEs next generation of MMOs.
BFR's were a love/hate for me.

Some guys were crazy good with them. and others were just hilarious to watch and blow up.
I really loved playing Planet Side, and the concept is great, but I have some issues with it that don't look like were, or going to be, resolved in PS2.

namely that there is nothing tactile about the game. When I shot people with guns it didn't feel like I was shooting them. Flying planes just felt like my camera was floating around, I know this is very difficult to explain, but there was just nothing real about the game that I could connect with.

I know, its futuristic and what not, so it isn't supposed to be totally realistic, but I mean these are humans and if I get shot with a laser make it feel like I got shot with a laser, not a beam of light. It felt very slow, and even "action" felt boring.