Planetside 2

I got in the beta. Having horrible graphic glitches. The game runs horribly on my system. Shame, as I am a ps1 vet and have been anticipating this game for years.
I got in the beta. Having horrible graphic glitches. The game runs horribly on my system. Shame, as I am a ps1 vet and have been anticipating this game for years.

Its beta, not optimized etc, what do you expect, 100% polish lol.......?

This is one of the things that has me optimistic for this game, a real Beta Test with a very large group of testers and they are not afraid to try things.:cool:

If your in the Beta and would like to know why the game is running poorly for you, check with the Planetside 2 forums.
I don't know how many of the original team are on this project, but they were quite attentive during the PS1 beta as well. It was nice being in a true beta where you got thanked/asked further questions about your bug reports, etc, rather than them seemingly ignored and it treated as a demo.
I got in the beta. Having horrible graphic glitches. The game runs horribly on my system. Shame, as I am a ps1 vet and have been anticipating this game for years.

Apart from lag (understandable as I am playing from Australia), the game seems to run incredibly well for a beta. Am yet to see any major graphical glitches.
The NDA has been lifted by the way.

This is one of the smoothest Beta's I have ever been in. The game runs and looks great. Kudos to SOE on this one.
i'll download this tonight hopefully get to play it soon, guild wars 2 is sucking my time away like a leeeech
Finally downloaded it, gonna try it tomorrow :D. I was too into The Secret World to spend time playing this or anything else.... it still takes most of my gaming time though :p.
I got in the beta during the tech test. It's fun at times and still has potential. At times it's pretty good then other times i'm finding myself having to run for 3-4 minutes to get into some action only to die and have to do the same thing. Buying an atv to drive to cap a point only for it to be gone when you come back out and you can't spawn another because you have to wait like 5minutes. Hoping in a gal (drop ship) only for the pilot to fly around for a few minutes to find an easy cap spot. Or the gal taking heavy fire and instead of him landing and losing the gal he keeps trying to out maneuver something he can't and we all die.
I got in the beta during the tech test. It's fun at times and still has potential. At times it's pretty good then other times i'm finding myself having to run for 3-4 minutes to get into some action only to die and have to do the same thing. Buying an atv to drive to cap a point only for it to be gone when you come back out and you can't spawn another because you have to wait like 5minutes. Hoping in a gal (drop ship) only for the pilot to fly around for a few minutes to find an easy cap spot. Or the gal taking heavy fire and instead of him landing and losing the gal he keeps trying to out maneuver something he can't and we all die.

Those problems should be minimized once PS2 goes live and more people start playing. Also it's best to join an Outfit or squad so you'll be playing with other people. The meta game won't start until we start getting several large Outfits trying to take control of the map.
I got in the beta during the tech test. It's fun at times and still has potential. At times it's pretty good then other times i'm finding myself having to run for 3-4 minutes to get into some action only to die and have to do the same thing. Buying an atv to drive to cap a point only for it to be gone when you come back out and you can't spawn another because you have to wait like 5minutes. Hoping in a gal (drop ship) only for the pilot to fly around for a few minutes to find an easy cap spot. Or the gal taking heavy fire and instead of him landing and losing the gal he keeps trying to out maneuver something he can't and we all die.

always noobs around who played call of duty and cant play tactically or strategic for the team.
Those problems should be minimized once PS2 goes live and more people start playing. Also it's best to join an Outfit or squad so you'll be playing with other people. The meta game won't start until we start getting several large Outfits trying to take control of the map.

I'm not sure if it's bugged or all squads are full but when I go into social to join a squad or even auto join most of the time theirs no squads listed. Usually I have to f11 auto join a squad which usually means I'm on my own and then every now and then someone joins and leaves. So every now and then I have to check for squads and will see a 9 man squad pop up and join it. And then theirs only 1 or 2 guys in the squad wanting to do anything as a squad.
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Installing the beta now, but how many times is this installation client going to ask me to restart my PC? Seems like every time I step away my computer is rebooted.
I've never had to reboot..

Yea I found the culprit. I was patient enough to wait and see what happened this time without going downstairs. The installation client BSODs on me at times and causes my PC to reboot.
Has anyone else had multiple BSODs while installing the client? This makes installation take forever for me. The install client makes my PC BSOD and then reset every 10 minutes or so.

As I'm typing this on another PC, the client just crashed again on my desktop.
The PS2 NDA was lifted so if anyone has any specific questions or wants any info I'll be happy to go in to detail, I've played quite a lot of the beta now and tried out pretty much all classes, weapons and vehicles.
With the NDA lifted, let me say one major thing: This is the first "proper" beta I've seen in a long time. That is to say, what you see when you get into PS2's beta is NOT the normal" Most o the game is implemented and you're basically playing an early promotional version". This is a TRUE beta - TONS of content is not yet implemented, stuff that is present is massively unfinished, and they are still making huge changes to major systems.

Lots of us, myself included, posted that we were worried about the current state of PS2 especially compared with PS1 and Smed himself posted to basically say "Yeah, we know. 90%+ of the game hasn't been implemented yet and sweeping changes are going to be made to major game systems, so don't freak out. We're not three weeks away from launch and just fixing texture pop - we're a long way out and there's a lot to do, we're going to do it right and we want your feedback. This isn't a beta designed just to publicize and stress test".
Got into this last night, but I don't really think I got the proper experience. I just sort of jumped on to give it a try by myself. Seems like the sort of game that really requires a group of friends playing together to get the most out of.
The most fun comes from coordinated squad play where most people are using comms and following orders from the squad/platoon leader. On the euro server we frequently get public squads open up which are "comms only", join one and you'll get most of the team players willing to coordinate, when you're all gal dropping towers and rolling tank squadrons it's seriously good fun. If you solo it, it's pretty bland honestly, its just frustrating when you run into coordinated squads because you wont stand a chance.
It's all a bit overwhelming kind of. What is this A, B, C, D, E, F on the bottom right of the screen on top of the mini map? Sometimes they're different colors too. Are those control points?
I have been playing since August 10th, the game is a shit ton of fun. Graphics are pretty damn great too.

It's all a bit overwhelming kind of. What is this A, B, C, D, E, F on the bottom right of the screen on top of the mini map? Sometimes they're different colors too. Are those control points?

Those are control points, they are colored dependent on your faction.

Green= your faction regardless.
Blue= NC
Red= TR

The colored bars above those control points is the influence. You need to get your factions influence over the facility all the way filled up to ether capture or defend the area. Increase influence by having more guys in the area and more control points. Hit "M" to view the world map, they recently enabled "adjacent only captures", which means the hexagons (regions) can only be captured by your faction if you own hexagons adjacent to them. There will be little flashing explosions over some areas, that means there is a battle at a facility. Facilities are the largest and most important things to hold. You can click on a name of one of them in the bottom left of the map and select "Instant action" to drop right into the fight.
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I love the beta. I played the original Planetside 1 beta, but that was years ago. Forgot how the basic mechanics other than shooting worked. Unfortunately, this game shows my PCs age. 4 gigs of ram, c2d e8400, GTX 460. I get massive frame death when shit hits the fan, so I tend to play infiltrator and be away from the action picking people off.

I may have to upgrade for this game. It's the one I've been waiting for other than d3, which I'm bored to death of. I'm liking Vanu Sov, but I'm hating their triangular scope for Infils.
I love the beta. I played the original Planetside 1 beta, but that was years ago. Forgot how the basic mechanics other than shooting worked. Unfortunately, this game shows my PCs age. 4 gigs of ram, c2d e8400, GTX 460. I get massive frame death when shit hits the fan, so I tend to play infiltrator and be away from the action picking people off.

I may have to upgrade for this game. It's the one I've been waiting for other than d3, which I'm bored to death of. I'm liking Vanu Sov, but I'm hating their triangular scope for Infils.

Right now the game is running extremely badly, if you check your CPU/GPU usage with a good rig you'll find that neither are completely stressed, they have some serious optimisation to do on the CPU front. I'd hold off upgrading until we know better what sort of rig will be necessary to run the final game, at this stage running out and buying the fastest hardware available and then overclocking wont net you playable FPS in the largest fights, mine is often as low as 30fps with rig in my sig.
Right now the game is running extremely badly, if you check your CPU/GPU usage with a good rig you'll find that neither are completely stressed, they have some serious optimisation to do on the CPU front. I'd hold off upgrading until we know better what sort of rig will be necessary to run the final game, at this stage running out and buying the fastest hardware available and then overclocking wont net you playable FPS in the largest fights, mine is often as low as 30fps with rig in my sig.

Yea, I don't plan on upgrading anything anytime soon, though I did see recommended specs for PS2 on some forum on one of the larger PS2 online communities. How true those specs are or not, I can't be sure, but they were i5, 8 gigs of ram, and I forget which gpu.
Yea, I don't plan on upgrading anything anytime soon, though I did see recommended specs for PS2 on some forum on one of the larger PS2 online communities. How true those specs are or not, I can't be sure, but they were i5, 8 gigs of ram, and I forget which gpu.

From the ps2 beta forum.


While there are many optimizations still coming down the pipe, the specifications below are currently recommended for Beta at this point. As the game gets closer to launch final recommended system specifications will be posted. Until then the current recommended specifications are:

Current Minimum System Requirements
OS: Windows XP
Processor: Intel Core 2 Duo E6850 or higher / AMD Phenom II X2 or higher
Memory: 4 GB RAM
Hard Drive: 15 GB free
Video Memory: 256 MB RAM
Video Card: nVidia GeForce 8600 series or higher / AMD or ATI 4850 series or higher
Sound Card: DirectX compatible

Current Recommended System
OS: Windows 7
Processor: Intel i5 processor or higher / AMD Phenom II X6 or higher
Memory: 8 GB RAM
Hard Drive: 15 GB free
Video Memory: 1,024 MB RAM
Video Card: nVidia GeForce 500 series or higher / AMD HD 6870 or higher
Sound Card: DirectX compatible"
I find myself getting raped by veterans who know what they're doing. Hovering in a plane above a point raping me as soon as I leave the spawn building. The fights don't feel epic either. I want a 200 person battle happenin
Well I was able to play a few times yesterday before the patch. Now the client keeps BSODing and resetting my system again trying to update. I tried updating 3 or 4 times tonight before I got tired of the client always crashing my computer. I give up. The beta was fun when I did manage to log in, but this client crashing my comp is trying my patience. I realize it's a beta and probably full of bugs. Can't say that I didn't try. At this point I feel no desire to deal with the client updating anymore. I will continue to follow the game though since it is one I'm very much hyped about. Will prob get it on day one.
I find myself getting raped by veterans who know what they're doing. Hovering in a plane above a point raping me as soon as I leave the spawn building. The fights don't feel epic either. I want a 200 person battle happenin

Remember that it's a team game and class based, if you're getting camped by air you need to roll anti-air, preferably an AA Max and another buddy engineer to heal you, although to be fair they have locked all of the AA specific weapons so that's a big balance issue right now.

The best gameplay is when you're with lots of other team mates, you're coordinated and you have a balance of all the classes, the only way to achieve that is communication, the game has built in comms so I suggest people get used to getting a headset/mic and coordinating with a squad. In the long run it will be best to join an outfit.
I find myself getting raped by veterans who know what they're doing. Hovering in a plane above a point raping me as soon as I leave the spawn building. The fights don't feel epic either. I want a 200 person battle happenin

Go to a facility that is under attack from all 3 factions.
I find myself getting raped by veterans who know what they're doing. Hovering in a plane above a point raping me as soon as I leave the spawn building. The fights don't feel epic either. I want a 200 person battle happenin

I just got my key from IGN Prime yesterday, it was a slow start. But it quickly escalated to about a 60 player battle in one spot. + Who knows how many running around the same base. It was a pretty intense infantry battle, not really any aircraft to speak of there. They open it up on the 7th for non prime members, so the number of players should jump nicely.
Just played an awesome game with some organized clan guys using mics. Had a 4 squad platoon (12 members per squad 48 people in the platoon) plus other people not in the platoon. Essentially every base we went to was over run by us within minutes Gals land around the base in different spots 1 north 1 south\east\west and then each sqaud ran to a specific cap point and stayed put until you were told to move on so they wouldn't be recapped.
Just played an awesome game with some organized clan guys using mics. Had a 4 squad platoon (12 members per squad 48 people in the platoon) plus other people not in the platoon. Essentially every base we went to was over run by us within minutes Gals land around the base in different spots 1 north 1 south\east\west and then each sqaud ran to a specific cap point and stayed put until you were told to move on so they wouldn't be recapped.

This is good to hear, it's what made PS1 so great!
I really hope they tweak the feel of player movement/sprinting and gun play. It's honestly not satisfying at all to shoot weapons or use vehicles. Weird choppy animations have been going on since I got in the beta a few months back as well (different driver revisions, change of character, server, new patches - still remains and looks silly).

BF3 definitely spoiled me in terms of the precise/snappy movement, very enjoyable gunplay, and most important of all the destruction of the environment/buildings and sound.

Anyway, here's hoping Planetside 2 is a sucess no matter my gripes - pc gaming could always use more positive headlines and quality multiplayer experiences.