Planning to play deus ex for the first time


Sep 30, 2003
So, I have heard many good things about the new deus ex game so I grabbed a copy that I plan to play, but I never played the original although I already have it through steam from some other package buy. So, im going to play it first before I move on to the sequel. Is anything I need to know? Any discussion on the game would be great. Thanks a lot guys.
Pick up some mods? There are a number of visual improvements (DX11 effects, texture updates, etc) A little.

It's a fantastic game, and the gameplay and story definitely hold up well.'s OLD. I mean, REALLY old. And it shows. It can be tremendously ugly in spots, and while memories of it (for those of us who played it 'new') will be tainted in a positive direction by how 'evocative' the sets felt at the time...I'm very skeptical it will hold up for a modern gamer. It really is staggeringly old.
Pick up some mods? There are a number of visual improvements (DX11 effects, texture updates, etc) A little.

It's a fantastic game, and the gameplay and story definitely hold up well.'s OLD. I mean, REALLY old. And it shows. It can be tremendously ugly in spots, and while memories of it (for those of us who played it 'new') will be tainted in a positive direction by how 'evocative' the sets felt at the time...I'm very skeptical it will hold up for a modern gamer. It really is staggeringly old.

FWIW, I played it for the first time a year or so ago (with the DX9 mod—there's a texture mod now that should improve the graphics further) and had tons of fun. But you are correct that you shouldn't be expecting pretty graphics. Even for its time, it was an ugly game.

So, I have heard many good things about the new deus ex game so I grabbed a copy that I plan to play, but I never played the original although I already have it through steam from some other package buy. So, im going to play it first before I move on to the sequel. Is anything I need to know? Any discussion on the game would be great. Thanks a lot guys.

The swimming skill is useless and the actual shooting bits are somewhat weak until you level up your gun skills.

I preferred a stealth and melee/tranq gun approach, but you can just as easily build a 'blow everything up' character. It depends on the kind of play-style you enjoy and generally, the game gives you a way to complete your objective no matter what your style is.

There are also a couple of mods (Biomod, Shifter) that change/balance the augmentations and other gameplay a bit, but I played the game stock aside from the graphical mod.
Absolutely fantastic game, probably my favorite of all time. As others have said, the graphics are seriously outdated, but the story more than makes up for it. Make sure to have a few different save points throughout the game as the story changes depending on your actions - well at least your involvement in the story that is.

Without spoiling too much, think of your first save point by a big airplane ;).
Well Deus Ex Human Revolution is actually a prequel to the original Deus Ex and Deus Ex: Invisible War. So you TECHNICALLY should play HR before you play the originals ;)
You know, I don't even mind the awful graphics. I mean, between System Shock 2 (vanilla) and Thief, it's not so bad. Charmingly quaint, even! Instead, what always got me was the wretched voice acting. Principle characters aside, some of the extras make me want to jump off a bridge when they open their mouths.


Need to know info #1: The game doesn't autosave. It says it's saving when you change levels. It doesn't. This may be a symptom of the hoops you have to jump through to make the game run on modern systems, but it's true nonetheless. Save often.

Need to know info #2: Gun accuracy increases with your skill points in them. The expanding crosshairs are really accurate, in that they'll show you exactly how pathetically badly you will miss if you take pot shots while moving or jumping. ;) Take a 5-minute breather in the beginning of the game to get a feel for how to shoot accurately even without tons of skill points.

Need to know info #3: If you are having trouble taking down foes quickly, consider melee weapons and a few levels in the Low-Tech skill. There is also an augmentation (I believe the first one you get) that can boost your melee strength. If you are a newbie, going for a single hit to the backside of an enemy can be preferable to starting a firefight.
it's been so long I forgot

still worth playing even today but I forgot all my tactics, augs, tips etc
Definitely take the time to get those high res texture mods and such.
the original game hasn't aged well, the new game has nothing to do with the original anyway so it's not really a requirement.

The original was a great game for the time but the graphics and level design may seem very primitive.
the original game hasn't aged well, the new game has nothing to do with the original anyway so it's not really a requirement.

The original was a great game for the time but the graphics and level design may seem very primitive.

Well considering HR is a prequel to the original, it does have many references to the game. Including the ending. (hint: stay after the credits roll)

And the level design in the original is actually a lot more open-ended compared to HR.
Well considering HR is a prequel to the original, it does have many references to the game. Including the ending. (hint: stay after the credits roll)

And the level design in the original is actually a lot more open-ended compared to HR.

Agreed. The ONLY area the original hasn't aged that well on is graphics and some of the audio. In just about every other way it can still show a lot of today's games a thing or two.
The original DE is one of my all-time favorites. I find the dated graphics to be charming, in a nostalgic kinda way. The storyline and dialog remain excellent, even years later. What other game offers the opportunity to debate the merits of representative democracy with your enemy while simultaneously trying to obliterate him?

I still haven't played DE:HR, but it's installed and ready to go as soon as I find the time.
Yea, while the level design in DE:HR was good (especially when compared to other game's being released), they definitely cut some corners which they didn't for the original Deus Ex. Some of the ventilation systems you'd go into in DE:HR would be reeking of last-minute implementation... like during testing they realized that if you weren't a hacker, you couldn't get by this laser fence. So what did they do? This:

Don't get me wrong, there are some simple vent systems in Deus Ex, but nothing that stood out as lazy as this sorta shit in DX:HR...
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I only recently played the original as well (in the last year or so), so I didn't have the nostalgia to fall back on either, but even so I have to agree with everyone else that it's still awesome. Wish I'd played it back when it came out but it was great even today.

The old graphics will bug you for a bit in the beginning, but after a while you just get used to it and the game is so fun you won't care.
Yea, while the level design in DE:HR was good (especially when compared to other game's being released), they definitely cut some corners which they didn't for the original Deus Ex. Some of the ventilation systems you'd go into in DE:HR would be reeking of last-minute implementation... like during testing they realized that if you weren't a hacker, you couldn't get by this laser fence. So what did they do? This:


Don't get me wrong, there are some simple vent systems in Deus Ex, but nothing that stood out as lazy as this sorta shit in DX:HR...

This made my day :p
I recently played Thief Deadly Shadows and about 2 years back played System Shock 2 for the first time. SS2 I picked up the big graphics patches and it looked passable. I don't mind blockly so much as I can't stand blurry.

Both were exceptionally fun games and worth having in your collection and actually playing. I was quite pleased that the Thief game ran ok on Win 7 64 via Steam.
I remember back in the day when I was a kid and randomly tried Deus Ex.

You start out on this dock and almost instantly get a poison dart gun if you search enough bodies/etc. Shoot the guy, he runs around, coughs, runs around, coughs, runs around, then drops :D Games were so cheesy back then, but I will never forget the horrible coughing and repetitive motions the guy did when getting hit! hahaha
I tried to play the original first as well, I blew myself up with a grenade during training and never turned it back on. I couldn't get into the ancient graphics or the funky button command layout.

I think it's one of those games that had to be played when it was fresh and new for me.
I tried to play the original first as well, I blew myself up with a grenade during training and never turned it back on. I couldn't get into the ancient graphics or the funky button command layout.

I think it's one of those games that had to be played when it was fresh and new for me.

Oh the control scheme was horrendous haha. I changed that shit immediantly.