Plastic Logic Reader Demo

Wow. Just need to see how the index/menu system works. I can see where finding exactly what you need would be most important.
that thing looks pretty sweet. I'm just waiting for something like that to be cheap enough.

Oh, and was there a line of dead pixels on that demo display, or was it just me?
^^^ I was going to comment on the same thing as I too noticed there was what looked like a row of dead pixels maybe more. Other than that it looked like a pretty interesting device.
I wonder if they say it is for business reading because it will be very expensive?
I don't see this competing with an E-book reader. It's too large and doesn't improve at all on the screen update time. For business documents it's not bad but I think the navigation time is going to be an issue. I need to be ale to access documents in a short amount of time and flip between pages quickly sometimes. I can't see either of those happening with this device.
Ah , I thought it was a logic reader made with plastic.

Not a company called Plastic Logic making a reader.

I was like before watching the video omg, they figure out how to make a logic reader using just plastic?
Ya there are definitely two lines of dead pixels. For 10 years or R&D its not really that impressive. You would figure they would have fully functioning model for the presentation. Although with more time I can see it getting better. Also I am guessing that it can't do color..
It looks like Oled to me, they cant get around having the gridded dead pixels i dont think if there goal is to make it flexible anyways.
Ok I'm sold. I want 30 of them...

I will be happy to see this product mature and offer color some day.
I'd be interested in something like this, though the price tag will likely put it out of something I'd buy for myself. It's probably a 'business reader' because it's something only executives will be able to buy, but they won't -- they'll have their company buy it for them. This thing is really cool, nothing at all like what the headline suggests though.

Likely using italics would solve the headline problem: Plastic Logic Reader or Plastic Logic Reader; maybe Plastic Logic: Reader (my favorite). Like the poor pickled-herring merchant, an honest businessman, who was confused with the the pickled herring merchant, who is obviously a lush.
This looks much like the Sony Reader except:

- Bigger screen
- Thin
- Better battery life
- Compatible with normal document formats like PDF
- Likely to be massively expensive!
And since I have a Sony Reader and kind of like it,* SIGN ME UP for this. The Sony product is a pain in the ass because I need to use some janky freeware to convert HTML etc to its native format. If I can skip that step and copy regular human files over... Massive usability improvement. I hope it is affordable.

Sony, why can't I just view TXT, RTF, HTML files on your damn reader?

* It was $50 with a Sony credit card signup. I would never buy one for list price. Too many compromises.
Think about it guys,
They are perfectly okay with demoing a damaged model.
I wonder how their quality control is gonna be.
I don't think it's a huge issue to be demoing a model with a few flaws. They aren't at full production yet, so I'm sure they'll work out the kinks in the meantime.

I agree with the "Business Reader = Super Expensive" sentiment. This would be great for students, if textbooks were available on it. 1/4" vs 3" for an engineering or math text? I'll take that! In addition, at work, I read a lot of documents, typically in PDF. And it's a shame to review a document, make comments on it, and then trash the draft. This would be much easier to take along on a business trip as well.

The screen refresh time leaves a lot to be desired, though--low refresh is fine if you're reading a novel, but a textbook or an engineering document often requires a lot of flipping back and forth, which is something this device doesn't do well.
One thing that they can greatly improve apon is adding color! I would so want it if it had that improvement. Also I would want it to do what my iPod Touch can do with wifi and all that other stuff if it can't do that already.
I would buy one of these as soon as it was released.
Well, depending on the price.

However, the implementation is vita, and depends largely on how good the search features are. Though with an open format, it could be added... Wonder what the specs are.... like how much storage?
Think about it guys,
They are perfectly okay with demoing a damaged model.
I wonder how their quality control is gonna be.

You have to be kidding. Things can go wrong before a presentation starts, likely the issue here. Not all of the screens were damaged and I'd strongly guess the issue with this wasn't the screen itself but rather the other technology converting or driving it.

Two things are going to hold this device back:
1.) Interface
2.) Cost

If the interface is good then it'll sell and cost will come down. I can see these being extremely useful in a school. Imagine your cost savings in paper! Just send out a PDF to all the displays and there you go. This is all evolutionary right now, the really big step will be a device that supports writing on it well.
why the hell did the main presenter bring a briefcase full of paper with him when he could have used this device instead??

/i know that the marketing guy brought the paper (for the demo), but i'm talking about what the presenter said at the very end about bringing a briefcase full of paper with him on his southwest airlines flight.
Could be useful for certain situations as long as there is enough light. No late night reading with the lights off.
why the hell did the main presenter bring a briefcase full of paper with him when he could have used this device instead??

/i know that the marketing guy brought the paper (for the demo), but i'm talking about what the presenter said at the very end about bringing a briefcase full of paper with him on his southwest airlines flight.

You generally don't take unannounced products out for joy rides and you generally don't rely on alpha level products for real needs. This is not done with product and refinements, be sure of that.
I would have thought that something like this would have been in color, it is a revolution in itself and pretty cool. I agree with others don't bring it out of the box if it is not ready.

It is a paper replacement.

It does *NOT* need to be color -- we all deal with black and white every day, all day. Color will come.

I am a bit concerned with them stating it is "robust" yet has a couple rows of dead pixels. I am guessing they didn't know that at the time they did the demo. For any of you that have not done live demonstrations, you have to realize... it is LIVE. Enough said. Been there, done that.

If I could have something like that in my breifcase onsite -- that would be awesome.
