Play halo 3 early, get banned from live


Supreme [H]ardness
Nov 15, 2005

Turns out it was just for ms employees, nothing to see here, move along. :eek:

TFA said:
Barely an hour goes by without a tip popping into our magical Kotaku mailbox regarding broken street dates for Halo 3. Copies are appearing on eBay around the world, companies are shipping out their copies too early, and in some instances, people are just being asshats. UK gaming site Pro-G got their hands on a copy from high-street retailer Argos through their website, which this morning was allowing customers to order the game with an in-store pickup date of today. Before popping the game into their 360, however, they wisely contacted Microsoft. A rep for the company confirmed that anyone playing Halo 3 before the release date will have their Xbox Live accounts banned, going on to warn that simply playing offline will not work, as the moment you connect to live your play history will get you flagged for a ban. For those getting their hands on early copies, enjoy that new game've only got a week tops to wait!

Does anyone else think this is kinda messed up? It doesn't really matter for me since I gotta wait for my xbox to get back from repair, but it seems like its unnecessarily punishing people who only want to play the game that they paid for.
it does suck. some unsuspecting user who thinks they got Halo 3 early gets punished for a retailer not paying attention to the street date.
So the user gets f***'d cause stores are selling early, that is BS!! why isnt MS going after the sellers..!
It could just be an empty threat, but we'll find out. I know somebody on another message board who got it early and has been playing it. As far as I know, up to now, he's still able to connect to Live. If he does get banned I'll update it here.

I think it'd be really stupid of Microsoft to ban people who got it early. There could be many mainstream gamers, not really following release dates, seeing it on the store shelf and say "wow, I didn't know it was coming out now. I'm going to buy it!" They buy it and get their accounts banned, when the retailer should be held responsible. There are stickers on their packaging that say when to put the thing out, and if they break it, for whatever reason, they should be held accountable.
i would sue microsoft if i was banned by playing a game i got my hands on early
MP...I can understand but simply playing the single player doesn't hurt anything.:rolleyes:
This is completely false and has already been debunked by Kotaku. I can't get to the link at work however.

Just know that if you have it early you can play it. And that I'm extremely jealous.
Shouldn't they be going after the people who are SELLING them early....not the end user. Doesn't surprise me though.

Nevermind it has been solved
Debunked my ass.
It's obvious Microsoft was getting too much flak for the decision and decided to "correct" the original story.
They mention that it's linked to your LIVE account, but what's to keep someone from creating a bogus one just for this anyway?
Technically, whether the store sold it early or not, you acquired the copy illegally before it was released to the public so therefore MS can do whatever they please. MS attacks the player only because they will not pull revenue from a company that is selling XXXX copies of their new game and XXXXX copies of all previous games, instead it is easier for them to attack a few people here and there.
it does suck. some unsuspecting user who thinks they got Halo 3 early gets punished for a retailer not paying attention to the street date.

exactly, that is absolute bullcrap on Microsofts part
it is not the buyers fault they got the copy early, its the retailer
Technically, whether the store sold it early or not, you acquired the copy illegally before it was released to the public so therefore MS can do whatever they please. .

This is simply not true, its called being a "good faith purchaser" and is not "illegal" any in sense of the word.

Now if you bought it off a truck in an alley somewhere then you may be guilty of receiving stolen goods. Onless of course back alley trucks are legtimate retailers of the game and considering friggin 7-11 is selling the game then it wouldn't suprise me if they were.
Debunked my ass.
It's obvious Microsoft was getting too much flak for the decision and decided to "correct" the original story.

Links? Source? Rabid paranoia? :p

There were a lot of press (given, they were playing the game with MS' permission) that were using their own gamertags and playing Halo3 for their various press releases and articles. It was noted in the Kotaku article as well.

Also, it is most definitely not illegal to purchase something at a retailer that they have for sale. A street date of sale is a verbal/written agreement between the retailer and the manufacturer. If they broke it, they could go to court over breach of contract, but there is no "law" against this that I know of. Since you were never part of such a contract, you're exempt.