playing music from a win share with linux


Mar 29, 2002
I have a 2k3 server box with all my movies and music. I installed ubuntu and i can get to the shares but nothing wants to play the music from the win share. I can copy over the files and play with bmp but i would rather stream them.

I have a kanotix box at work with all my mp3s that i maped on my xp box and that works.

I need to to go the other way at home. Shouldnt this work? I have xmms and bmp and amork(sp) installed and nothing works.
I am playing flac off another box with no problem in ubuntu. Do they not play at all or is it choppy or what?
load in the playlist but dont play.

Im just selecting my mp3s from in the share, right clicking and choosing a player.
I had a friend with the same problem. He ended up installing XMMS and using that to play them without any trouble.
fireburster said:
load in the playlist but dont play.

Im just selecting my mp3s from in the share, right clicking and choosing a player.

This sounds like a really stupid question, but you've installed an mp3 codec, right? Ubuntu doesn't come with one out of the box due to copyright(or wrong) reasons