PlayStation 3 lacks upscaler for 1080i


Limp Gawd
Jul 7, 2003
took from shaknews
PlayStation 3 lacks upscaler for 1080i

With numerous display standards falling under the high definition umbrella--mainly 720p, 1080i, and 1080p--many gamers have expressed confusion as to which is the most appropriate for their games. Now, it seems that with certain HD PS3 games on certain HD television sets, there might not be the option for HD at all. Earlier today, posters at the NeoGAF forums, among other internet gaming hangouts, realized that PlayStation 3 does not seem to have an internal mechanism for upscaling 720p to 1080i. Meanwhile, many 1080i-capable HDTVs also lack such an upscaler. This means that a 720p-only PS3 game simply will not sync with a non-upscaling 1080i HDTV, forcing users to play the game in 480p enhanced definition or 480i standard definition.

For reference, all PS3 games support 720p, while support for 1080i and 1080p is optional. In the NeoGAF thread, a developer from Insomniac Games, which produced the 720p-only Resistance: Fall of Man, stated that the problem is "not a software issue," implying that it is the hardware that lacks an upscaler. By contrast, Microsoft's Xbox 360 will upscale 720p games to 1080i for TVs that require it.

For users with a standard or enhanced definition television, PS3 games should pose no problem, even if they will not be displayed in full resolution. Though apparently lacking an upscaler, the machine does have a functional downscaler.

Shacknews cannot confirm these reports firsthand, lacking a 1080i-only TV with which to test a 720p claim, but multiple firsthand accounts along with the suggestive developer comment point to this one being true. Hopefully the company issues a software update remedying the situation.

Sony Computer Entertainment America had not reponded to requests for comments at time of publishing.
For some reason, even after all the bad press Sony has been getting, I still wanted a PS3. This just put the last nail in the coffin.

My TV only does 480i/p, and 1080i.

Time to pick up a 360.
This topic has been covered about 20 times on these forums alone, and the problem is FAR LESS severe than that old article makes it out to be.
It doesn't matter what "scalar" the ps3 has in almost all cases because your TV is going to convert the image or scale it to it's native resolution. The only case this would matter is if your tv's native resolution happens to be 1080i(can't think of any off the top of my head although there may be some) and you wanted to send it a direct mapped image IF your tv supports such a feature. Most plasmas use a goofy resolution, often square, and most lcds use something along the lines of 1366x768 or newer 1080p.
The bulk or the CRT HDTV's that are more than a few years old didn't support 720p. Sony's own (2001-2003ish) top of the line models are examples.