Playstation Move feedback?!


Jun 8, 2005
Anyone bought it yet?

I decided to take the gamble and bought the kit..

And it I rate it about an Ehh on the fun scale..

Feels like the Wii, but with a bit more response, and better graphics.

Love freesbee golf. Table tennis is kinda wierd. The rest are eh..
My gf absolutely demanded we get this. After my experience with the Wii, I was more than skeptical however I was pleasantly surprised. Far more stable (no Parkinson's shake) and responsive than the Wii. Little bit of input lag, not insurmountable Sure, the software is "meh" but that's first gen anything. This has moderate potential.
Initial feedback is good, but I'm more interested 6 months down the road. Everyone (except krameriffic) thought the Wii was the best thing ever when they first got it and look how many are collecting dust now.
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Initial feedback is good, but I'm more interested 6 months down the road. Everyone thought the Wii was the best thing ever when they first got it and look how many are collecting dust now.

Actually I knew right away that it was a grade A piece of shit. I suspect the Move would be the same.
Actually I knew right away that it was a grade A piece of shit. I suspect the Move would be the same.

Well, I think mainly because this whole "motion" control is just a fad, and sadly, companies are cashing in. It has great potential, but no one is really figuring out how to make use of it.

The DS was the same way when it came out. Tons of horrible games with gimmicky gameplay. It wasn't until over a year later when there were actually a couple good games which used the stylus. Also, fortunately for people, companies started to realize you didn't need to use the stylus, and just started making games without worrying about gimmicks.

The Wii has nothing else to compete with Sony nor MS once you remove the gimmick and first party games. I just view it as Sony and MS systematically attacking the Wii, so the only thing left for the Wii is first party games. And as Sega learned, you can't live on that alone.
I dunno..

I had a about 4 buddies over after work. Now all I have is the sports championship, and a few demos.

We played about 8 rounds of Frisbee golf. A few rounds of ping pong, and some gladiator.

First thing that comes to mind, If you dont have 2 sensors, there are a few games that are pointless.
Mainly Archery, and Gladiator.

If you have people over its definatley fun..
But by yourslelf, If you have played a wii, its the same,
if you havent played a wii, save yourself 100 bucks and wait till either your friends get it, or it drops to 40 bucks..

Thats my opinion.

I dunno about it yet, It still is new, and There will always be something wrong with new shit.. Only time will tell.
I bought it today along with the Navi and rented RE5:GE, and am enjoying it. Just like RE4 on the Wii, really. I feel bad how screwed people who bought the original RE5 are.
Yes, Tiger woods 11 supports it.

When you buy the kit, you get a demo disk, which has a bunch of games. Tiger woods is one of the demos.
I'm definitely impressed with the accuracy. I only had a few hours before I had to go to work but I think it's great and has solid potential.
I'm waiting on Sorcery and other games that are non wii like.
I bought I and tiger woods and I found the support is just terrible. The game has a hard time finding the glowing remote and the controller for these than a second goes through it's glowing spectrum. Then in game it responds half the time. Sports champions though handles well. Love to see a good
bowling game soon
I don't expect this to do great. Just because the motion control novelty has worn off long ago and most Wii sales are just because society tends to flock to buying what everyone else is buying.
For those of you with it, how annoying is the re-calibration and how often does it happen? I have heard a few people mention it. I don't think I would mind it, but I could see some people getting annoyed with it (more casual people).
Truly impressed with the Move so far. Table tennis is a effin blast and really shows off how much more advanced the tech is over the wii-mote(or plus). I felt like i had to be in position to play right.

Tumble was interesting to play with. Waiting on the High velocity bowling patch.

Re-Calibration was basically anytime you start a game disc. And Sports Champions will ask you to calibrate if you change the sport you are playing. I didnt find it annoying at all.
Dead Space: Extraction seems like to only game that I could find moderately interesting, and on its own it's not going to sell me two of these things.

That bounce is just the elastic effect, its like a virtual elastic tied from the cursor to the move controller, its supposed to help compensate for the lag that is caused from data speeds that have to go from the console to the tv, some games use it better than others and some you cant even notice it (all motion controlled devices experience this).

As for the drifting, I guess it all boils down to the programming, or maybe a poor lit room (assuming that the cursor is only tracking the glowing ball, and not the accelerometer and/or gyro).
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I try it out at a friends place... seems a little better then wii (non-MotionPlus), but has a few more areas of frustration. I wouldn't buy it, not until some better games come out and it stands the test of time a bit anyways.
I will say Sony hasn't done a good job at advertising, none of my friends knew what it was. I had to tell them it's like the Wii but for the PS3.
I will say Sony hasn't done a good job at advertising, none of my friends knew what it was. I had to tell them it's like the Wii but for the PS3.

This, accept one. The biggest Sony guy I know isnt planning on getting Move, but is excited about 3D gaming. He has a Wii he said.
Who was the genius who thought it was a great idea to make the Move controllers look like sex toys?
I think it has great will be up to the developers and who jumps on board.

I think Sorcery is what is going to make it or break it...just imo...they need to advertise the crap out of that game...

Anybody else the "The Shoot" demo though? I had a blast playing was a ton better then Time Crisis IMO
I was going to get this and replay RE5 with it, since RE4 on the Wii worked so well. Then I saw that Capcom decided to only patch the Gold Edition. I guess my purchase of the game and DLC isn't enough for continued support.

I'll still probably get the move eventually, but only after plenty of good games come out. I'd be curious how FPS plays with this. I might play a console exclusive FPS with pointing control... I refuse dual analog.
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Who was the genius who thought it was a great idea to make the Move controllers look like sex toys?

I was surprised to find out it vibrated.

Yeah I got one...Need to shift a few for something in december, and something in my head told me it was a good idea. When I bought it (at 11pm) at a supermarket there were these two women shouting "they're getting a touch they're getting a touch" for some reason. I did feel totally unhardcore.
I got it home, played the shoot demo then the rooms lightbulb broke. The PSeye works great as a webcam however. Need a new bulb... But it did work suprisingly well. Had to get used to the movement and things though.
I got it home, played the shoot demo then the rooms lightbulb broke. The PSeye works great as a webcam however. Need a new bulb... But it did work suprisingly well. Had to get used to the movement and things though.

Did you break the bulb with the Move, or are you saying Move doesn't work in the dark?

I did this on launch day for the Wii. I was standing below a ceiling fan and went to do a tennis serve. Next thing I see is shattered glass flying everywhere and a bloody hand...
Patched my High Velocity Bowling last night with move support. Definitely makes the game worth playing again. My 2.5 yr old LOVES eyepet demo with the "magic wand". I may have to spendt he 40 bucks and pick up that full game for her. She's always asking to play with the 'kitty' now. The Move is the first time ive been able to really include my child in any sort of video gaming, and shes loving the interactions. So im pretty happy about it.
Ahah yea my 2 yr old loves eyepet, She calls it a monkey though. lol

Eye pet isnt to bad for the price, alot of challenges to complete, and once you get the drawing book its pretty cool to draw stuff and watch it show up ingame.
So the better question...

Who still has, or still enjoys the Move??

I have not played with it after the 3rd day. Even my 2 yr old was bored of playing "monkey" AKA Eyepet.

Need some better software!
So the better question...

Who still has, or still enjoys the Move??

I have not played with it after the 3rd day. Even my 2 yr old was bored of playing "monkey" AKA Eyepet.

Need some better software!

I still break it out every couple days for Eyepet with the kid. Lack of software is the main problem right now. Honestly, im fine with that atm. The technology impressed me, i knew being a day 1 buyer id not have much to play with.
Just started playing Heavy Rain for the second time with move support, something i didn't feel like doing, but surprisingly it actually changed the experience for the better.

I'm still waiting for the PAIN patch.
I dont like it in General. I could not stand the Wii Mote. I picked up the Move and Re5 gave it a good couple of days but im a Controller Freak. The Move in my Opinion is Rubbish I took it back and sold the game to my Buddy.

I can tell you its not for everyone.
I like the move so far. Took me a couple tries to get used to Time Crisis. Never played it. The shoot is fun. Tumble is interesting and my son had a blast with start the party. They need to work on High Velocity Bowling though. To get spin you just twist your wrist but the controller doesn't always pick that up. Don't know how many gutterballs I've thrown.
I play frisbee golf alot with my fiance and friends. Its always fun.

But like a previous poster, I knew that I wouldn't have much to play with being a early adopter. Hopefully they keep developing for it. As soon as I get the money I am going to buy The Shoot though, I had fun with the demo.
I love the idea of it, but the box is unassuming (I walked right past it thinking it was SingStar or something) and I don't think enough people even know it's out.
I've got no plans to get either this or Kinect at this point. I'm convinced these will both be instances where an accessory will divide the audience, and the audience without 'em will be 20x larger. I'll need a killer app to sell me on them at this point, and I don't think there are any on the horizon.