Please forgive me as I have sinned...


[H]ard|DCer of the Month - February 2006
Jun 11, 2003
Yep.... zim03 has had a higher 7 day PPD average than myself for the past few days.

Fear not one and all as part 1 of borg fest'06 had been completed (borging dialup FTW [well FTL actually but screw it there are CPU clock cycles to be had]). Should have been a net increase of 101 GZh. Got about another 50 GHZ maybe should everything go well.

Next day or two should put zim03 back in his rightful trud place.
and another five dual 3.0 1750's go online tonight..
......"mary03 to me"
marty9876 said:
offline tomorrow night then?

:eek: :D

just watch the cpu count/ppd difference...I knew you couldn't resist me
and the grudge continues.......gotta just love it :)

more probation for mary03 :p
tsuehpsyde said:
Haha, mary is gettign pwnt by a limp gawd. That makes me smile.

Cork it little one.

pwnt my ass, next update should put dim boy in his place

marty9876 said:
Yep.... zim03 has had a higher 7 day PPD average than myself for the past few days.

Ask, and you shall receive, Sister Mary....

I suggest that a few of Marty's supporters (NOT like the supporter in the pic !) that have more than 10 boxen contribute one boxen output to Sister Mary for a week or 3 as I am doing.

This way we keep our major sister on top , as it should be .....

Countdown from 20 for Sister Mary ! D=19

Fear not, order in the universe has been restored. :D


RPHArrow- you nut! Only guy I know who would move his boxen over to someone else who is doing 18K+ PPD already! Actually, you just gave the dimmer n00b ammunition for another few months on how I'm getting help from others and all the other blah blah that keep coming. :p ;)
heh, I could put my boxen that was turning out all the EUE into his name :eek: nah... there might be repercussions, as they say ....

RPhArrow --\\\------------------>
RPhArrow said:
Countdown from 20 for Sister Mary ! D=19
17, and 2 more coming :D

If you can do it, I can do it, dammit. The only difference is....

you might not notice :eek: :p

RPhArrow said:
Way to go , Mage ! I'm proud :D


me, grumpy ?? Hell yes....
and I just learned how to post in color...

Glad you two [H]ARD freaks are on Team 33!


And rpharrow---- glad to see you catchin on this computer thing! (posting in color of all things! wow!
Pocatello said:
And rpharrow---- glad to see you catchin on this computer thing! (posting in color of all things! wow!

Hah ! There comes a time when you are glad be learning instead of forgetting ! Now the (nearly) sad thing here is that I'm responsible for keeping my 84 year old father up to date on the computer :eek: (For real !!) He actually does damn well on his own.... if only he would stop buying everything that Zone wants to sell him......

RPhArrow --\\\---------------------------->
RPhArrow said:
heh, I could put my boxen that was turning out all the EUE into his name :eek: nah... there might be repercussions, as they say ....

RPhArrow --\\\------------------>

too bad you couldn't figure the proper setup
oh gee, what a are a mary03 fan
Don't worry Zim, I've got your back...I'll get this guy to switch over for ya.

Supposedly Marty hasn't been paying child support and he's disgruntled about not having new school clothes.

Your order in the Universe has not been restored, your still number 2 to FLECOM!

And FLECOM can still deliver with a hard punch.
ND40oz said:
Don't worry Zim, I've got your back...I'll get this guy to switch over for ya.

Supposedly Marty hasn't been paying child support and he's disgruntled about not having new school clothes.

Thanks :)

Scorpionjwp said:
Your order in the Universe has not been restored, your still number 2 to FLECOM!
And FLECOM can still deliver with a hard punch.

yea, let me see where did I put that other 1.5 THz... :rolleyes:
You put them Xeons under my name dim boy? Seems your at a 3k PPD lose here, might need for you to get a room with Viper in the whiny department.
marty9876 said:
You put them Xeons under my name dim boy? Seems your at a 3k PPD lose here, might need for you to get a room with Viper in the whiny department.

let's talk in a week mouth....
ps GPU's up to 660 per day or 1320
zim01 said:
let's talk in a week mouth....
ps GPU's up to 660 per day or 1320

20k PPD vs. you blow PPD

Me winning that round, GPU's or not.
Marty+Celerons+dialup > zim+Xeon+datacenter

Ahh, math even mage would love.
Ehh, what's the point Marty? You always lose these things. What's next, pictures of you in a thong and garter? :D No one wants to see that, please stop playing. ;)
marty9876 said:
could care less what zim does. For the record I've got boxes under a few different names etc.

i'm sure more then some of us here do as well...but it's still fun giving you a hard time in your Please forgive me as I have sinned... thread. ;)
week sucked, just like you :p

nyc data center blew 2 rpbs( remote power backups)
of course had to be in my rack area.
2 of 5 1750's were bad
dual 5160's just got there

florida data center had a backhoe dig clean through the whole fiber box.....

life sucks and then you have to know mary03, with snow balls, cuz otherwise doesn't have any :)
zim01, I'm surprised that you are folding on data-center/production machines. Do you have have a lot of redundancy then? Does it slow down any of the processes?

Georgie having a bad weekie?

Excuses, excuses... Same as before, WU on the board or go home!

MN Scout: Near as I can tell, these data centers are Georgie's personal play land, no clue how...