Please get nVidia to Acknowledge, diagnose, and Fix this issue! Please read.


Mar 18, 2003

Incredible. The only way to describe the situation is incredible. I'm not an nVidia or Ati “!!!!!!” by any stretch of the imagination. I buy whichever videocard performs the best or is the best “bang for the buck” at the time of purchase. Not once in my fairly lengthy lifetime of purchasing videocards have I ever had issues of this magnitude ignored by a videocard manufacturer. Let me start from the beginning...

I upgraded from my BFG 7800 GT OC to a supposedly lovely BFG 8800 GTS – near top of the line at the time of this writing. The videocard isn't cheap at $500 retail new from the vendor at which I purchased it. So you can imagine my dismay when I discovered the apparent issue surrounding the 8800 line of videocards: the most shoddy drivers in the history of mankind.[sup]1[/sup]

So I loaded up the game I most frequently play these days: Counter-Strike: Source. The first thing I noticed was that there was fog in incorrect places and textures looked extremely abnormal. Then, inexplicably, the system locked up and crashed. Hard reboot, no warning. “Hmm” I pondered. I looked online for posts regarding this issue and, from what I have seen, the abnormal textures and unexplained fog was an issue with the Source engine and this card. The “solution” was to force DirectX 8.1 instead of using DirectX 9. That's all I'll mention of the abnormal fog and such in the main body of this, as it's seemingly a separate issue. [sup]2[/sup]

On to the inexplicable crash. I restarted and forced DirectX 8.1 with CS:S. I played for a bit (perhaps a few hours) until I got a lovely Blue Screen of Death (BSOD). The BSOD looked like a typical STOP BSOD with the following message, in my case:

STOP 0X0000007E (OXC0000005, 0XBFB4E28E, 0XAD6258CC, 0XAD6255C8)

nv4_disp.dll - Address BFBE28E base at BF9D40000, DateStamp 458ae707

Little did I know that I would soon come to be will acquainted with this particular blue screen from hell. I shrugged it off after checking to ensure that my temperatures were within tolerable ranges and that voltages from my PSU (Power Supply) were acceptable. They were, so I continued playing over the next couple of days.

Every time I'd go to play a game of CS:S, I'd get in and play for an hour or two (usually) without issue (except for DX8.1 looking quite vile). After this period of stability I'd get the BSOD. Again and again. Every single time. I was quickly becoming agitated.

So I started scouring the net and I found out that droves of people were having the exact same issue: BSODs in the middle of a 3d application. Some were playing World of Warcraft, some were playing CS:S like me, and some others were playing Battlefield 2.

The first thread I found mentioned issues with the a gentleman's 8800 GTX randomly hard locking or BSODing on him (found here). The second thread I found, a bit later, consisted of quite a few WoW players (I won't make fun of them for playing WoW... this time) getting the exact same BSOD at nearly the same coordinates on “Burning Crusade” (link). I found the nVidia forums littered with people professing of such problems.

As suggested in the thread I filed a support ticket with nVidia. First I described my problem and linked to the thread to on their forums to no avail. After pleading with the support “specialist” they finally “escalated my case” to Level 2 tech support. Ooh, sounds snazzy. I wait a week to get the following response:

Nvidia Tech said:
Hello xxx,

This support website is designed to support NVIDIA direct sales products, such as the NVIDIA DualTV tuner card and the NVIDIA PureVideo DVD Decoder. We also address Presales questions about NVIDIA based products and technology. We can try to help with general issues or point you in the right direction but cannot fix all issues beyond the scope of our support.

I'm sorry but we will not be able to address or fix the problem you cite via this forum. Developers are already aware of the bug and are working to resolve the problem in CS. However, we will not be able to provide you feedback on their findings at this time.

Best regards,

Oh, I wasn't aware that nVidia didn't support their drivers or care about their users? It must be lovely to live in a world in which you can manufacture a GPU, sell it to companies, write drivers for it, then leave them totally unsupported. It'd also seem that the “technician” had an issue reading what I had explained or following the link to their very own forums. He/She spoke only of my issue in “CS.” My texture issues in CS:S were a tertiary concern (see footnote 2) to the more glaring problem of oh, I don't know, rampant BSODs preventing me from playing the games that I enjoy? As I mentioned it's not an issue that lies solely with CS:S, many people have spoken of issues across several different games and 3d applications, some even crashing while not in a 3D applications.

At this point I'm absolutely incensed. How could nVidia be so reticent about the issue? It has not been mentioned in any of the driver releases/bugfixes/”known issue” notes. Not a peep on their forums. Not a press release, not a single “Hey guys, we're working on it. Please hang tight.” The only communication I received is through the ticket and that was quite unsatisfying to say the least.

I'd also like to point out just a few of the actions taken by people to resolve the issue, unsuccessfully:

- Removing nTune
- Extra cooling
- Swapped hard drives
- Different memory
- "Beefier" PSU (Up to 1000W)
- Different motherboards
- Different processor combinations
- Stripping of parts down to a nearly bare system
- SEVERAL drivers. I've personally tried 3-4, including the latest, to no avail.

I'm most likely forgetting a few things, too.

If you're thinking about buying an 8800 series card my advice to you is: DO NOT. Sure, you may be one of the lucky ones that have no issues, but do you really want to take that chance? Hold off on buying the card until nVidia steps up to the table and states that they're working on the problem.
Please either submit a question here Or email them at [email protected] . I'm not sure if the postmaster address is read but it is live, at the very least. Also note: although they don't purport to support their GPUs they should be supporting their drivers.

This issue needs to be exposed and nVidia needs to, at the very least, acknowledge the existence of a problem. I'm submitting this to several different places in an attempt to bring exposure to the issue. We should not be ignored.

Specifications on my computer, as it stands:

2x Opteron 252 Troy Processors
Asus K8N-DL Motherboard
2x 512MB Corsair TWINX Registered ECC XMS
BFG 8800 GTS 640 MB
2x 250GB WD Caviars in Raid0 plugged into a RocketRaid card
1x 120Gig Seagate drive (boot)
Fortron BlueSomething 520W PSU

Note: I'm submitting this to OC-Forums, Digg, The HardForums, and the nVidia forums. Pass this along to your friends. Make them at least listen to us and try to help us find out what the issue is.

Please post up in support of this.


Link at [H]:
nVidia forums link:

More links to those having issues:
[sup]1[/sup] I should mention that at the time of this writing this seems to be a driver issue. Given that all signs are pointing to it being a driver issue I'm going to leave this in. If it turns out not to be a driver issue I will retract this statement.

[sup]2[/sup] Just to elaborate: Basically people that were off in the distance appeared as a smoky silhouette instead of a well defined and visible opponent. Random white fog would appear everywhere. Things are completely bugged out if you run the 8800 series at DX 9 with CS:S. This is supposedly a separate issue.
Guess what, are you overclocking your cpu? I had the EXACT same issue in Flight Simulator X, all other games were fine....I had to back my overclock down ~100mhz and all is wonderful again (which also changed the ram speeds a bit)...and this only occurred in Vista, XP Pro was fine. Apparently Vista works the cpu subsystem a bit harder, especially if you are running 64 bit.... might not be NV's fault....

I am going to do some more testing, it might have been all ram related since I was running relaxed timings because the ram was overclocked too far to run at stock timings.

EDIT: oops, I was NOT having the nv4disp.dll error, so it appears our issues were different, but don't rule out ram timings and/or overclocking levels....
Yes, I could not agree more. I bought an 8800GTX thinking it would take care of the poor frame rates I was getting in The Burning Crusade, but much to my dismay in many situations the performance is worse than before with my 7800GT. I, too, have had the BSODs, except mine have only come in WoW. I, too, have the fog issues in CS:S.

Trust me, if Nvidia doesn't have this fixed before ATI's new lineup comes out, I'll most definitely be selling my 8800GTX without any intention to ever come back.

...and nothing on my system is overclocked, by the way...
Guess what, are you overclocking your cpu? I had the EXACT same issue in Flight Simulator X, all other games were fine....I had to back my overclock down ~100mhz and all is wonderful again (which also changed the ram speeds a bit)...and this only occurred in Vista, XP Pro was fine. Apparently Vista works the cpu subsystem a bit harder, especially if you are running 64 bit.... might not be NV's fault....

I am going to do some more testing, it might have been all ram related since I was running relaxed timings because the ram was overclocked too far to run at stock timings.

EDIT: oops, I was NOT having the nv4disp.dll error, so it appears our issues were different, but don't rule out ram timings and/or overclocking levels....

No, everything is stock.

Yes, I could not agree more. I bought an 8800GTX thinking it would take care of the poor frame rates I was getting in The Burning Crusade, but much to my dismay in many situations the performance is worse than before with my 7800GT. I, too, have had the BSODs, except mine have only come in WoW. I, too, have the fog issues in CS:S.

Trust me, if Nvidia doesn't have this fixed before ATI's new lineup comes out, I'll most definitely be selling my 8800GTX without any intention to ever come back.

...and nothing on my system is overclocked, by the way...

Hear hear. I've always been the kind of person who just uses whatever is the best bang for the buck at the time but if this fiasco does not get solved I'm never going back to nVidia. might not be NV's fault....

it most certainly is their fault.

I have a nvidia geforce fx go5200 in my laptop next to me here I want to (and will) beat to death with a sledgehammer when I get the ati card that will fit into it (horray for a laptop that can upgrade it's video card!)

I don't do heavy gaming on it, secondlife is the most taxing game I have ever thrown at it. where I have issues with it is video playback. I sweat bullets when I will open a video file I downloaded from the internet, it will either play fine, or crash like above hurling the nv4_disp.dll error at my screen.

Pull battery, pull power cord, put both back in, then restart is the only way the damn BSOD goes away.

I've tried everything from cooling pads in case it was overheating, aiming a fan at it full blast to try that also, to trying many different versions of drivers, still no dice. Driver support from dell for it ended around 2004 or 2005, nvidia forceware (heh heh, ironic name, certainly feels like force to use them!) drivers report a "error: no supported GPU detected" or whatever error. Great, no product support! :rolleyes:

I saw posts on a forum that Nvidia Forceware (heheh) 66.84 drivers solved the problem, nope. still crashes randomly on video playback.

Drivers tried:

Dell provided drivers (crashes like crazy, but I get to use the svideo out of the card to send a signal to a television, a feature I do use for video playback)

Nvidia drivers (hah, "unsupported/unknown video/gpu card")

Omega Drivers, hacked forceware drivers to work with the card (sort of rock solid, but disables svideo out, wtf is the whole point then?)

I'm fedup with it, and the above does not give any more reason why I should even remotely consider nvidia. *looks down at floor spotting a ATI radeon card*

never again, no nvidia. posts like the above, where the guy spends $500 of his hard earned money on a video card, or even someone who spends $75 on some bargain basement crap nvidia card just to have it do the same thing is not a good thing at all involving this crap with nvidia!

"friends don't give friends nvidia" *shakes head*

this card has been a nightmare. if I can't play a simple friggin episode of mythbusters or watch a dvd on the laptop without feeling like I have a gun pressed to the back of my neck, what kind of product is that? That's hardly overloading the GPU, it's just a video! :rolleyes:

Goodbye nvidia, as soon as I can afford it, the laptop gets a ATI mobility radeon 9000 and you get a sledgehammer on your worthless core! free photos for everyone also!

the sad part here is that I was willing to give nvidia a chance, and they blew it. none of their cards will ever grace any systems I build, period. if I win one, I beat it with a sledgehammer or sell it to some sucker, err someone who likes them.

I can't take it anymore!
I love how ignorant people blame Nvidia because of....Valve's problem with steam.

...the fact that WoW is more CPU than GPU dependant and expected a huge FPS increase.

...the user's lack of experience with computers having obviously NOTHING to do with the problems they have.

Keep crying, your tears only make me stronger
Funny how so many of us AREN'T having issues....I agree the drivers are a bit rough, but even under Vista, I am having great results....

You're using a different OS and different drivers. Look at the forums. This isn't an isolated incident. Hundreds of users have posted up about it.
I love how ignorant people blame Nvidia because of....Valve's problem with steam.

...the fact that WoW is more CPU than GPU dependant and expected a huge FPS increase.

...the user's lack of experience with computers having obviously NOTHING to do with the problems they have.

Keep crying, your tears only make me stronger

And BF2? And 3dsmax? And ANY 3D APPLICATION, EVER?

What is your problem? I had forogtten how retarded some users at hardforums are.
I love how ignorant people blame Nvidia because of....Valve's problem with steam.
Firstly, Steam has nothing to do with the games themselves. Steam is essentially just a launcher on a grand, over-elaborate scale. CS, CS:S and every other game that can be launched from Steam are separate executables. Source-powered games are typically "hl2.exe".

Secondly, I highly doubt the nv4_disp.dll is a Valve problem, because this isn't an uncommon issue. I've heard this issue at least a dozen times, but I don't think it's quite as frequent as the OP believes it is.

Thirdly, the Source-engine fog "bug" is Valve's issue, and the OP really isn't complaining about that. I'd imagine he could stomach Valve's blatant incompetence in the matter (and Valve's blatant incompetence regarding other matters in general -- because Valve is incompetent in general) if the drivers worked.

So, in summarization, it appears that you're the ignorant one here, kiddo.

That being said, I think this entire crusade is slightly premature. How many times did you contact tech support, OP? Once? And now your stance is that people should strongly reconsider buying an 8800-series card? I agree that you were given a completely bum answer from the tech, but that tech is probably only trained to feed canned responses to all questions. You need to try a high-level tech, or try to contact the ForceWare team directly.

I'm sorry, but it looks to me like all you've done is browsed a few forums, found people that have the same issue, contacted NVIDIA tech support once and have completely given up. Rather than spend energy working with NVIDIA or the AIB (did you ever call the AIB?), you're launching some sort of Digg-fueled crusade. I'm not saying it's the wrong way to go, but I'd definitely try to exhaust all of my other options before inciting the rule of the mob.
And BF2? And 3dsmax? And ANY 3D APPLICATION, EVER?

What is your problem? I had forogtten how retarded some users at hardforums are.

All of the above work perfectly on my Dimension 9100 / P4D 3.2GHz / 3GB RAM / Vista Ultimate (clean install) / EVGA 8800GTS / 100.59 drivers.

In addition, BF2142, CS:Source, Oblivion all work great.

<3 Vista!

p.s., turn off User Access Control (UAC)
Man, and I just ordered a BFG 8800gts OC 640MB, reading about these problems has dampened my enthusiasm somewhat.
Firstly, Steam has nothing to do with the games themselves. Steam is essentially just a launcher on a grand, over-elaborate scale. CS, CS:S and every other game that can be launched from Steam are separate executables. Source-powered games are typically "hl2.exe".

Secondly, I highly doubt the nv4_disp.dll is a Valve problem, because this isn't an uncommon issue. I've heard this issue at least a dozen times, but I don't think it's quite as frequent as the OP believes it is.

Thirdly, the Source-engine fog "bug" is Valve's issue, and the OP really isn't complaining about that. I'd imagine he could stomach Valve's blatant incompetence in the matter (and Valve's blatant incompetence regarding other matters in general -- because Valve is incompetent in general) if the drivers worked.

So, in summarization, it appears that you're the ignorant one here, kiddo.

That being said, I think this entire crusade is slightly premature. How many times did you contact tech support, OP? Once? And now your stance is that people should strongly reconsider buying an 8800-series card? I agree that you were given a completely bum answer from the tech, but that tech is probably only trained to feed canned responses to all questions. You need to try a high-level tech, or try to contact the ForceWare team directly.

I'm sorry, but it looks to me like all you've done is browsed a few forums, found people that have the same issue, contacted NVIDIA tech support once and have completely given up. Rather than spend energy working with NVIDIA or the AIB (did you ever call the AIB?), you're launching some sort of Digg-fueled crusade. I'm not saying it's the wrong way to go, but I'd definitely try to exhaust all of my other options before inciting the rule of the mob.

Sorry, I meant Source, not steam.
I have had no BSOD issues with my 8800 GTS. It must be a problem with your hardware -- I see that you have have multiple processors and a RAID array. That is a pretty bizzare setup. BTW my system is an E6600 @ 3.6 GHZ and it is perfectly stable with my 8800. The other possibility is that one or more manufacturers are producing faulty graphic cards. My PNY has had no problems though.
I have had no BSOD issues with my 8800 GTS. It must be a problem with your hardware -- I see that you have have multiple processors and a RAID array. That is a pretty bizzare setup.

This is the most hillarious sentence I've read in ages.

If you had bothered to read the post or follow through to the nvidia forums links you'd see several threads with people running a WIDE variety of set ups that have had this issue. Including those with, *Gasp, * an e6600 just like you!

As I said, it may not be the most prevalent problem. However you can not deny that there are quite a few that have issues. Check the first nVidia forum link, ~50 users. Check the WoW link, similar numbers. Check the eVGA forum link, again more users with the issue. And this is just those that have bothered to get online and bitch about it.

It's easy to sit there and be happy when your videocard is working, criticizing others. How would YOU feel if nVidia disregarded you and ignored the problem?

This has been going on since late November

FFS it's been 2+ months and not a peep from nVidia. I don't ask that you love and cherish every moment of the story, I just ask that if you comment that you read the post and realize the facts and the magnitude of the situation before you try to flame.
My theory is that you have a defective card and should RMA it. I have had absolutely NO issues with BSOD, and have been running an extremely buggy, unoptimized Supreme Commander demo lately.

1. Some of these people are using the 680i, which are known to have numerous stability/HDD corruption issues. That accounts for the problems the EVGA people are having. Coincidentally, that is what most of them are attributing it to -- quite a few of them don't even have an 8800...
2. The problem the people using WoW are experiencing is likely an entirely seperate issue. Note that players are crashing in the SAME exact area, not all over the game. Obviously there is some piece of content/code in that area which is causing issues with some driver configurations. Again, this issue does not affect you; they are getting BSODs in one very specific area of the part of a game where you are getting BSODs *EVERYWHERE*.
3. You seem to be the only one having this issue, which tells me it is caused by a defective card and/or incompatible setup.
Maybe your PSU isn't up to par...

If you had read my post you'd know the answer to this.

My theory is that you have a defective card and should RMA it. I have had absolutely NO issues with BSOD, and have been running an extremely buggy, unoptimized Supreme Commander demo lately.

1. Some of these people are using the 680i, which are known to have numerous stability/HDD corruption issues. That accounts for the problems the EVGA people are having. Coincidentally, that is what most of them are attributing it to -- quite a few of them don't even have an 8800...
2. The problem the people using WoW are experiencing is likely an entirely seperate issue. Note that players are crashing in the SAME exact area, not all over the game. Obviously there is some piece of content/code in that area which is causing issues with some driver configurations. Again, this issue does not affect you; they are getting BSODs in one very specific area of the part of a game where you are getting BSODs *EVERYWHERE*.
3. You seem to be the only one having this issue, which tells me it is caused by a defective card and/or incompatible setup.

If you had looked at the nVidia forums thread you'd know the answer to to this!

It's amazing what reading can do these days.
Just though I would chime in and state I am having the exact same issue but in EQ2. The BSOD occurrs with that NV4 file listed everytime.

I'm running an EVGA 8800GTS Superclock so my first thought was that the overclock was abit too much for the card. I"m downloading nTune tonight so I can mess around with the settings. Depending on my results I may be contacting EVGA for an RMA or complaining to nVidia to fix their drivers.
Good post Excelsior-

So it seems that the problem is not limited to one type of MB chipset. Does anyone know what the NV4 file does?

Incredible. The only way to describe the situation is incredible. I'm not an nVidia or Ati “!!!!!!” by any stretch of the imagination. I buy whichever videocard performs the best or is the best “bang for the buck” at the time of purchase. Not once in my fairly lengthy lifetime of purchasing videocards have I ever had issues of this magnitude ignored by a videocard manufacturer. Let me start from the beginning...

I upgraded from my BFG 7800 GT OC to a supposedly lovely BFG 8800 GTS – near top of the line at the time of this writing. The videocard isn't cheap at $500 retail new from the vendor at which I purchased it. So you can imagine my dismay when I discovered the apparent issue surrounding the 8800 line of videocards: the most shoddy drivers in the history of mankind.[sup]1[/sup]

So I loaded up the game I most frequently play these days: Counter-Strike: Source. The first thing I noticed was that there was fog in incorrect places and textures looked extremely abnormal. Then, inexplicably, the system locked up and crashed. Hard reboot, no warning. “Hmm” I pondered. I looked online for posts regarding this issue and, from what I have seen, the abnormal textures and unexplained fog was an issue with the Source engine and this card. The “solution” was to force DirectX 8.1 instead of using DirectX 9. That's all I'll mention of the abnormal fog and such in the main body of this, as it's seemingly a separate issue. [sup]2[/sup]

On to the inexplicable crash. I restarted and forced DirectX 8.1 with CS:S. I played for a bit (perhaps a few hours) until I got a lovely Blue Screen of Death (BSOD). The BSOD looked like a typical STOP BSOD with the following message, in my case:

STOP 0X0000007E (OXC0000005, 0XBFB4E28E, 0XAD6258CC, 0XAD6255C8)

nv4_disp.dll - Address BFBE28E base at BF9D40000, DateStamp 458ae707

Little did I know that I would soon come to be will acquainted with this particular blue screen from hell. I shrugged it off after checking to ensure that my temperatures were within tolerable ranges and that voltages from my PSU (Power Supply) were acceptable. They were, so I continued playing over the next couple of days.

Every time I'd go to play a game of CS:S, I'd get in and play for an hour or two (usually) without issue (except for DX8.1 looking quite vile). After this period of stability I'd get the BSOD. Again and again. Every single time. I was quickly becoming agitated.

So I started scouring the net and I found out that droves of people were having the exact same issue: BSODs in the middle of a 3d application. Some were playing World of Warcraft, some were playing CS:S like me, and some others were playing Battlefield 2.

The first thread I found mentioned issues with the a gentleman's 8800 GTX randomly hard locking or BSODing on him (found here). The second thread I found, a bit later, consisted of quite a few WoW players (I won't make fun of them for playing WoW... this time) getting the exact same BSOD at nearly the same coordinates on “Burning Crusade” (link). I found the nVidia forums littered with people professing of such problems.

As suggested in the thread I filed a support ticket with nVidia. First I described my problem and linked to the thread to on their forums to no avail. After pleading with the support “specialist” they finally “escalated my case” to Level 2 tech support. Ooh, sounds snazzy. I wait a week to get the following response:

Oh, I wasn't aware that nVidia didn't support their drivers or care about their users? It must be lovely to live in a world in which you can manufacture a GPU, sell it to companies, write drivers for it, then leave them totally unsupported. It'd also seem that the “technician” had an issue reading what I had explained or following the link to their very own forums. He/She spoke only of my issue in “CS.” My texture issues in CS:S were a tertiary concern (see footnote 2) to the more glaring problem of oh, I don't know, rampant BSODs preventing me from playing the games that I enjoy? As I mentioned it's not an issue that lies solely with CS:S, many people have spoken of issues across several different games and 3d applications, some even crashing while not in a 3D applications.

At this point I'm absolutely incensed. How could nVidia be so reticent about the issue? It has not been mentioned in any of the driver releases/bugfixes/”known issue” notes. Not a peep on their forums. Not a press release, not a single “Hey guys, we're working on it. Please hang tight.” The only communication I received is through the ticket and that was quite unsatisfying to say the least.

I'd also like to point out just a few of the actions taken by people to resolve the issue, unsuccessfully:

- Removing nTune
- Extra cooling
- Swapped hard drives
- Different memory
- "Beefier" PSU (Up to 1000W)
- Different motherboards
- Different processor combinations
- Stripping of parts down to a nearly bare system
- SEVERAL drivers. I've personally tried 3-4, including the latest, to no avail.

I'm most likely forgetting a few things, too.

If you're thinking about buying an 8800 series card my advice to you is: DO NOT. Sure, you may be one of the lucky ones that have no issues, but do you really want to take that chance? Hold off on buying the card until nVidia steps up to the table and states that they're working on the problem.
Please either submit a question here Or email them at [email protected] . I'm not sure if the postmaster address is read but it is live, at the very least. Also note: although they don't purport to support their GPUs they should be supporting their drivers.

This issue needs to be exposed and nVidia needs to, at the very least, acknowledge the existence of a problem. I'm submitting this to several different places in an attempt to bring exposure to the issue. We should not be ignored.

Specifications on my computer, as it stands:

2x Opteron 252 Troy Processors
Asus K8N-DL Motherboard
2x 512MB Corsair TWINX Registered ECC XMS
BFG 8800 GTS 640 MB
2x 250GB WD Caviars in Raid0 plugged into a RocketRaid card
1x 120Gig Seagate drive (boot)
Fortron BlueSomething 520W PSU

Note: I'm submitting this to OC-Forums, Digg, The HardForums, and the nVidia forums. Pass this along to your friends. Make them at least listen to us and try to help us find out what the issue is.

Please post up in support of this.


Link at [H]:
nVidia forums link:

More links to those having issues:
[sup]1[/sup] I should mention that at the time of this writing this seems to be a driver issue. Given that all signs are pointing to it being a driver issue I'm going to leave this in. If it turns out not to be a driver issue I will retract this statement.

[sup]2[/sup] Just to elaborate: Basically people that were off in the distance appeared as a smoky silhouette instead of a well defined and visible opponent. Random white fog would appear everywhere. Things are completely bugged out if you run the 8800 series at DX 9 with CS:S. This is supposedly a separate issue.

Are you using XP or Vista
Unless i missed it you are running XP. Yes, i have also seen that exact error nv display... It is a driver issue (at least it was with me). The only good driver i've found that allows me to play the game i like to play (BF2.. for stress relief) is the 97.02. The later drivers will blue screen my machine with the 97.44's being the worst. Sometimes it seems to happen randomly...I think the latest one was better but my computer BSOD at least once so i went back to the 97.02. And i haven't even gotten to other things that don't work right but that's a story for another day.

Yeah i know its frustrating. This is the first nVidia card that i've owned that has a bad driver streak.
Ok I am kinda a noob but.... If your are getting BSOD's I would demand a RMA. I have no issues except some distant fog in cs. bf2, oblivion, fear, and dark messia play just fine. I have used all drivers from 97.02 and 97.44. So have many others. I dont see how it can be driver issue when most of the cards work fine. It seems to me that it would have to a card issue not driver. Just my 2 cents.
I downloaded the NGO modified 97.92 and will run it for a few days. If that doesnt fix it I'll try and drop down to an earlier driver.
I am running Win XP 64 Pro. with latest I have issues when running BF2142.

BFG 8800 GTS - OC 640 MB
AMD 3200+ (939)
2 gigs (4 - 512 MB corsair CMX 512-3200XLPT 2-2-2-5 timings)
74G Raptor
MSI Neo 8 Platinum Nforce 4 SLI mobo
+ Nforce mobo drivers 6.86 (just in case you were curious)

I just had a clean install(winxp 64+ fully patched) and I still have issues with the latest drivers - 97.92. In BF2142 I have stability issues. The card should handle the game without a hitch, according to reviews and what not. Regardless if I step down the settings and resolution, I still have lots of glitches. (jitterness if you will)

I will go back and reinstall older drivers and give them a whirl.Hopefully that may resolve the issue for now. If anyone has any suggestions....thx
forgot to mention that Ntune also does not work for me. So I cannot see the stats of my card through it.
just put an email in to kyle so maybe he will read this thread and let nvidia know.

So far the only BSOD issue I have had is with running WoW with anything over 2x AA when in Terokkar Forest, mainly in the Veil Skith area. Which you pass by the area quite a bit when going out to to Refugee Caravan/The Bone Wastes/Auchindoun

I run WoW at 1680x1050, 2xAA, 8xAF, no vync, and all game options on max.
I have 0 issues with my 8800GTX and BF2. 16xAA 16xAF 1680x1050 at usually 80-100 fps, and it has never BSOD'd on me. In fact, I really havn't had any problems with it at all. Rig in sig.
When you said you have tried several drivers, did you uninstall the older drivers before installing the later ones? Just checking.

nVidia's response to you was just flat out not cool. At least they should provide you some troubleshooting tips or something; something to reassure that they're trying to support you.

I might have experienced the BSOD that you mentioned, but mine occurred only once out of my 2 or 3 months of ownership of my 8800 GTS and that was when I was playing Oblivion for an hour or two. Guess I'm one of the luckier folks.