Please help an old gamer

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Aug 29, 2002
Please forgive me, but the search function is not currently working. I used Google to search this site, but I still could not find the proper thread for this question. And so:

I've been in the "making computers heat up and crash so I can brag about my overclock" hobby for a while, but as you all know, real life gets in the way. Long story short, I need a new video card. (the 9700pro has bit the dust. I NEED a new card!)

I currently have a 9700pro, which I bought when it launched. Man, when this card came out (I'm sure many of you remember) it was bad ass. It beat everything, and the amount by which it beat everything was LARGE. It was truly next generation hardware.

System specs (basics):

Asus P4C800-E Deluxe Motherboard
1 GB PC3500 Kingston HyperX Ram
P4 2.6C (overclocked to 3 or 3.2, or whatever I feel like)

So, I need an AGP card. No, I am not going to upgrade to PCI-Express. Sorry.

I think I want an NVidia card, but which one will be the best for my system? Help an old guy out here... I mean, the model numbers of these cards are ridiculous, and I've been out of the game a while.

Can I even GET a 7600GT AGP? Is a 7600GS okay? Is there better? Should I forget it and go ATI? Sigh.

Is there a thread I missed that I should read? Damn, I wish that search function was working.

Help :)
dont see why you wouldnt go pcie as its usually cheaper and much better. but if youre definately going with agp i would look at the ati raden 3000 series like a 3850. what is youre budget?
I'm not going to PCI-E, because I see no way that a new motherboard, ram, and CPU, AND video card is going to be cheaper (and faster, time wise) than just putting in a new AGP card.

Not to mention the time taken to reconfigure everything, all my hard drives, etc, etc... RAID stuff.... etc.....

If I'm wrong, either motherboards, CPUs, and RAM are WAY cheaper than they used to be, or I'm missing something.

Anyway, I dunno, I'd spend less than $200. Preferably close to $100, give or take.

Best bang for the buck? What are some good options?

I'm not here to debate going to PCI-E. (that's why I said I'm not going to PCI-E in my first post).....
Pick up a 7600 GS that or a 6800 GXT if you can find them. Ati's 3 series sucked.
EVGA ad Asus both make 7600 GS cards theey're pretty nice.
Pick up a 7600 GS that or a 6800 GXT if you can find them. Ati's 3 series sucked.
EVGA ad Asus both make 7600 GS cards theey're pretty nice.

thanks man.

Yeah, I was looking at those 7600GS cards on newegg I think... (man, newegg has gotten big!)

I noticed the one made by ASUS has passive cooling. I bet that shit gets hot. I suppose I could always put a fan in one of the PCI-slots next door to it....

So, do you think it's worth trying to find a 7600GT? Or do you think my CPU and memory subsystem is not fast enough to care? (
Pick up a 7600 GS that or a 6800 GXT if you can find them. Ati's 3 series sucked.
EVGA ad Asus both make 7600 GS cards theey're pretty nice.


So you're advising to get a 6800XT (completely gimped 6800GT, nothing like the performance of an HD3850) or a 7600GS (gimped 7600GT, also nothing like the performance of an HD3850)?

You are talking absolute bullshit.


If you want the best AGP card, the only choice is the Radeon 3850 AGP, far and away better than any NVidia card in that class.

Nvidia doesn't do 'gaming' AGP cards anymore.
I understand your dilema for sure. But AGP isnt supported anymore so it can be a nightmare to get working correctly. I would say take that 100-200 dollars you were going to spend put in a bank account and start saving for an upgrade. No one is being mean when they say that because buying a video card for your system is like puting a bandaid on your arm after it was completely severed off.. aka either way your dead. Same with this situation.. even with a video card upgrade your system is about done for. But this is just friendly advice.
I understand your dilema for sure. But AGP isnt supported anymore so it can be a nightmare to get working correctly. I would say take that 100-200 dollars you were going to spend put in a bank account and start saving for an upgrade. No one is being mean when they say that because buying a video card for your system is like puting a bandaid on your arm after it was completely severed off.. aka either way your dead. Same with this situation.. even with a video card upgrade your system is about done for. But this is just friendly advice.

I'm fully capable of installing hardware, and making it work.

Save for an upgrade? Please don't patronize me. If you didn't mean anything by it, then I apologize.

I don't think you understand dude....

My current video card is broken. I need to buy one, so that I can use the computer. I would like to buy a card that is better than what I had before.

I know my computer is now "slow." I barely even play games anymore.

Is the argument stated by "heatonparkmassive," above, valid?

Thanks for the help guys.
I'm fully capable of installing hardware, and making it work.

I don't think you understand dude....

My current video card is broken. I need to buy one, so that I can use the computer. I would like to buy a card that is better than what I had before.

I know my computer is now "slow." I barely even play games anymore.

Is the argument stated by "heatonparkmassive," below, valid?

Thanks for the help guys.

Ah, well that's different. If you don't game, any old AGP card will do.

Just get the cheapest NVidia card you can find, if NVidia is your preference.

But if you intend to do *any* gaming, you need a 3850 for best results.
Ah, well that's different. If you don't game, any old AGP card will do.

Just get the cheapest NVidia card you can find, if NVidia is your preference.

But if you intend to do *any* gaming, you need a 3850 for best results.

when you say "for best results" does that take into account my old CPU and memory subsystem?

In other words, will my CPU be too much of a bottle neck? If so, is there a better matched card?

I'm leaning toward that ASUS 7600GS. I mean, it's less than $100..... is the ATI 3850 that much better? (yeah, I know I should google, blah blah blah)
I understand your dilema for sure. But AGP isnt supported anymore so it can be a nightmare to get working correctly. I would say take that 100-200 dollars you were going to spend put in a bank account and start saving for an upgrade. No one is being mean when they say that because buying a video card for your system is like puting a bandaid on your arm after it was completely severed off.. aka either way your dead. Same with this situation.. even with a video card upgrade your system is about done for. But this is just friendly advice.

AGP is easy to get working correctly, the odd flaw with ATI's 2600XT but in the main, AGP is easy to set up.

He clearly said he doesn't want to do a full system rebuild, so dropping in a new AGP card is the solution.
when you say "for best results" does that take into account my old CPU and memory subsystem?

In other words, will my CPU be too much of a bottle neck? If so, is there a better matched card?

The CPU would bottleneck for sure, but you'd be able to run games with more eye candy.

If you game at high res, getting a good card would certainly improve performance. However, if you game at 1074 x 768, your CPU would hold you back much more.
I have an interesting idea for you. Since you don't game too much, and most likely need the video card to... well... just run your display. Why not go super old school. Two Voodoo 2 2000's PCI. Thats 24 mb total of Unreal at max settings, graphics awesomeness!
I have an interesting idea for you. Since you don't game too much, and most likely need the video card to... well... just run your display. Why not go super old school. Two Voodoo 2 2000's PCI. Thats 24 mb total of Unreal at max settings, graphics awesomeness!

lol man, I remember when my friend and I got two Voodoo 2s.... did the SLI thing... that was sweet. We thought that was the most amazing thing EVER.

We were like "man, 3dfx is the shit! nobody is gonna put out better cards than them!"


yeah, that would be great, but where am I gonna find some Voodoo 2s? Ebay? lol

I think I'm just gonna get a 7600GS. It looks quiet. (but hot). Hey, that's how I like my women! (don't let my wife read that)

So you're advising to get a 6800XT (completely gimped 6800GT, nothing like the performance of an HD3850) or a 7600GS (gimped 7600GT, also nothing like the performance of an HD3850)?

You are talking absolute bullshit.


If you want the best AGP card, the only choice is the Radeon 3850 AGP, far and away better than any NVidia card in that class.

Nvidia doesn't do 'gaming' AGP cards anymore.

I had no idea that ATI even still made an AGP cards so get over yourself. I just did a quick AGP search and those were what came up.These forums used to be civil once upon a time.Apparently you don't know how to be.
I'm fully capable of installing hardware, and making it work.

Save for an upgrade? Please don't patronize me. If you didn't mean anything by it, then I apologize.

I don't think you understand dude....

My current video card is broken. I need to buy one, so that I can use the computer. I would like to buy a card that is better than what I had before.

I know my computer is now "slow." I barely even play games anymore.

Is the argument stated by "heatonparkmassive," above, valid?

Thanks for the help guys.

Ok, I see I didnt realise your current card was completely toasted. Well if you have to have an AGP card then I would say these are the fastest out of AGP cards.

But I am still warning you. AGP is a pain sometimes because drivers really are not written for it in mind. But if your adamant about it then go for it. Some other notes are that these cards are longer than old gen stuff and they require 6-8 pin power connector depending on the card. It usually comes with an adapter to turn two molex connector into a 6 pin so check your power. I also believe these cards require a minimum of a 300 watt power supply for your system.

Good luck
dude just buy a new set-up. I as well owned a 9700 and the advantages you see from a PCI-E over AGP is tremendous. Also the fact that you're still runing a single core, a horrible one at that. Unless you're running a E series. Anyways nevermind that, you could pick up a full system that is 4 times better then your current for about the price of 400$ or so.

Okay okay, yes as ^ he said get the 3850, they are the best buck for your performance standards. You compy's not bad, but you should upgrade sometime in the near future. Just in the past 2 years there has been larger then ever technology improvements.
lol man, I remember when my friend and I got two Voodoo 2s.... did the SLI thing... that was sweet. We thought that was the most amazing thing EVER.

We were like "man, 3dfx is the shit! nobody is gonna put out better cards than them!"


yeah, that would be great, but where am I gonna find some Voodoo 2s? Ebay? lol

I think I'm just gonna get a 7600GS. It looks quiet. (but hot). Hey, that's how I like my women! (don't let my wife read that)
I wouldn't doubt you could start a WB thread here for some VooDoo 2's, or ya might get lucky with Ebay. And yeah, a friend of mine had a Voodoo 3 3000... and I wanted to grab a second 2000 and SLI SO BAD :( Lack of funds at 14 sucks.

A comment like that can get funding cut immediately! Better hope she doesn't have an account here.

And for display purposes the 7600GS should be perfect. Hell it will even run WOW. Unfortunately I know from experience that a FX5200 runs WOW at low settings :(
lol thanks for all the help guys, I really appreciate it.

Don't argue! Everyone is here to learn.


Yes, I realize I can build a new system for about $500 or less that will TROUNCE my current setup.

And, that is why I want to buy a CHEAP AGP card so I DON'T have to build a new system yet :)

Thanks for the link showing those ATI 3850 cards. The ASUS 7600GS is half the price, not as good though... but way better than my 9700pro I assume! Right? lol
I think this forum has grown since I used to lurk a while back. Seems like the responses come fast and furious. Good stuff. The HardOCP front page looks a lot different too.

As long as I don't read about all these new games, I won't have to play them, and therefore won't have to upgrade to pci-e.... right? right? lol

When does that new Sim game come out? Spore? or something? could I play that?
In that case whatever cheapest.
Hit the nail on the head. Most PCIe cards so far outclass anything AGP it doesnt matter. OP, you'll eventually need to build a new system if you want to do any modern gaming at decent settings. The HD3850 is probably the only decent AGP gaming card, but the rest of your system will hold it back, so it seems like too much of a money sink.

That's PCI-E. He needs AGP.

Anyway, Tool, the 7600GS is your best bet for an Nvidia AGP card. It's 1/3 of the power of the HD3850 but considering the age of your components, it's a better buy. However, make sure you have really good airflow inside your case. The 7600GS does run a little bit hot while passive. Though IMO, $84 is too much money to spend on such an old system. But it's your money, not mine.

Though I recommend looking through the For Sale For Trade forum we have. You should be able to find ATI x8X0 or Nvidia 6800 series video cards for $40 to $50. Either of those series trumps your Radeon 9700.

Oh and Spore is coming in September. And yes you can run it. I've running the Spore Creature creator on my laptop, specs in sig. So your rig should handle Spore just fine.
If you aren't doing any gaming, then any card will do. Nvidia's 6000 series (6800 in particular) is what took out ATI's 9700, so going with some sort of 6800 would work out just fine for you, and would get a performance increase. I think they made 6800GS cards in AGP and PCIe, but you'll have to find one used if you go that route. Since the 8000 series cards have really fallen in price recently, you could be able to get a higher end 6000 or 7000 series card for pretty cheap. I'd really look in the for sale/trade forums, because people are always looking to get rid of their old hardware there, and you can find some pretty good deals.
I think this forum has grown since I used to lurk a while back. Seems like the responses come fast and furious. Good stuff. The HardOCP front page looks a lot different too.

As long as I don't read about all these new games, I won't have to play them, and therefore won't have to upgrade to pci-e.... right? right? lol

When does that new Sim game come out? Spore? or something? could I play that?

Dude with a 3850 AGP 256-bit GDDR3 video card you can play ANY of the latest games. ANY, even Crysis, that bad ass game you keep hearing about. Or that COD4 E3 preview you saw on G4 lastnight. You know? It will play anything. My last post is all you need. Buy it, don't listen to the people who say your AGP8x can't handle it. It can and it will do it VERY well.
^ agp will definitely be a bottleneck, and since he doesnt do much gaming, i would just go for a 7600gs or a 7600gt. Those cards are perfect for what he wants to do.

With an hd3850, you could play those games, but not at high settings, especially on agp.

Think you can be much more of a fanboy there AKeZtArGeT....

The hd 38xx cards were designed with pci x16 in mind, and agp will be a bottleneck, not too bad, but it would be there.

As i said earlier, go with the 7600gs or gt. They are perfect for your needs.

Or on the ATI side, you could go with the hd 3650 or a 2600xt.

HD 3650
HD 2600xt
From Tom's Hardware:
- Best AGP card under $100: Radeon HD 2600 Pro
- Best AGP for $100: Radeon 2600 XT
- Best AGP for $110-$150: None
- Best AGP for $160: Radeon HD 3850 512mb

Good luck


EDIT: Woah!!! Look at this beast!!!


Why get stuck with DX7 support only? This supports DX8!!! And all for just $19.99.
And its 64MB of ddr ram will remember everything!!!


Sorry, I know it is childish, but the urge was stronger than me.
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