please help me find a nas


Jan 6, 2005
Hi all!

to be able to access media data from all my pc's i want to add a nas to my network.
actually i'm already using a netgear sc101for backup but i'm disapointed with it's performance.

here are my requirements:

raid 1
500gb or more
350 euro max.
no additional software for file access. (like with the netgear nas)
maybe with usb for easy backup.

I'm a nas and raid noob, so could somebody explain to me if the nas unit fails but the drives survive, will i be able to rescue the data somehow ?

i searched the net a bit and found this buffalo nas:

any opinions on that?

any help would be appreciated.
Where exactly are you dissapointed with the performance of the sc101? Specifically read speed? Write speed? GUI?

There are a lot of little NAS units out there that you can use (I use a LinkStation 500gb) for a backup of critical files, but without some more information on what you're specifically trying to do that your current solution can't cope with it's tough to make a recommendation.

NAS by nature generally won't require you to have any software to access the files. Simply map the network path or mount the drive depending on what OS you're using and you should be good to go.

Keep in mind that RAID is not a substitute for a real backup solution. In some cases if the device fails but the drive survives, you may be able to recover the data, but it might mean buying a duplicate unit and putting the old drive in it. Some hardware RAID systems use proprietary methods which means you couldn't just plug the drive into any system and be able to read the data.

Not sure how helpful that is, but if you could post the areas where your current solution is letting you down, I'm sure others will throw some input in too...
what i dislike the most is that the sc101 needs a proprietary software installed on every system from which you want to access the data.
write speed in raid 1 mode is very slow to. this is fine for the occasional backup i'm using it for but for my intended use i want something faster.
You should check out
they have more nas reviews than anywhere else that i know of, and they have indepth performance charts.
I have a drobo. the chassis is $450 afterh rebate, and the Droboshare add on is another $200, but it creates a virtual drive of 2, 4, 8, or 16 Terrabytes, and then allows you to add new (larger) drives at any time. and if you have more availible storage than the configured partition, it will allow you to create a second partition, and continue to dynamically allocate space on the physical drives to the two "Virtual" partitions.
I have a drobo. the chassis is $450 afterh rebate, and the Droboshare add on is another $200, but it creates a virtual drive of 2, 4, 8, or 16 Terrabytes, and then allows you to add new (larger) drives at any time. and if you have more availible storage than the configured partition, it will allow you to create a second partition, and continue to dynamically allocate space on the physical drives to the two "Virtual" partitions.

i thought the drobo was 4bay? how can you do 16 tb? can you concatenate multiple units?
thanks for all the suggestions so far.

i googled the dobro here in austria and with some drives the total cost would exceed 800 euros which is unfortunately way over my budget.

after reading on smallnetbuilder a bit i'm leaning towards the Netgear ReadyNAS Duo, still a bit on the expensive side but it got a good review there.