Please help me ID this song. (sorry if its wrong forum)

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Limp Gawd
Aug 8, 2004
Hey all,

First I applogize if this is wrong forum but I didnt really know where to put it.

Anyway heres the prob, I cut this song up to use for a gamespy login sound. I have since tried to go through the mountain of cds on my desk and found this clip. So I was just wondering if anyone could tell me the name of the song or the band.. Thanks for any help.
justin82 said:
oh, sorry I had no idea about that, if anyone knows of any other way i can share this mp3 let me know.

BAD!!! NO SHARING MP3's Lars Ulrich is trying to upgrade his statue gold to platinum and if you share this he will have to wait an extra 7 seconds!!!

Seriously though i listened to it and i dont know who it is but it sounds familiar.
Well that thread did mention rapidshare if you read it all.

Just being careful that's all, better safe then sorry.
aZn_plyR said:
Well that thread did mention rapidshare if you read it all.

Just being careful that's all, better safe then sorry.

That thread is about a bad version of fraps with malware just because they got it from rapidshare makes NO difference they could have uploaded it anywhere....

This is an Mp3 it is totally unrelated.

To anyone curious i downloaded it and scanned it, Its safe.
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