Please help me price this apple latop :)

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Limp Gawd
Aug 29, 2008
I'm not sure how much it's worth and would like to sell it. Specs are below. The only flaw with it is the battery doesn't last very long at all. Thanks fellas :)

MAC OSX 10.4.11
1280x800 resolution

100GB HD
2 GHz Intel Core Duo
2GB 667 Mhz DDR2 SDRAM
Wireless Card Type: AirPort Extreme

(26) PRICE CHECKS are not allowed anywhere on the forums with the exception of the subscribed access General Mayhem forum.
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[X] Mistyped subject
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[X] Assumption that a thing has equal value in all parts of the world

*taps finger on desk* This will not reflect well on your performance review.
Put it on eBay and let the Free Market decide its worth.

If that is not an option, look on eBay to see what others have received.
Can't ask for price checks in any area but General Mayhem (the paid forum section). It's against forum rules. Please close the thread.
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