Please help


Limp Gawd
Nov 21, 2004
Well. Here I am a complete dummie, trying to put this stupid network together so that me and my freinds could game against each other wirelessly, and for some damn reason nothing seems to be working!!

I tip my hat to the lad that could help me set up thy network.

*O BTW- Im using a linksys WRT54G, a gaming laptop, and 2 other PCs. ONe PC is hooked up directly to the router and the otehr 2 are wireless, but for some reason none of them are reading any of the others in the network. I am also using SBC DSL pro if it makes any difference, (dought it does).
well, here is an update. I've tried to access the other computers using the laptop, and I was able to connect to the other wireless computers, but not the main gaiming computer that is connected directly to the router.

So They seem to all by linked together in someway, except for the main gaiming PC.

Also I got farcry to make a server and I was ablt to play with my laptop agaisnt my other PC, but the main computer (the gaming one attached to teh router) will not find the server.

Also in BF2, I made a server and the 2 computers (the working ones) were able to see the server, but everytime I try to connect to one it doesnt connect and sayes something like "connection failed please check network connections"
On all three computers, click START -> RUN, type CMD, push OK.

At the command prompt, type IPCONFIG.

What's the IP/subnet address on every computer?

Also make sure you disable any firewall on the desktop computer.
on my desktop PC it is as follows.

IP address.....................................
Subnet mask..................................
Defaule gateway..............................

On the Gaming laptop:

IP address.........................................
Subnet mask......................................
Default Gateway.....................................

On the Second Desktop (wireless) (this one works and corresponds w/ the laptop)

IP address =

Subnet mask=

Default gateway=
Check the filters in your in game browser to make sure its not being excluded. Most games also have a join by IP option to try using the IP of the host to connect to your "server".
well I've been playing around so much, that now Im sad to announce that there is no more network and everything is all clutered in a huge wireless mess! Help me, if you can.