Please tell me everything about Bondo!!!


Limp Gawd
Feb 1, 2001
A buddy of mine is trying to add an LCD screen to his car and needs to fill in the gaps of the bezel. He's been trying to use fiberglass to fill it in, but doesn't look so hot. I recommended he use Bondo. Unfortunately, I really don't know the first thing about Bondo. I see the modders here use it ALL the time, but they never say where they got it or what brand, etc. etc. Any advice? FYI, pics of the bezel can be found here:

Any help is appreciated.
Home Depot has it.

As far as I can tell, you spread it on and wipe off the excess. When it dries, sand and paint it.
Auto stores like kragen also has it.
Its more globby than I expected.. thought it would be like clay but nooo.. more like um.. pudding...
HaMMerHeD said:
Home Depot has it.

As far as I can tell, you spread it on and wipe off the excess. When it dries, sand and paint it.

Do they only carry one kind...or is there a special one to get? Thanks for all the info.
Go to autozone and get it. Bondo is bondo. There's also fiberglass resin (then you have to buy the fiberglass sheet with it to get it to work).

You can't make an entire case out of bondo. It's for patch work and sometimes the unskilled use it like it's for form building, globbing it on and shit. It's for fixing small holes, scratches, etc.
joecool234 said:
Do they only carry one kind...or is there a special one to get? Thanks for all the info.

Bondo is the brand name. It's just a patching compound. It's pretty simple stuff.
I found the best way to apply it is to put a glob over the area, then get it as close as possible to the surrounding area using a putty knife. Let it dry, then sand it smooth.

Like other people said, it's not for major parts, just small holes, cracks, and gaps.
Qtip42 said:
the unskilled use it like it's for form building, globbing it on and shit.

:( :confused: :eek:

joecool. WTH happened with your buddy's fiberglass? Looks like he put waaay to much on, and didn't even try to get it on even. you gotta go easy with that stuff. And if you can't get the cloth on at least semi-flat, you don't have a chance in hell.
Hinokagutsuchi said:
Like other people said, it's not for major parts, just small holes, cracks, and gaps.
You can use it on large areas just fine. Take a look at Crimson Sky's doom 3 worklog, that entire bottem half is bondo. You can also close off large area's like front bays with bondo if you do it properly it will look like the bezel was molded that way from the factory.
hmmm tell you everything about bondo???....... ok.... ITS ph|_|(|<!/\/6 1337!!!!!

my saying for fixing things...... "broken??...... BONDO!!!"