Pocket PC OS upgrade?


Jun 11, 2005
Alright so Microsoft is a pile of inconsiderate monkey dung and I cannot connect my Ipaq running pocket PC 2002 into vista. Its absolute garbage... soo is there a way to update the OS on my Ipaq? Any other work around for this since I cannot even install activesync. Seriously microsoft software that is incompatible with microsoft software? ... retarded.
This does surprise me... I was pretty happy that my 5 year old Palm Treo 650 works great with Vista.... (Yeah, I admit, I'm rubbing it in a bit). I am not sure if there is an update, when I get to work, I'll take a look to see how we are handling this issue.
Alright so Microsoft is a pile of inconsiderate monkey dung and I cannot connect my Ipaq running pocket PC 2002 into vista. Its absolute garbage... soo is there a way to update the OS on my Ipaq? Any other work around for this since I cannot even install activesync. Seriously microsoft software that is incompatible with microsoft software? ... retarded.

What model ipaq do you have?
I'm not sure about activesync nor workarounds but there is a wm2003 rom upgrade available for your 3835. you'll have to check ebay or perhaps a bittorrent site..
Man, I found upgrading to the 2003 version drained the battery alot quicker than 2002 did. I got the 2003 rom and instructions on how to flash, but I want the 2002 rom back. :(
I'll be using it in a case mod so it will constantly have power... not concerned.
I'm not sure why it's not working for you but my PPC 2003 SE device (HX4700) connected with out issues. Vista has that built in Sync center thing...just connected it via USB and it recognized it.

Maybe you can try to manually add your HP in the Vista Sync program. Activesync should not be needed.
The problem with vistas sync center is that it does not work with devices using anything but Windows mobile 2003 or newer. I am using 2002. found upgrade on ebay for $7 to download.

Update... got it updated now and it does work. I still think its stupid that I had to go through all that.