Police Warn of Holiday Package Thefts

HardOCP News

[H] News
Dec 31, 1969
Now that the holidays are here, take a tip from this story and make sure everything you have delivered by UPS or FedEx requires someone sign for it. I’ve personally had packages stolen after being delivered, it probably didn’t help that my old house was one block from a high school either, but the point is the same…require that someone sign for your packages.

The still images taken from the video show the suspect appearing to look into the house to see if anyone was watching. Then, he stuffed the large box under his coat and walked away. Police say five days later on Richmond Avenue, the same kind of crime happened again. A suspect walked up and stole a package that was left on the front door.
I can't imagine what a bunch of high school students would do with the strapons you ordered, Steve. :)
It's happened to me before.
Ordered a crap load of baby stuff when we had our first child. FedEx never knocked or asked for a signature and low and behold some schmo stole the package off our door step.
FedEx ended up eating the package costs and we received an insurance check from them about 2 months later.
im amazed i have never had a packaged lost/stolen/mia.

i live in a shady part of town, on the main artery road right through the middle of the city. my front door has no porch or anything, and boxes just sit out there wide open plain as day.

over the last 6 years, ive probably had 150 packages or so delivered, not a single mishap. very lucky tbh. i acutally think its becasue i do live in a part of town where people know that if you fuck with someone you'll get fucked back.
Almost makes me want to leave a few terabytes of kiddy porn and grams of narcotics in a GPS tracked package... Find it's location and phone in an anonymous tip :)
i acutally think its becasue i do live in a part of town where people know that if you fuck with someone you'll get fucked back.

If I'm ever sexless I'm coming to your neighborhood
i live in a shady part of town, on the main artery road right through the middle of the city. my front door has no porch or anything, and boxes just sit out there wide open plain as day.

I think it's because it's way too suspicious. "Package out in plain sight? Must be a set up. F this!"
The online merchant is required to have a signature to protect themselves from chargebacks. If the package gets stolen at the door and no one signed for it, then the customer gets their money back by filing a dispute with the credit card company.

I once had a customer do a full chargeback on a 2nd day air item because it required a signature, and he wanted to keep the product plus get all the money back including shipping costs because he wasn't there to sign for it resulting in a 3-day delivery time. That dispute took two months of paperwork to resolve.

All in all, it's the merchant's responsibility that the customer receives the product. The merchant can try to save money on shipping costs by not requiring the signature, but they are responsible for any loss that results from that.
UPS is really bad where I live. No signature required and they don't even knock on the door when they drop it off.

Once Fedex asked my neighbour to sign for my Mac Mini. I'm just really lucky that they picked the neighbour that I'm not having a legal dispute with.
UPS is really bad where I live. No signature required and they don't even knock on the door when they drop it off.

Once Fedex asked my neighbour to sign for my Mac Mini. I'm just really lucky that they picked the neighbour that I'm not having a legal dispute with.

The same story here. I contacted UPS and had to drive 2 hours to get my Monitor because the guy thought it was not safe when he even didn't knocked. My previous messenger was always knocking and requesting signatures. Just so you know, NEWEGG doesn't require a signature. I don't feel safe buying from them anymore with the new Messenger. I talked to an UPS manager after he simply didn't knocked on the door and left a note to come pickup the package. Guy didn't wanted to carry a 22'' inch 1 floor. Next time he at least knocked on the door.

I guess that's what you get with Syndication. There you have the results of socialist ideas. I can't get fired, I do whatever the heck I want. It also distinguishes the crap from the good stuff.

So the lameness of the Delivery service gets passed on to the policy who in return pass it on to the people. Way to whatever this is. I don't even know anymore if this is capitalism or socialism. What I know is that is decadent and is a damn shame.
You can call UPS and request signatures on all packages. However the driver can be a lazy mofo and ignore it. Our UPS driver has always rung the door for a sig, but recently we got a new driver and his lazy has just drops and runs. The bastard. I may have to call and complain.
On the stairs coming up to my house there are some small brick walls in front of the doorway that is perfect for concealing packages from street view. The postman here will always put the box against the wall and ring the doorbell. As long as you have a good place for the postman to drop your package off, you should have no problems with signing or theft. Also, the best way to avoid this problem is to just be there when it gets dropped off, then it can't get stolen :p
On the stairs coming up to my house there are some small brick walls in front of the doorway that is perfect for concealing packages from street view. The postman here will always put the box against the wall and ring the doorbell. As long as you have a good place for the postman to drop your package off, you should have no problems with signing or theft. Also, the best way to avoid this problem is to just be there when it gets dropped off, then it can't get stolen :p

What about being there and not even knowing the lazy messenger left you a note to come pickup the package yourself.
What about being there and not even knowing the lazy messenger left you a note to come pickup the package yourself.

^^^This. My fucking UPS guy rings the doorbell, drops the package on the porch, and is halfway back to his truck by the time I get to the door (which takes like 5-10 seconds) Dude left 12 boxes that contained by Bowflex on my porch one time as well, what made it fucking himlarious was the fact that he bothered to "hide" 1 of the 12 total behind a bench on my porch? :confused:
On the stairs coming up to my house there are some small brick walls in front of the doorway that is perfect for concealing packages from street view. The postman here will always put the box against the wall and ring the doorbell. As long as you have a good place for the postman to drop your package off, you should have no problems with signing or theft. Also, the best way to avoid this problem is to just be there when it gets dropped off, then it can't get stolen :p

I have lots of plants and potted plants in front of my house. Our delivery guys will hide the packages in the plants or move pots around to hide the boxes. Sometimes we have to hunt around for awhile.
Those UPS and Fedex guys are fast. One second they knock on the door and the next, their truck is driving off. They don't even ask for a signature.
LOL, I most always require a signature, doesn't help however when I get a delivery confirmation with a picture of the signature "LAD (left at door)" or the likes. Hence I have all my packages now delivered to work and am looking at my copies of Fight Club and Boondock Saints on blu-ray.
Geez, have it shipped to your work work guys! :D

srsly, its the holidays, the drivers don't have time to wait 20 min for Steve to turn off his porn, clean up, and get to the door! :D